blob: e5ab48c52bf84b0bd2afeb64caae3f28628dd1ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/tools/epoll_server/fake_epoll_server.h"
namespace quic {
namespace test {
FakeTimeEpollServer::FakeTimeEpollServer() : now_in_usec_(0) {}
FakeTimeEpollServer::~FakeTimeEpollServer() = default;
int64_t FakeTimeEpollServer::NowInUsec() const {
return now_in_usec_;
FakeEpollServer::FakeEpollServer() : until_in_usec_(-1) {}
FakeEpollServer::~FakeEpollServer() = default;
int FakeEpollServer::epoll_wait_impl(int epfd,
struct epoll_event* events,
int max_events,
int timeout_in_ms) {
int num_events = 0;
while (!event_queue_.empty() && num_events < max_events &&
event_queue_.begin()->first <= NowInUsec() &&
((until_in_usec_ == -1) ||
(event_queue_.begin()->first < until_in_usec_))) {
int64_t event_time_in_usec = event_queue_.begin()->first;
events[num_events] = event_queue_.begin()->second;
if (event_time_in_usec > NowInUsec()) {
if (num_events == 0) { // then we'd have waited 'till the timeout.
if (until_in_usec_ < 0) { // then we don't care what the final time is.
if (timeout_in_ms > 0) {
AdvanceBy(timeout_in_ms * 1000);
} else { // except we assume that we don't wait for the timeout
// period if until_in_usec_ is a positive number.
// And reset until_in_usec_ to signal no waiting (as
// the AdvanceByExactly* stuff is meant to be one-shot,
// as are all similar net::EpollServer functions)
until_in_usec_ = -1;
if (until_in_usec_ >= 0) {
CHECK(until_in_usec_ >= NowInUsec());
return num_events;
} // namespace test
} // namespace quic