blob: 17f9cb8bd4d085d27cbc0071867647e32e6373fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sandbox/win/src/heap_helper.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
namespace sandbox {
namespace {
#pragma pack(1)
// These are undocumented, but readily found on the internet.
constexpr DWORD kHeapClass8 = 0x00008000; // CSR port heap
constexpr DWORD kHeapClassMask = 0x0000f000;
constexpr DWORD kHeapSegmentSignature = 0xffeeffee;
constexpr DWORD kHeapSignature = 0xeeffeeff;
typedef struct _HEAP_ENTRY {
PVOID Data1;
PVOID Data2;
// The _HEAP struct is not documented, so char arrays are used to space out the
// struct of the fields that are not relevant. However, this spacing is
// different because of the different pointer widths between 32 and 64-bit.
// So 32 and 64 bit structs are defined.
struct _HEAP_32 {
DWORD SegmentSignature;
DWORD SegmentFlags;
LIST_ENTRY SegmentListEntry;
struct _HEAP_32* Heap;
char Unknown0[0x24];
// Offset 0x40
DWORD Flags;
// Offset 0x60
char Unknown1[0x1c];
DWORD Signature;
// Other stuff that is not relevant.
struct _HEAP_64 {
DWORD SegmentSignature;
DWORD SegmentFlags;
LIST_ENTRY SegmentListEntry;
struct _HEAP_64* Heap;
char Unknown0[0x40];
// Offset 0x70
DWORD Flags;
// Offset 0x98
char Unknown1[0x24];
DWORD Signature;
// Other stuff that is not relevant.
#if defined(_WIN64)
using _HEAP = _HEAP_64;
#else // defined(_WIN64)
using _HEAP = _HEAP_32;
#endif // defined(_WIN64)
bool ValidateHeap(_HEAP* heap) {
if (heap->SegmentSignature != kHeapSegmentSignature)
return false;
if (heap->Heap != heap)
return false;
if (heap->Signature != kHeapSignature)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
bool HeapFlags(HANDLE handle, DWORD* flags) {
if (!handle || !flags) {
// This is an error.
return false;
_HEAP* heap = reinterpret_cast<_HEAP*>(handle);
if (!ValidateHeap(heap)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "unable to validate heap";
return false;
*flags = heap->Flags;
return true;
HANDLE FindCsrPortHeap() {
if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::VERSION_WIN10) {
// This functionality has not been verified on versions before Win10.
return nullptr;
DWORD number_of_heaps = ::GetProcessHeaps(0, nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<HANDLE[]> all_heaps(new HANDLE[number_of_heaps]);
if (::GetProcessHeaps(number_of_heaps, all_heaps.get()) != number_of_heaps)
return nullptr;
// Search for the CSR port heap handle, identified purely based on flags.
HANDLE csr_port_heap = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < number_of_heaps; ++i) {
HANDLE handle = all_heaps[i];
DWORD flags = 0;
if (!HeapFlags(handle, &flags)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get flags for this heap";
if ((flags & kHeapClassMask) == kHeapClass8) {
if (csr_port_heap) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Found multiple suitable CSR Port heaps";
return nullptr;
csr_port_heap = handle;
return csr_port_heap;
} // namespace sandbox