blob: 3b5d86a30da93ba0df3aacac21d29b93ce1a9bdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/metrics_utils.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
namespace ukm {
int64_t GetExponentialBucketMin(int64_t sample, double bucket_spacing) {
if (sample <= 0) {
return 0;
// This is similar to the bucketing methodology used in histograms, but
// instead of iteratively calculating each bucket, this calculates the lower
// end of the specific bucket for network and cached bytes.
return std::ceil(std::pow(
bucket_spacing, std::floor(std::log(sample) / std::log(bucket_spacing))));
int64_t GetExponentialBucketMinForUserTiming(int64_t sample) {
return GetExponentialBucketMin(sample, 2.0);
int64_t GetLinearBucketMin(int64_t sample, int32_t bucket_size) {
DCHECK(bucket_size > 0);
// Round down to the nearest multiple of |bucket_size| (for negative samples,
// this rounds away from zero).
int64_t remainder = sample % bucket_size;
if (remainder < 0)
return sample - (remainder + bucket_size);
return sample - remainder;
int64_t GetLinearBucketMin(double sample, int32_t bucket_size) {
int64_t val = GetLinearBucketMin(
base::saturated_cast<int64_t>(std::floor(sample)), bucket_size);
// Ensure that |sample| can't get put into a bucket higher than itself.
DCHECK(val <= sample);
return val;
} // namespace ukm