blob: c6b10bb821471dab0a8b4efd49795bbd5cbbaa2d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class Interface(object):
def __init__(self):
self.functions = []
def Func(self, name, return_type):
f = Function(self, len(self.functions), name, return_type)
return f
def Finalize(self):
for f in self.functions:
class Function(object):
def __init__(self, parent, uid, name, return_type):
self.parent = parent
self.uid = uid = name
self.return_type = return_type
self.params = []
self.param_by_name = {}
self.result_param = None
def Param(self, name, param_type=None):
p = Param(self, len(self.params), name, param_type)
self.param_by_name[name] = p
return p
def ParamList(self):
return [param.param_type + ' ' + for param in self.params]
def ParamDecl(self):
if self.params:
return ', '.join(self.ParamList())
return 'void'
def Finalize(self):
self.result_param = Param(self, len(self.params), 'result')
class Param(object):
def __init__(self, parent, uid, name, param_type=None):
self.parent = parent
self.uid = uid = name
self.base_type = param_type
self.param_type = param_type
self.size = None
self.is_input = False
self.is_output = False
self.is_array = False
self.is_struct = False
self.is_extensible = False
self.is_optional = False
self.is_always_written = False
def GetSizeParam(self):
assert self.size
return self.parent.param_by_name[self.size]
def In(self, ty):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = ty
self.is_input = True
return self
def InArray(self, ty, size):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = 'const ' + ty + '*'
self.size = size
self.is_input = True
self.is_array = True
return self
# An "extensible" struct is one where we don't know the exact size - rather
# the first 4 bytes of the struct declare the length of the struct. This
# allows forwards and backwards compatibility with additive changes to the
# structure definition.
def InExtensibleStruct(self, ty):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = 'const struct ' + ty + '*'
self.is_input = True
self.is_struct = True
self.is_extensible = True
return self
def InOut(self, ty):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = ty + '*'
self.is_input = True
self.is_output = True
return self
def Out(self, ty):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = ty + '*'
self.is_output = True
return self
def OutArray(self, ty, size):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = ty + '*'
self.size = size
self.is_array = True
self.is_output = True
return self
# The size of the struct is fixed by the API, it cannot be extended.
def OutFixedStruct(self, ty):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = 'struct ' + ty + '*'
self.is_output = True
self.is_struct = True
self.is_extensible = False
return self
def OutFixedStructArray(self, ty, size):
self.base_type = ty
self.param_type = 'struct ' + ty + '*'
self.size = size
self.is_array = True
self.is_output = True
return self
# Declares that it is valid to pass a null pointer.
def Optional(self):
assert not self.IsPassedByValue()
self.is_optional = True
return self
def AlwaysWritten(self):
assert self.is_output, self
self.is_always_written = True
return self
def IsScalar(self):
return not self.is_array and not self.is_struct
def IsPassedByValue(self):
return not self.is_output and self.IsScalar()