Roll src/third_party/cros_system_api/ 15e1a4681..5c8aa4d8a (5 commits)

$ git log 15e1a4681..5c8aa4d8a --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-01-18 timzheng Add Chrome Features DBus interface.
2018-01-17 allenvic smbprovider: Add CreateFileOptions and TruncateOptions protobuf
2018-01-15 hashimoto obb-mounter: Add OBB mounter constants
2018-01-10 tnagel system_api: Drop unused *EnrollmentState
2018-01-16 baileyberro smbprovider: Add DeleteEntryOptions protobuf to systemapi

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/cros_system_api

TEST=roll-dep generated chang.

Bug: chromium:800120
Change-Id: Iec11c430f9a608f4b9719740c7d7fcf35e5d23f4
Commit-Queue: Tim Zheng <>
Reviewed-by: Dan Erat <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#530728}
1 file changed