C++ Dos and Don'ts

A Note About Usage

Unlike the style guide, the content of this page is advisory, not required. You can always deviate from something on this page, if the relevant author/reviewer/OWNERS agree that another course is better.

Minimize Code in Headers

  • Remove #includes you don‘t use. Unfortunately, Chromium lacks include-what-you-use (“IWYU”) support, so there’s no tooling to do this automatically. Look carefully when refactoring.
  • Where possible, forward-declare nested classes, then give the full declaration (and definition) in the .cc file.
  • Defining a class method in the declaration is an implicit request to inline it. Avoid this in header files except for cheap non-virtual getters and setters. Note that constructors and destructors can be more expensive than they appear and should also generally not be inlined.

Static variables

Dynamic initialization of function-scope static variables is thread-safe in Chromium (per standard C++11 behavior). Before 2017, this was thread-unsafe, and base::LazyInstance was widely used. This is no longer necessary. Background can be found in this thread and this thread.

void foo() {
  static int ok_count = ComputeTheCount();  // OK; a problem pre-2017.
  static int good_count = 42;               // Done before dynamic initialization.
  static constexpr int better_count = 42;   // Even better (likely inlined at compile time).
  static auto& object = *new Object;        // For class types.

Variable initialization

There are myriad ways to initialize variables in C++11. Prefer the following general rules:

  1. Use assignment syntax when performing “simple” initialization with one or more literal values which will simply be composed into the object:

    int i = 1;
    std::string s = "Hello";
    std::pair<bool, double> p = {true, 2.0};
    std::vector<std::string> v = {"one", "two", "three"};

    Using ‘=’ here is no less efficient than “()” (the compiler won‘t generate a temp + copy), and ensures that only implicit constructors are called, so readers seeing this syntax can assume nothing complex or subtle is happening. Note that “{}” are allowed on the right side of the ‘=’ here (e.g. when you’re merely passing a set of initial values to a “simple” struct/ container constructor; see below items for contrast).

  2. Use constructor syntax when construction performs significant logic, uses an explicit constructor, or in some other way is not intuitively “simple” to the reader:

    MyClass c(1.7, false, "test");
    std::vector<double> v(500, 0.97);  // Creates 50 copies of the provided initializer
  3. Use C++11 “uniform init” syntax (“{}” without ‘=’) only when neither of the above work:

    class C {
      explicit C(bool b) { ... };
    class UsesC {
      C c{true};  // Cannot use '=' since C() is explicit (and "()" is invalid syntax here)
    class Vexing {
      explicit Vexing(const std::string&amp; s) { ... };
    void func() {
      Vexing v{std::string()};  // Using "()" here triggers "most vexing parse";
                                // "{}" is arguably more readable than "(())"
  4. Never mix uniform init syntax with auto, since what it deduces is unlikely to be what was intended:

    auto x{1};  // Until C++17, decltype(x) is std::initializer_list<int>, not int!

Prefer structs over pairs/tuples when used repeatedly

The Google style guide recommends using return values over outparams. For functions which return multiple values, a convenient way to do this is to return a pair or tuple:

std::pair<int, int> GetPaddingValues() {
  return {1, 2};  // Shorter and more readable than std::make_pair(), works with tuples also.

However, this return type can be cumbersome, opaque, and error-prone. An alternative is to define a struct with named fields:

struct PaddingValues {
  int header;
  int footer;
PaddingValues GetPaddingValues() {
  return {1, 2};  // This abbreviated syntax still works!

A good rule of thumb for when to prefer a struct is whenever you‘d find declaring a type alias for the pair or tuple beneficial, which is usually whenever it’s used more than just as a local one-off.

Use std::make_unique and base::MakeRefCounted instead of bare new

When possible, avoid bare new by using std::make_unique<T>(...) and base::MakeRefCounted<T>(...):

// BAD: bare call to new; for refcounted types, not compatible with one-based
// refcounting.
return base::WrapUnique(new T(1, 2, 3));
return base::WrapRefCounted(new T(1, 2, 3));

// BAD: same as the above, plus mentions type names twice.
std::unique_ptr<T> t(new T(1, 2, 3));
base::scoped_refptr<T> t(new T(1, 2, 3));
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(1, 2, 3));
return base::scoped_refptr<T>(new T(1, 2, 3));

// OK, but verbose: type name still mentioned twice.
std::unique_ptr<T> t = std::make_unique<T>(1, 2, 3);
base::scoped_refptr<T> t = base::MakeRefCounted<T>(1, 2, 3);

// GOOD; make_unique<>/MakeRefCounted<> are clear enough indicators of the
// returned type.
auto t = std::make_unique<T>(1, 2, 3);
auto t = base::MakeRefCounted<T>(1, 2, 3);
return std::make_unique<T>(1, 2, 3);
return base::MakeRefCounted<T>(1, 2, 3);


  1. Never friend std::make_unique to work around constructor access restrictions. It will allow anyone to construct the class. Use base::WrapUnique in this case.


    class Bad {
      std::unique_ptr<Bad> Create() { return std::make_unique<Bad>(); }
      // ...
      // ...
      friend std::unique_ptr<Bad> std::make_unique<Bad>();  // Lost access control


    class Okay {
      // For explanatory purposes. If Create() adds no value, it is better just
      // to have a public constructor instead.
      std::unique_ptr<Okay> Create() { return base::WrapUnique(new Okay()); }
      // ...
      // ...
  2. base::WrapUnique(new Foo) and base::WrapUnique(new Foo()) mean something different if Foo does not have a user-defined constructor. Don‘t make future maintainers guess whether you left off the ‘()’ on purpose. Use std::make_unique<Foo>() instead. If you’re intentionally leaving off the “()” as an optimization, please leave a comment.

    auto a = base::WrapUnique(new A); // BAD: "()" omitted intentionally?
    auto a = std::make_unique<A>();   // GOOD
    // "()" intentionally omitted to avoid unnecessary zero-initialization.
    // base::WrapUnique() does the wrong thing for array pointers.
    auto array = std::unique_ptr<A[]>(new A[size]);

See also TOTW 126.

Do not use auto to deduce a raw pointer

Do not use auto when the type would be deduced to be a pointer type; this can cause confusion. Instead, specify the “pointer” part outside of auto:

auto item = new Item();  // BAD: auto deduces to Item*, type of |item| is Item*
auto* item = new Item(); // GOOD: auto deduces to Item, type of |item| is Item*

Use const correctly

For safety and simplicity, don't return pointers or references to non-const objects from const methods. Within that constraint, mark methods as const where possible. Avoid const_cast to remove const, except when implementing non-const getters in terms of const getters.

For more information, see Using Const Correctly.

Prefer to use =default

Use =default to define special member functions where possible, even if the default implementation is just {}. Be careful when defaulting move operations. Moved-from objects must be in a valid but unspecified state, i.e., they must satisfy the class invariants, and the default implementations may not achieve this.

class Good {
  // We can, and usually should, provide the default implementation separately
  // from the declaration.

  // Use =default here for consistency, even though the implementation is {}.
  ~Good() = default;
  Good(const Good& other) = default;

  std::vector<int> v_;

Good::Good() = default;

Comment style

The common ways to represent names in comments are as follows:

  • Class and type names: FooClass
  • Function name: FooFunction(). The trailing parens disambiguate against class names, and, occasionally, English words.
  • Variable name: |foo_var|. Again, the vertical lines disambiguate against English words, and, occasionally, inlined function names. Code search will also automatically convert |foo_var| into a clickable link.
// FooImpl implements the FooBase class.
// FooFunction() modifies |foo_member_|.