| // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/optional.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string16.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/search.mojom.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/search/instant_types.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/search/ntp_logging_events.h" |
| #include "chrome/renderer/instant_restricted_id_cache.h" |
| #include "components/ntp_tiles/ntp_tile_impression.h" |
| #include "components/omnibox/common/omnibox_focus_state.h" |
| #include "content/public/renderer/render_frame_observer.h" |
| #include "content/public/renderer/render_frame_observer_tracker.h" |
| #include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h" |
| #include "url/gurl.h" |
| |
| // The renderer-side implementation of the embeddedSearch API (see |
| // https://www.chromium.org/embeddedsearch). |
| class SearchBox : public content::RenderFrameObserver, |
| public content::RenderFrameObserverTracker<SearchBox>, |
| public chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchClient { |
| public: |
| // Helper class for GenerateImageURLFromTransientURL() to adapt SearchBox's |
| // instance, thereby allow mocking for unit tests. |
| class IconURLHelper { |
| public: |
| IconURLHelper(); |
| virtual ~IconURLHelper(); |
| // Retruns view id for validating icon URL. |
| virtual int GetViewID() const = 0; |
| // Returns the page URL string for |rid|, or empty string for invalid |rid|. |
| virtual std::string GetURLStringFromRestrictedID(InstantRestrictedID rid) |
| const = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| explicit SearchBox(content::RenderFrame* render_frame); |
| ~SearchBox() override; |
| |
| // Sends LogEvent to the browser. |
| void LogEvent(NTPLoggingEventType event); |
| |
| // Sends LogSuggestionEventWithValue to the browser. |
| void LogSuggestionEventWithValue(NTPSuggestionsLoggingEventType event, |
| int data); |
| |
| // Sends LogMostVisitedImpression to the browser. |
| void LogMostVisitedImpression(const ntp_tiles::NTPTileImpression& impression); |
| |
| // Sends LogMostVisitedNavigation to the browser. |
| void LogMostVisitedNavigation(const ntp_tiles::NTPTileImpression& impression); |
| |
| // Sends DeleteMostVisitedItem to the browser. |
| void DeleteMostVisitedItem(InstantRestrictedID most_visited_item_id); |
| |
| // Generates the image URL of the most visited item favicon specified by |
| // |transient_url|. If |transient_url| is valid, |url| is set with a |
| // translated URL. Otherwise, |url| is set the the default favicon |
| // ("chrome-search://favicon/"). |
| // |
| // Valid forms of |transient_url|: |
| // chrome-search://favicon/<view_id>/<restricted_id> |
| // chrome-search://favicon/<favicon_parameters>/<view_id>/<restricted_id> |
| // |
| // We do this to prevent search providers from abusing image URLs and deduce |
| // whether the user has visited a particular page. For example, if |
| // "chrome-search://favicon/http://www.secretsite.com" is accessible, then |
| // the search provider can use its return code to determine whether the user |
| // has visited "http://www.secretsite.com". Therefore we require search |
| // providers to specify URL by "<view_id>/<restricted_id>". We then translate |
| // this to the original |url|, and pass the request to the proper endpoint. |
| void GenerateImageURLFromTransientURL(const GURL& transient_url, |
| GURL* url) const; |
| |
| // Returns the latest most visited items sent by the browser. |
| void GetMostVisitedItems( |
| std::vector<InstantMostVisitedItemIDPair>* items) const; |
| |
| bool AreMostVisitedItemsAvailable() const; |
| |
| // If the |most_visited_item_id| is found in the cache, sets |item| to it |
| // and returns true. |
| bool GetMostVisitedItemWithID(InstantRestrictedID most_visited_item_id, |
| InstantMostVisitedItem* item) const; |
| |
| // Sends PasteAndOpenDropdown to the browser. |
| void Paste(const base::string16& text); |
| |
| // Will return null if the theme info hasn't been set yet. |
| const ThemeBackgroundInfo* GetThemeBackgroundInfo() const; |
| |
| // Sends FocusOmnibox(OMNIBOX_FOCUS_INVISIBLE) to the browser. |
| void StartCapturingKeyStrokes(); |
| |
| // Sends FocusOmnibox(OMNIBOX_FOCUS_NONE) to the browser. |
| void StopCapturingKeyStrokes(); |
| |
| // Sends UndoAllMostVisitedDeletions to the browser. |
| void UndoAllMostVisitedDeletions(); |
| |
| // Sends UndoMostVisitedDeletion to the browser. |
| void UndoMostVisitedDeletion(InstantRestrictedID most_visited_item_id); |
| |
| // Returns true if the most visited items are custom links. |
| bool IsCustomLinks() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if most visited is enabled instead of custom links. |
| bool IsUsingMostVisited() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the shortcuts are visible and not hidden by the user. |
| bool AreShortcutsVisible() const; |
| |
| // Sends AddCustomLink to the browser. |
| void AddCustomLink(const GURL& url, const std::string& title); |
| |
| // Sends UpdateCustomLink to the browser. |
| void UpdateCustomLink(InstantRestrictedID link_id, |
| const GURL& new_url, |
| const std::string& new_title); |
| |
| // Sends ReorderCustomLink to the browser. |
| void ReorderCustomLink(InstantRestrictedID link_id, int new_pos); |
| |
| // Sends DeleteCustomLink to the browser. |
| void DeleteCustomLink(InstantRestrictedID most_visited_item_id); |
| |
| // Sends UndoCustomLinkAction to the browser. |
| void UndoCustomLinkAction(); |
| |
| // Sends ResetCustomLinks to the browser. |
| void ResetCustomLinks(); |
| |
| // Sends ToggleMostVisitedOrCustomLinks to the browser. |
| void ToggleMostVisitedOrCustomLinks(); |
| |
| // Sends ToggleShortcutsVisibility to the browser. |
| void ToggleShortcutsVisibility(bool do_notify); |
| |
| // Attempts to fix obviously invalid URLs. Uses the "https" scheme unless |
| // otherwise specified. Returns the fixed URL if valid, otherwise returns an |
| // empty string. |
| std::string FixupAndValidateUrl(const std::string& url) const; |
| |
| // Updates the NTP custom background preferences, sometimes this includes |
| // image attributions. |
| void SetCustomBackgroundInfo(const GURL& background_url, |
| const std::string& attribution_line_1, |
| const std::string& attribution_line_2, |
| const GURL& action_url, |
| const std::string& collection_id); |
| |
| // Let the user select a local file for the NTP background. |
| void SelectLocalBackgroundImage(); |
| |
| // Add a search suggestion task id to the blocklist. |
| void BlocklistSearchSuggestion(int task_version, long task_id); |
| |
| // Add a search suggestion task id and hash to the blocklist. |
| void BlocklistSearchSuggestionWithHash(int task_version, |
| long task_id, |
| const std::vector<uint8_t>& hash); |
| |
| // A suggestion collected, issue a new request with the suggestion |
| // temporarily added to the blocklist. |
| void SearchSuggestionSelected(int task_version, |
| long task_id, |
| const std::vector<uint8_t>& hash); |
| |
| // Opts the user out of receiving search suggestions. |
| void OptOutOfSearchSuggestions(); |
| |
| // Applies the default theme. |
| void ApplyDefaultTheme(); |
| |
| // Applies autogenerated theme for the given color. |
| void ApplyAutogeneratedTheme(SkColor color); |
| |
| // Reverts applied theme changes. |
| void RevertThemeChanges(); |
| |
| // Confirms applied theme changes. |
| void ConfirmThemeChanges(); |
| |
| bool is_focused() const { return is_focused_; } |
| bool is_input_in_progress() const { return is_input_in_progress_; } |
| bool is_key_capture_enabled() const { return is_key_capture_enabled_; } |
| |
| private: |
| // Overridden from content::RenderFrameObserver: |
| void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(bool is_same_document_navigation, |
| ui::PageTransition transition) override; |
| void OnDestruct() override; |
| |
| // Overridden from chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchClient: |
| void SetPageSequenceNumber(int page_seq_no) override; |
| void FocusChanged(OmniboxFocusState new_focus_state, |
| OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason) override; |
| void MostVisitedInfoChanged( |
| const InstantMostVisitedInfo& most_visited_info) override; |
| void SetInputInProgress(bool input_in_progress) override; |
| void ThemeChanged(const ThemeBackgroundInfo& theme_info) override; |
| void LocalBackgroundSelected() override; |
| |
| void AddCustomLinkResult(bool success); |
| void UpdateCustomLinkResult(bool success); |
| void DeleteCustomLinkResult(bool success); |
| |
| // Returns the URL of the Most Visited item specified by the |item_id|. |
| GURL GetURLForMostVisitedItem(InstantRestrictedID item_id) const; |
| |
| // The connection to the EmbeddedSearch service in the browser process. |
| chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchAssociatedPtr embedded_search_service_; |
| mojo::AssociatedBinding<chrome::mojom::EmbeddedSearchClient> binding_; |
| |
| // Whether it's legal to execute JavaScript in |render_frame()|. |
| // This class may want to execute JS in response to IPCs (via the |
| // SearchBoxExtension::Dispatch* methods). However, for cross-process |
| // navigations, a "provisional frame" is created at first, and it's illegal |
| // to execute any JS in it before it is actually swapped in, i.e. before the |
| // navigation has committed. So this only gets set to true in |
| // RenderFrameObserver::DidCommitProvisionalLoad. See crbug.com/765101. |
| // Note: If crbug.com/794942 ever gets resolved, then it might be possible to |
| // move the mojo connection code from the ctor to DidCommitProvisionalLoad and |
| // avoid this bool. |
| bool can_run_js_in_renderframe_; |
| |
| // The Instant state. |
| int page_seq_no_; |
| bool is_focused_; |
| bool is_input_in_progress_; |
| bool is_key_capture_enabled_; |
| InstantRestrictedIDCache<InstantMostVisitedItem> most_visited_items_cache_; |
| // Use |most_visited_items_cache_| instead of |most_visited_info_.items| when |
| // comparing most visited items. |
| InstantMostVisitedInfo most_visited_info_; |
| bool has_received_most_visited_; |
| base::Optional<ThemeBackgroundInfo> theme_info_; |
| |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<SearchBox> weak_ptr_factory_{this}; |
| |
| }; |
| |