| // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <list> |
| #include <map> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <set> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <tuple> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/callback.h" |
| #include "base/component_export.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_path.h" |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted_delete_on_sequence.h" |
| #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/optional.h" |
| #include "base/sequence_checker.h" |
| #include "base/stl_util.h" |
| #include "base/timer/timer.h" |
| #include "storage/browser/quota/quota_callbacks.h" |
| #include "storage/browser/quota/quota_client.h" |
| #include "storage/browser/quota/quota_database.h" |
| #include "storage/browser/quota/quota_settings.h" |
| #include "storage/browser/quota/quota_task.h" |
| #include "storage/browser/quota/special_storage_policy.h" |
| #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/quota/quota_types.mojom-forward.h" |
| |
| namespace base { |
| class SequencedTaskRunner; |
| class SingleThreadTaskRunner; |
| class TaskRunner; |
| } // namespace base |
| |
| namespace quota_internals { |
| class QuotaInternalsProxy; |
| } // namespace quota_internals |
| |
| namespace content { |
| class MockQuotaManager; |
| class MockStorageClient; |
| class QuotaManagerTest; |
| } // namespace content |
| |
| namespace storage { |
| |
| class QuotaDatabase; |
| class QuotaManagerProxy; |
| class QuotaTemporaryStorageEvictor; |
| class UsageTracker; |
| |
| struct QuotaManagerDeleter; |
| |
| // An interface called by QuotaTemporaryStorageEvictor. This is a grab bag of |
| // methods called by QuotaTemporaryStorageEvictor that need to be stubbed for |
| // testing. |
| class COMPONENT_EXPORT(STORAGE_BROWSER) QuotaEvictionHandler { |
| public: |
| using EvictionRoundInfoCallback = |
| base::OnceCallback<void(blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode status, |
| const QuotaSettings& settings, |
| int64_t available_space, |
| int64_t total_space, |
| int64_t global_usage, |
| bool global_usage_is_complete)>; |
| |
| // Called at the beginning of an eviction round to gather the info about |
| // the current settings, capacity, and usage. |
| virtual void GetEvictionRoundInfo(EvictionRoundInfoCallback callback) = 0; |
| |
| // Returns next origin to evict, or nullopt if there are no evictable |
| // origins. |
| virtual void GetEvictionOrigin(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int64_t global_quota, |
| GetOriginCallback callback) = 0; |
| |
| // Called to evict an origin. |
| virtual void EvictOriginData(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| StatusCallback callback) = 0; |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual ~QuotaEvictionHandler() = default; |
| }; |
| |
| struct UsageInfo { |
| UsageInfo(std::string host, blink::mojom::StorageType type, int64_t usage) |
| : host(std::move(host)), type(type), usage(usage) {} |
| const std::string host; |
| const blink::mojom::StorageType type; |
| const int64_t usage; |
| }; |
| |
| // Entry point into the Quota System |
| // |
| // Each StoragePartition has exactly one QuotaManager instance, which |
| // coordinates quota across the Web platform features subject to quota. |
| // Each storage system interacts with quota via their own implementations of |
| // the QuotaClient interface. |
| // |
| // The class sets limits and defines the parameters of the systems heuristics. |
| // QuotaManager coordinates clients to orchestrate the collection of usage |
| // information, enforce quota limits, and evict stale data. |
| // |
| // The constructor and proxy() methods can be called on any thread. All other |
| // methods must be called on the IO thread. |
| : public QuotaTaskObserver, |
| public QuotaEvictionHandler, |
| public base::RefCountedDeleteOnSequence<QuotaManager> { |
| public: |
| using UsageAndQuotaCallback = base::OnceCallback< |
| void(blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode, int64_t usage, int64_t quota)>; |
| |
| using UsageAndQuotaWithBreakdownCallback = |
| base::OnceCallback<void(blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode, |
| int64_t usage, |
| int64_t quota, |
| blink::mojom::UsageBreakdownPtr usage_breakdown)>; |
| |
| static const int64_t kNoLimit; |
| |
| QuotaManager(bool is_incognito, |
| const base::FilePath& profile_path, |
| scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_thread, |
| scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy, |
| const GetQuotaSettingsFunc& get_settings_function); |
| |
| const QuotaSettings& settings() const { return settings_; } |
| void SetQuotaSettings(const QuotaSettings& settings); |
| |
| // Returns a proxy object that can be used on any thread. |
| QuotaManagerProxy* proxy() { return proxy_.get(); } |
| |
| // Called by clients or webapps. Returns usage per host. |
| void GetUsageInfo(GetUsageInfoCallback callback); |
| |
| // Called by Web Apps. |
| // This method is declared as virtual to allow test code to override it. |
| virtual void GetUsageAndQuotaForWebApps(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| UsageAndQuotaCallback callback); |
| // Called by DevTools. |
| // This method is declared as virtual to allow test code to override it. |
| virtual void GetUsageAndQuotaWithBreakdown( |
| const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| UsageAndQuotaWithBreakdownCallback callback); |
| |
| // Called by StorageClients. |
| // This method is declared as virtual to allow test code to override it. |
| // |
| // For UnlimitedStorage origins, this version skips usage and quota handling |
| // to avoid extra query cost. |
| // Do not call this method for apps/user-facing code. |
| virtual void GetUsageAndQuota(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| UsageAndQuotaCallback callback); |
| |
| // Called by clients via proxy. |
| // Client storage should call this method when storage is accessed. |
| // Used to maintain LRU ordering. |
| void NotifyStorageAccessed(QuotaClient::ID client_id, |
| const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type); |
| |
| // Called by clients via proxy. |
| // Client storage must call this method whenever they have made any |
| // modifications that change the amount of data stored in their storage. |
| void NotifyStorageModified(QuotaClient::ID client_id, |
| const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int64_t delta); |
| |
| // Used to avoid evicting origins with open pages. |
| // A call to NotifyOriginInUse must be balanced by a later call |
| // to NotifyOriginNoLongerInUse. |
| void NotifyOriginInUse(const url::Origin& origin); |
| void NotifyOriginNoLongerInUse(const url::Origin& origin); |
| bool IsOriginInUse(const url::Origin& origin) const { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); |
| return base::Contains(origins_in_use_, origin); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUsageCacheEnabled(QuotaClient::ID client_id, |
| const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| bool enabled); |
| |
| // DeleteOriginData and DeleteHostData (surprisingly enough) delete data of a |
| // particular blink::mojom::StorageType associated with either a specific |
| // origin or set of origins. Each method additionally requires a |
| // |quota_client_mask| which specifies the types of QuotaClients to delete |
| // from the origin. This is specified by the caller as a bitmask built from |
| // QuotaClient::IDs. Setting the mask to QuotaClient::kAllClientsMask will |
| // remove all clients from the origin, regardless of type. |
| virtual void DeleteOriginData(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int quota_client_mask, |
| StatusCallback callback); |
| void DeleteHostData(const std::string& host, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int quota_client_mask, |
| StatusCallback callback); |
| |
| // Instructs each QuotaClient to remove possible traces of deleted |
| // data on the disk. |
| void PerformStorageCleanup(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int quota_client_mask, |
| base::OnceClosure callback); |
| |
| // Called by UI and internal modules. |
| void GetPersistentHostQuota(const std::string& host, QuotaCallback callback); |
| void SetPersistentHostQuota(const std::string& host, |
| int64_t new_quota, |
| QuotaCallback callback); |
| void GetGlobalUsage(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| GlobalUsageCallback callback); |
| void GetHostUsage(const std::string& host, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| UsageCallback callback); |
| void GetHostUsage(const std::string& host, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| QuotaClient::ID client_id, |
| UsageCallback callback); |
| void GetHostUsageWithBreakdown(const std::string& host, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| UsageWithBreakdownCallback callback); |
| |
| bool IsTrackingHostUsage(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| QuotaClient::ID client_id) const; |
| |
| std::map<std::string, std::string> GetStatistics(); |
| |
| bool IsStorageUnlimited(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type) const; |
| |
| virtual void GetOriginsModifiedSince(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| base::Time modified_since, |
| GetOriginsCallback callback); |
| |
| bool ResetUsageTracker(blink::mojom::StorageType type); |
| |
| static const int64_t kPerHostPersistentQuotaLimit; |
| static const char kDatabaseName[]; |
| static const int kThresholdOfErrorsToBeBlacklisted; |
| static const int kEvictionIntervalInMilliSeconds; |
| static const char kDaysBetweenRepeatedOriginEvictionsHistogram[]; |
| static const char kEvictedOriginAccessedCountHistogram[]; |
| static const char kEvictedOriginDaysSinceAccessHistogram[]; |
| |
| // Kept non-const so that test code can change the value. |
| // TODO(kinuko): Make this a real const value and add a proper way to set |
| // the quota for syncable storage. (http://crbug.com/155488) |
| static int64_t kSyncableStorageDefaultHostQuota; |
| |
| protected: |
| ~QuotaManager() override; |
| |
| private: |
| friend class base::DeleteHelper<QuotaManager>; |
| friend class base::RefCountedDeleteOnSequence<QuotaManager>; |
| friend class content::QuotaManagerTest; |
| friend class content::MockQuotaManager; |
| friend class content::MockStorageClient; |
| friend class quota_internals::QuotaInternalsProxy; |
| friend class QuotaManagerProxy; |
| friend class QuotaTemporaryStorageEvictor; |
| friend struct QuotaManagerDeleter; |
| |
| class EvictionRoundInfoHelper; |
| class UsageAndQuotaInfoGatherer; |
| class GetUsageInfoTask; |
| class OriginDataDeleter; |
| class HostDataDeleter; |
| class GetModifiedSinceHelper; |
| class DumpQuotaTableHelper; |
| class DumpOriginInfoTableHelper; |
| class StorageCleanupHelper; |
| |
| using QuotaTableEntry = QuotaDatabase::QuotaTableEntry; |
| using OriginInfoTableEntry = QuotaDatabase::OriginInfoTableEntry; |
| using QuotaTableEntries = std::vector<QuotaTableEntry>; |
| using OriginInfoTableEntries = std::vector<OriginInfoTableEntry>; |
| |
| using QuotaSettingsCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const QuotaSettings&)>; |
| |
| // Function pointer type used to store the function which returns |
| // information about the volume containing the given FilePath. |
| // The value returned is std::tuple<total_space, available_space>. |
| using GetVolumeInfoFn = |
| std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t> (*)(const base::FilePath&); |
| |
| using DumpQuotaTableCallback = |
| base::OnceCallback<void(const QuotaTableEntries&)>; |
| using DumpOriginInfoTableCallback = |
| base::OnceCallback<void(const OriginInfoTableEntries&)>; |
| |
| // The values returned total_space, available_space. |
| using StorageCapacityCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int64_t, int64_t)>; |
| |
| struct EvictionContext { |
| EvictionContext(); |
| ~EvictionContext(); |
| url::Origin evicted_origin; |
| blink::mojom::StorageType evicted_type; |
| StatusCallback evict_origin_data_callback; |
| }; |
| |
| // This initialization method is lazily called on the IO thread |
| // when the first quota manager API is called. |
| // Initialize must be called after all quota clients are added to the |
| // manager by RegisterStorage. |
| void LazyInitialize(); |
| void FinishLazyInitialize(bool is_database_bootstraped); |
| void BootstrapDatabaseForEviction(GetOriginCallback did_get_origin_callback, |
| int64_t unused_usage, |
| int64_t unused_unlimited_usage); |
| void DidBootstrapDatabase(GetOriginCallback did_get_origin_callback, |
| bool success); |
| |
| // Called by clients via proxy. |
| // Registers a quota client to the manager. |
| // The client must remain valid until OnQuotaManagerDestored is called. |
| void RegisterClient(QuotaClient* client); |
| |
| UsageTracker* GetUsageTracker(blink::mojom::StorageType type) const; |
| |
| // Extract cached origins list from the usage tracker. |
| // (Might return empty list if no origin is tracked by the tracker.) |
| void GetCachedOrigins(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| std::set<url::Origin>* origins); |
| |
| // These internal methods are separately defined mainly for testing. |
| void NotifyStorageAccessedInternal(QuotaClient::ID client_id, |
| const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| base::Time accessed_time); |
| void NotifyStorageModifiedInternal(QuotaClient::ID client_id, |
| const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int64_t delta, |
| base::Time modified_time); |
| |
| void DumpQuotaTable(DumpQuotaTableCallback callback); |
| void DumpOriginInfoTable(DumpOriginInfoTableCallback callback); |
| |
| void DeleteOriginDataInternal(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int quota_client_mask, |
| bool is_eviction, |
| StatusCallback callback); |
| |
| // Methods for eviction logic. |
| void StartEviction(); |
| void DeleteOriginFromDatabase(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| bool is_eviction); |
| |
| void DidOriginDataEvicted(blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode status); |
| |
| void ReportHistogram(); |
| void DidGetTemporaryGlobalUsageForHistogram(int64_t usage, |
| int64_t unlimited_usage); |
| void DidGetStorageCapacityForHistogram(int64_t usage, |
| int64_t total_space, |
| int64_t available_space); |
| void DidGetPersistentGlobalUsageForHistogram(int64_t usage, |
| int64_t unlimited_usage); |
| void DidDumpOriginInfoTableForHistogram( |
| const OriginInfoTableEntries& entries); |
| |
| std::set<url::Origin> GetEvictionOriginExceptions(); |
| void DidGetEvictionOrigin(GetOriginCallback callback, |
| const base::Optional<url::Origin>& origin); |
| |
| // QuotaEvictionHandler. |
| void GetEvictionOrigin(blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| int64_t global_quota, |
| GetOriginCallback callback) override; |
| void EvictOriginData(const url::Origin& origin, |
| blink::mojom::StorageType type, |
| StatusCallback callback) override; |
| void GetEvictionRoundInfo(EvictionRoundInfoCallback callback) override; |
| |
| void GetLRUOrigin(blink::mojom::StorageType type, GetOriginCallback callback); |
| |
| void DidGetPersistentHostQuota(const std::string& host, |
| const int64_t* quota, |
| bool success); |
| void DidSetPersistentHostQuota(const std::string& host, |
| QuotaCallback callback, |
| const int64_t* new_quota, |
| bool success); |
| void DidGetLRUOrigin(std::unique_ptr<base::Optional<url::Origin>> origin, |
| bool success); |
| void GetQuotaSettings(QuotaSettingsCallback callback); |
| void DidGetSettings(base::Optional<QuotaSettings> settings); |
| void GetStorageCapacity(StorageCapacityCallback callback); |
| void ContinueIncognitoGetStorageCapacity(const QuotaSettings& settings); |
| void DidGetStorageCapacity( |
| const std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t>& total_and_available); |
| |
| void DidDatabaseWork(bool success); |
| |
| void DeleteOnCorrectThread() const; |
| |
| void PostTaskAndReplyWithResultForDBThread( |
| const base::Location& from_here, |
| base::OnceCallback<bool(QuotaDatabase*)> task, |
| base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> reply); |
| |
| static std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t> CallGetVolumeInfo( |
| GetVolumeInfoFn get_volume_info_fn, |
| const base::FilePath& path); |
| static std::tuple<int64_t, int64_t> GetVolumeInfo(const base::FilePath& path); |
| |
| const bool is_incognito_; |
| const base::FilePath profile_path_; |
| |
| // proxy_ can be accessed by any thread so it must be thread-safe |
| const scoped_refptr<QuotaManagerProxy> proxy_; |
| bool db_disabled_; |
| bool eviction_disabled_; |
| scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_thread_; |
| scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> db_runner_; |
| mutable std::unique_ptr<QuotaDatabase> database_; |
| bool is_database_bootstrapped_ = false; |
| |
| GetQuotaSettingsFunc get_settings_function_; |
| scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> get_settings_task_runner_; |
| QuotaSettings settings_; |
| base::TimeTicks settings_timestamp_; |
| CallbackQueue<QuotaSettingsCallback, const QuotaSettings&> |
| settings_callbacks_; |
| CallbackQueue<StorageCapacityCallback, int64_t, int64_t> |
| storage_capacity_callbacks_; |
| |
| GetOriginCallback lru_origin_callback_; |
| std::set<url::Origin> access_notified_origins_; |
| |
| std::vector<QuotaClient*> clients_; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<UsageTracker> temporary_usage_tracker_; |
| std::unique_ptr<UsageTracker> persistent_usage_tracker_; |
| std::unique_ptr<UsageTracker> syncable_usage_tracker_; |
| // TODO(michaeln): Need a way to clear the cache, drop and |
| // reinstantiate the trackers when they're not handling requests. |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<QuotaTemporaryStorageEvictor> temporary_storage_evictor_; |
| EvictionContext eviction_context_; |
| bool is_getting_eviction_origin_; |
| |
| CallbackQueueMap<QuotaCallback, |
| std::string, |
| blink::mojom::QuotaStatusCode, |
| int64_t> |
| persistent_host_quota_callbacks_; |
| |
| // Map from origin to count. |
| std::map<url::Origin, int> origins_in_use_; |
| // Map from origin to error count. |
| std::map<url::Origin, int> origins_in_error_; |
| |
| scoped_refptr<SpecialStoragePolicy> special_storage_policy_; |
| |
| base::RepeatingTimer histogram_timer_; |
| |
| // Pointer to the function used to get volume information. This is |
| // overwritten by QuotaManagerTest in order to attain deterministic reported |
| // values. The default value points to QuotaManager::GetVolumeInfo. |
| GetVolumeInfoFn get_volume_info_fn_; |
| |
| SEQUENCE_CHECKER(sequence_checker_); |
| |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<QuotaManager> weak_factory_{this}; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace storage |
| |