blob: dc9105cc85fe44416fade3e35dc43161ce529a79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
// Deprecated! You may be looking for
// services/audio/public/cpp/device_factory.h.
// An AudioInputController controls an AudioInputStream and records data
// from this input stream. The two main methods are Record() and Close() and
// they are both executed on the audio thread which is injected by the two
// alternative factory methods, Create() or CreateForStream().
// All public methods of AudioInputController are synchronous if called from
// audio thread, or non-blocking if called from a different thread.
// Here is a state diagram for the AudioInputController:
// .--> [ Closed / Error ] <--.
// | |
// | |
// [ Created ] ----------> [ Recording ]
// ^
// |
// *[ Empty ]
// * Initial state
// State sequences:
// [Creating Thread] [Audio Thread]
// User AudioInputController EventHandler
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Create() ==> DoCreate()
// AudioManager::MakeAudioInputStream()
// AudioInputStream::Open()
// .- - - - - - - - - - - - -> OnError()
// .-------------------------> OnCreated()
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Record() ==> DoRecord()
// AudioInputStream::Start()
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Close() ==> DoClose()
// AudioInputStream::Stop()
// AudioInputStream::Close()
// SyncWriter::Close()
// Closure::Run() <-----------------.
// (closure-task)
// The audio thread itself is owned by the AudioManager that the
// AudioInputController holds a reference to. When performing tasks on the
// audio thread, the controller must not add or release references to the
// AudioManager or itself (since it in turn holds a reference to the manager).
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace media {
class AudioInputStream;
class AudioManager;
class AudioBus;
// Only do power monitoring for non-mobile platforms to save resources.
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_IOS)
class UserInputMonitor;
// Deprecated! You may be looking for
// services/audio/public/cpp/device_factory.h.
class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioInputController final
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioInputController> {
// Error codes to make native logging more clear. These error codes are added
// to generic error strings to provide a higher degree of details.
// Changing these values can lead to problems when matching native debug
// logs with the actual cause of error.
enum ErrorCode {
// An unspecified error occured.
// Failed to create an audio input stream.
// Failed to open an audio input stream.
// Native input stream reports an error. Exact reason differs between
// platforms.
// An event handler that receives events from the AudioInputController. The
// following methods are all called on the audio thread.
class MEDIA_EXPORT EventHandler {
// The initial "muted" state of the underlying stream is sent along with the
// OnCreated callback, to avoid the stream being treated as unmuted until an
// OnMuted callback has had time to be processed.
virtual void OnCreated(bool initially_muted) = 0;
virtual void OnError(ErrorCode error_code) = 0;
virtual void OnLog(base::StringPiece) = 0;
// Called whenever the muted state of the underlying stream changes.
virtual void OnMuted(bool is_muted) = 0;
virtual ~EventHandler() {}
// A synchronous writer interface used by AudioInputController for
// synchronous writing.
class MEDIA_EXPORT SyncWriter {
virtual ~SyncWriter() {}
// Write certain amount of data from |data|.
virtual void Write(const AudioBus* data,
double volume,
bool key_pressed,
base::TimeTicks capture_time) = 0;
// Close this synchronous writer.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// enum used for determining what UMA stats to report.
enum StreamType {
FAKE = 3,
// AudioInputController::Create() can use the currently registered Factory
// to create the AudioInputController. Factory is intended for testing only.
// |user_input_monitor| is used for typing detection and can be NULL.
class Factory {
virtual AudioInputController* Create(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
AudioManager* audio_manager,
EventHandler* event_handler,
AudioParameters params,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor,
StreamType type) = 0;
virtual ~Factory() {}
// Sets the factory used by the static method Create(). AudioInputController
// does not take ownership of |factory|. A value of NULL results in an
// AudioInputController being created directly.
static void set_factory_for_testing(Factory* factory) { factory_ = factory; }
AudioInputStream* stream_for_testing() { return stream_; }
// The audio device will be created on the audio thread, and when that is
// done, the event handler will receive an OnCreated() call from that same
// thread. |user_input_monitor| is used for typing detection and can be NULL.
static scoped_refptr<AudioInputController> Create(
AudioManager* audio_manager,
EventHandler* event_handler,
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor,
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id,
// External synchronous writer for audio controller.
bool agc_is_enabled);
// Factory method for creating an AudioInputController with an existing
// |stream|. The stream will be opened on the audio thread, and when that is
// done, the event handler will receive an OnCreated() call from that same
// thread. |user_input_monitor| is used for typing detection and can be NULL.
static scoped_refptr<AudioInputController> CreateForStream(
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner,
EventHandler* event_handler,
AudioInputStream* stream,
// External synchronous writer for audio controller.
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor);
// Starts recording using the created audio input stream.
// This method is called on the creator thread.
virtual void Record();
// Closes the audio input stream. The state is changed and the resources
// are freed on the audio thread. |closed_task| is then executed on the thread
// that called Close().
// Callbacks (EventHandler and SyncWriter) must exist until |closed_task|
// is called.
// It is safe to call this method more than once. Calls after the first one
// will have no effect.
// This method trampolines to the audio thread.
virtual void Close(base::OnceClosure closed_task);
// Sets the capture volume of the input stream. The value 0.0 corresponds
// to muted and 1.0 to maximum volume.
virtual void SetVolume(double volume);
// Sets the output device which will be used to cancel audio from, if this
// input device supports echo cancellation.
virtual void SetOutputDeviceForAec(const std::string& output_device_id);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioInputController>;
// Used to log the result of capture startup.
// This was previously logged as a boolean with only the no callback and OK
// options. The enum order is kept to ensure backwards compatibility.
// Elements in this enum should not be deleted or rearranged; the only
// permitted operation is to add new elements before
// The NO_DATA_CALLBACK enum has been replaced with NEVER_GOT_DATA,
// and there are also other histograms such as
// Media.Audio.InputStartupSuccessMac to cover issues similar
// to the ones the NO_DATA_CALLBACK was intended for.
enum CaptureStartupResult {
// Used to log a silence report (see OnData).
// Elements in this enum should not be deleted or rearranged; the only
// permitted operation is to add new elements before SILENCE_STATE_MAX and
// Possible silence state transitions:
// ^ ^
// ^ ^
enum SilenceState {
AudioInputController(scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner,
EventHandler* handler,
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor,
const AudioParameters& params,
StreamType type);
virtual ~AudioInputController();
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& GetTaskRunnerForTesting()
const {
return task_runner_;
EventHandler* GetHandlerForTesting() const { return handler_; }
// Methods called on the audio thread (owned by the AudioManager).
void DoCreate(AudioManager* audio_manager,
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id,
bool enable_agc);
void DoCreateForStream(AudioInputStream* stream_to_control, bool enable_agc);
void DoRecord();
void DoClose();
void DoReportError();
void DoSetVolume(double volume);
void DoLogAudioLevels(float level_dbfs, int microphone_volume_percent);
void DoSetOutputDeviceForAec(const std::string& output_device_id);
// Updates the silence state, see enum SilenceState above for state
// transitions.
void UpdateSilenceState(bool silence);
// Logs the silence state as UMA stat.
void LogSilenceState(SilenceState value);
// Logs the result of creating an AudioInputController.
void LogCaptureStartupResult(CaptureStartupResult result);
// Logs whether an error was encountered suring the stream.
void LogCallbackError();
// Called by the stream with log messages.
void LogMessage(const std::string& message);
// Called on the hw callback thread. Checks for keyboard input if
// user_input_monitor_ is set otherwise returns false.
bool CheckForKeyboardInput();
// Does power monitoring on supported platforms.
// Called on the hw callback thread.
// Returns true iff average power and mic volume was returned and should
// be posted to DoLogAudioLevels on the audio thread.
// Returns false if either power measurements are disabled or aren't needed
// right now (they're done periodically).
bool CheckAudioPower(const AudioBus* source,
double volume,
float* average_power_dbfs,
int* mic_volume_percent);
void CheckMutedState();
static StreamType ParamsToStreamType(const AudioParameters& params);
// The task runner of audio-manager thread that this object runs on.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> const task_runner_;
// Contains the AudioInputController::EventHandler which receives state
// notifications from this class.
EventHandler* const handler_;
// Pointer to the audio input stream object.
// Only used on the audio thread.
AudioInputStream* stream_ = nullptr;
// SyncWriter is used only in low-latency mode for synchronous writing.
SyncWriter* const sync_writer_;
StreamType type_;
static Factory* factory_;
double max_volume_ = 0.0;
UserInputMonitor* const user_input_monitor_;
// Whether the silence state and microphone levels should be checked and sent
// as UMA stats.
bool power_measurement_is_enabled_ = false;
// Updated each time a power measurement is performed.
base::TimeTicks last_audio_level_log_time_;
// The silence report sent as UMA stat at the end of a session.
SilenceState silence_state_ = SILENCE_STATE_NO_MEASUREMENT;
size_t prev_key_down_count_ = 0;
// Time when the stream started recording.
base::TimeTicks stream_create_time_;
bool is_muted_ = false;
base::RepeatingTimer check_muted_state_timer_;
class AudioCallback;
// Holds a pointer to the callback object that receives audio data from
// the lower audio layer. Valid only while 'recording' (between calls to
// stream_->Start() and stream_->Stop()).
// The value of this pointer is only set and read on the audio thread while
// the callbacks themselves occur on the hw callback thread. More details
// in the AudioCallback class in the cc file.
std::unique_ptr<AudioCallback> audio_callback_;
// A weak pointer factory that we use when posting tasks to the audio thread
// that we want to be automatically discarded after Close() has been called
// and that we do not want to keep the AudioInputController instance alive
// beyond what is desired by the user of the instance. An example of where
// this is important is when we fire error notifications from the hw callback
// thread, post them to the audio thread. In that case, we do not want the
// error notification to keep the AudioInputController alive for as long as
// the error notification is pending and then make a callback from an
// AudioInputController that has already been closed.
// All outstanding weak pointers, are invalidated at the end of DoClose.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AudioInputController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace media