blob: a2f5bef3b547704a530f0eceb818885634b95799 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const crostiniTasks = {};
crostiniTasks.testShareBeforeOpeningDownloadsWithCrostiniApp = async (done) => {
const fakeRoot = '#directory-tree [root-type-icon="crostini"]';
// Save old fmp.getFileTasks and replace with version that returns
// crostini app and chrome Text app.
let oldGetFileTasks = chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks = (entries, callback) => {
setTimeout(callback, 0, [
taskId: 'text-app-id|app|text',
title: 'Text',
verb: 'open_with',
taskId: 'crostini-app-id|crostini|open-with',
title: 'Crostini App',
verb: 'open_with',
isDefault: true,
// Save old fmp.sharePathsWithCrostini.
const oldSharePaths = chrome.fileManagerPrivate.sharePathsWithCrostini;
let sharePathsCalled = false;
let sharePathsPersist;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.sharePathsWithCrostini =
(vmName, entry, persist, callback) => {
sharePathsCalled = true;
sharePathsPersist = persist;
oldSharePaths(vmName, entry, persist, callback);
// Save old fmp.executeTask.
const oldExecuteTask = chrome.fileManagerPrivate.executeTask;
let executeTaskCalled = false;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.executeTask = (taskId, entries, callback) => {
executeTaskCalled = true;
oldExecuteTask(taskId, entries, callback);
chrome.metricsPrivate.values_ = [];
await test.setupAndWaitUntilReady([], [], []);
// Add '/A', and '/A/hello.txt', refresh, 'A' is shown.
test.addEntries([test.ENTRIES.directoryA, test.ENTRIES.helloInA], [], []);
assertTrue(test.fakeMouseClick('#refresh-button'), 'click refresh');
await test.waitForFiles(test.TestEntryInfo.getExpectedRows(
[test.ENTRIES.directoryA, test.ENTRIES.linuxFiles]));
// Change to 'A' directory, hello.txt is shown.
await test.waitForFiles(
// Right click on 'hello.txt' file, wait for dialog with 'Open with'.
await test.waitForElement('cr-menu-item[command="#open-with"]:not([hidden]');
// Click 'Open with', wait for picker.
await test.waitForElement('#default-tasks-list');
// Ensure that the default tasks label is shown correctly.
const item = document.querySelector('#default-task-menu-item span');
assertEquals('Open with Crostini App', item.innerText);
// Ensure picker shows both options. Click on 'Crostini App'. Ensure
// share path dialog is shown.
const list = document.querySelectorAll('#default-tasks-list li div');
assertEquals(2, list.length);
assertEquals('Crostini App (default)', list[0].innerText);
assertEquals('Open with Text', list[1].innerText);
assertTrue(test.fakeMouseClick('#default-tasks-list li'));
// Ensure fmp.sharePathsWithCrostini, fmp.executeTask called.
await test.repeatUntil(() => {
return sharePathsCalled && executeTaskCalled ||
test.pending('Waiting to share and open');
// Share should not persist as a result of open with crostini app.
// Validate UMAs.
const lastEnumUma = chrome.metricsPrivate.values_.pop();
assertEquals('FileBrowser.CrostiniShareDialog', lastEnumUma[0].metricName);
assertEquals(1 /* ShareBeforeOpen */, lastEnumUma[1]);
// Restore fmp.*.
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks = oldGetFileTasks;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.sharePathsWithCrostini = oldSharePaths;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.executeTask = oldExecuteTask;
await test.waitForElement(fakeRoot);
crostiniTasks.testErrorLoadingLinuxPackageInfo = async (done) => {
const fakeRoot = '#directory-tree [root-type-icon="crostini"]';
const dialog = '#install-linux-package-dialog';
const detailsFrame = '.install-linux-package-details-frame';
// Save old fmp.getFileTasks and replace with version that returns
// the internal linux package install handler
let oldGetFileTasks = chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks = (entries, callback) => {
callback, 0, [{
taskId: `${test.FILE_MANAGER_EXTENSION_ID}|app|install-linux-package`,
title: 'Install with Linux (Beta)',
verb: 'open_with',
isDefault: true,
// Save old fmp.getLinuxPackageInfo and replace with version that saves the
// callback to manually call later
let oldGetLinuxPackageInfo = chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getLinuxPackageInfo;
let packageInfoCallback = null;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getLinuxPackageInfo = (entry, callback) => {
packageInfoCallback = callback;
await test.setupAndWaitUntilReady([], [], [test.ENTRIES.debPackage]);
await test.waitForElement(fakeRoot);
// Select 'Linux files' in directory tree.
assertTrue(test.fakeMouseClick(fakeRoot), 'click Linux files');
await test.waitForFiles(
// Double click on 'package.deb' file to open the install dialog.
await test.waitForElement(dialog);
// Verify the loading state is shown.
'Details\nLoading information...',
await test.repeatUntil(() => {
return packageInfoCallback ||
test.pending('Waiting for package info request');
// Call the callback with an error.
chrome.runtime.lastError = {message: 'error message'};
delete chrome.runtime.lastError;
'Details\nFailed to retrieve app info.',
// Click 'cancel' to close. Ensure dialog closes.
await test.waitForElementLost(dialog);
// Restore fmp.getFileTasks, fmp.getLinuxPackageInfo.
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks = oldGetFileTasks;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.getLinuxPackageInfo = oldGetLinuxPackageInfo;
await test.waitForElement(fakeRoot);