blob: b6e5dd1f06c4be2d9812b67fb3de8cc4cf08a2d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/media/audio/audio_clock_simulator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
constexpr int AudioClockSimulator::kInterpolateWindow;
constexpr double AudioClockSimulator::kMaxRate;
constexpr double AudioClockSimulator::kMinRate;
constexpr size_t AudioClockSimulator::kMaxChannels;
AudioClockSimulator::AudioClockSimulator(AudioProvider* provider)
: provider_(provider),
::media::AudioBus::Create(num_channels_, kInterpolateWindow + 1)) {
DCHECK_GT(sample_rate_, 0);
DCHECK_GT(num_channels_, 0u);
DCHECK_LE(num_channels_, kMaxChannels);
AudioClockSimulator::~AudioClockSimulator() = default;
size_t AudioClockSimulator::num_channels() const {
return num_channels_;
int AudioClockSimulator::sample_rate() const {
return sample_rate_;
double AudioClockSimulator::SetRate(double rate) {
rate = std::max(kMinRate, std::min(rate, kMaxRate));
if (clock_rate_ != rate) {
clock_rate_ = rate;
input_frames_ = 0;
output_frames_ = 0;
return rate;
int AudioClockSimulator::DelayFrames() const {
if (state_ == State::kLengthening && first_frame_filled_) {
return 1;
return 0;
void AudioClockSimulator::SetSampleRate(int sample_rate) {
sample_rate_ = sample_rate;
void AudioClockSimulator::SetPlaybackRate(double playback_rate) {
playback_rate_ = playback_rate;
int AudioClockSimulator::FillFrames(int num_frames,
int64_t playout_timestamp,
float* const* channel_data) {
int filled = 0;
while (filled < num_frames) {
if (state_ == State::kLengthening) {
auto result =
FillDataLengthen(num_frames, playout_timestamp, channel_data, filled);
filled += result.filled;
if (!result.complete) {
if (state_ == State::kShortening) {
auto result =
FillDataShorten(num_frames, playout_timestamp, channel_data, filled);
filled += result.filled;
if (!result.complete) {
int64_t end_input_frames = input_frames_ + kInterpolateWindow;
int64_t end_output_frames = output_frames_ + filled + kInterpolateWindow;
int64_t desired_output_frames = std::round(end_input_frames / clock_rate_);
if (end_output_frames > desired_output_frames) {
state_ = State::kShortening;
} else if (end_output_frames < desired_output_frames) {
state_ = State::kLengthening;
DCHECK_EQ(state_, State::kPassthrough);
float* channels[kMaxChannels];
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels_; ++c) {
channels[c] = channel_data[c] + filled;
int64_t timestamp = playout_timestamp + FramesToMicroseconds(filled);
int desired = std::min(num_frames - filled, kInterpolateWindow);
int provided = provider_->FillFrames(desired, timestamp, channels);
input_frames_ += provided;
filled += provided;
if (provided < desired) {
output_frames_ += filled;
return filled;
AudioClockSimulator::FillResult AudioClockSimulator::FillDataLengthen(
int num_frames,
int64_t playout_timestamp,
float* const* channel_data,
int offset) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, State::kLengthening);
DCHECK_LT(interpolate_position_, kInterpolateWindow);
DCHECK_GE(interpolate_position_, 0);
if (first_frame_filled_) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels_; ++c) {
channel_data[c][offset] = scratch_buffer_->channel(c)[0];
first_frame_filled_ = false;
state_ = State::kPassthrough; // Finished current interpolation window.
return {true, 1};
int frames_for_window = kInterpolateWindow - interpolate_position_;
int desired_fill = std::min((num_frames - offset), frames_for_window);
float* channels[kMaxChannels];
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels_; ++c) {
// The first sample from last call is still needed, so fill starting at
// index 1.
channels[c] = scratch_buffer_->channel(c) + 1;
int64_t timestamp = playout_timestamp + FramesToMicroseconds(offset);
int provided = provider_->FillFrames(desired_fill, timestamp, channels);
if (provided == 0) {
return {false, 0};
input_frames_ += provided;
InterpolateLonger(provided, channel_data, offset);
return {(provided == desired_fill), provided};
void AudioClockSimulator::InterpolateLonger(int num_frames,
float* const* dest,
int offset) {
DCHECK_GT(num_frames, 0);
DCHECK_LE(interpolate_position_ + num_frames, kInterpolateWindow);
// When lengthening, we only set |first_frame_filled_| when we have finished
// the interpolation window (indicating the extra frame is available in
// the start of the scratch buffer).
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels_; ++c) {
float* source_channel = scratch_buffer_->channel(c);
float* dest_channel = dest[c] + offset;
for (int s = 0; s < num_frames; ++s) {
int interpolate_point = interpolate_position_ + s;
dest_channel[s] =
(source_channel[s] * interpolate_point +
source_channel[s + 1] * (kInterpolateWindow - interpolate_point)) /
source_channel[0] = source_channel[num_frames];
interpolate_position_ += num_frames;
if (interpolate_position_ == kInterpolateWindow) {
interpolate_position_ = 0;
first_frame_filled_ = true;
// Don't set state to passthrough yet, because we still need to consume the
// last frame from the scratch buffer.
AudioClockSimulator::FillResult AudioClockSimulator::FillDataShorten(
int num_frames,
int64_t playout_timestamp,
float* const* channel_data,
int offset) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, State::kShortening);
DCHECK_LT(interpolate_position_, kInterpolateWindow);
DCHECK_GE(interpolate_position_, 0);
int frames_for_window = kInterpolateWindow - interpolate_position_;
int desired_fill = std::min((num_frames - offset), frames_for_window);
int fill_offset = 1; // Leave the last frame of the previous step untouched.
if (!first_frame_filled_) {
DCHECK_EQ(interpolate_position_, 0);
// Fill an extra frame for the first step of interpolation.
desired_fill += 1;
fill_offset = 0;
float* channels[kMaxChannels];
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels_; ++c) {
channels[c] = scratch_buffer_->channel(c) + fill_offset;
int64_t timestamp = playout_timestamp + FramesToMicroseconds(offset);
int provided = provider_->FillFrames(desired_fill, timestamp, channels);
if (provided == 0) {
return {false, 0};
first_frame_filled_ = true;
input_frames_ += provided;
int output_frames = provided + fill_offset - 1;
InterpolateShorter(output_frames, channel_data, offset);
return {(provided == desired_fill), output_frames};
void AudioClockSimulator::InterpolateShorter(int num_frames,
float* const* dest,
int offset) {
DCHECK_GT(num_frames, 0);
DCHECK_LE(interpolate_position_ + num_frames, kInterpolateWindow);
// When shortening, we must ensure that the first frame in the scratch buffer
// is filled with valid data in all cases (including when we start the
// interpolation window).
for (size_t c = 0; c < num_channels_; ++c) {
float* source_channel = scratch_buffer_->channel(c);
float* dest_channel = dest[c] + offset;
for (int s = 0; s < num_frames; ++s) {
int interpolate_point = interpolate_position_ + s + 1;
dest_channel[s] =
(source_channel[s] * (kInterpolateWindow - interpolate_point) +
source_channel[s + 1] * interpolate_point) /
source_channel[0] = source_channel[num_frames];
interpolate_position_ += num_frames;
if (interpolate_position_ == kInterpolateWindow) {
interpolate_position_ = 0;
first_frame_filled_ = false;
state_ = State::kPassthrough; // Finished current interpolation window.
int64_t AudioClockSimulator::FramesToMicroseconds(int64_t frames) {
return frames * 1000000 / (sample_rate_ * playback_rate_);
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast