blob: 4f48f0c417802ec80d993220bd4869823d410d6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_mac.h"
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#include "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#import "skia/ext/skia_utils_mac.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/common_theme.h"
@interface NSWorkspace (Redeclarations)
@property(readonly) BOOL accessibilityDisplayShouldIncreaseContrast;
namespace {
const SkColor kMenuPopupBackgroundColor = SK_ColorWHITE;
// TODO( Finalize dark mode color.
const SkColor kMenuPopupBackgroundColorDarkMode =
SkColorSetRGB(0x2B, 0x2B, 0x2B);
// Helper to make indexing an array by an enum class easier.
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
struct EnumArray {
VALUE& operator[](const KEY& key) { return array[static_cast<size_t>(key)]; }
VALUE array[static_cast<size_t>(KEY::COUNT)];
// NSColor has a number of methods that return system colors (i.e. controlled by
// user preferences). This function converts the color given by an NSColor class
// method to an SkColor. Official documentation suggests developers only rely on
// +[NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor] and +[NSColor selectedControlColor],
// but other colors give a good baseline. For many, a gradient is involved; the
// palette chosen based on the enum value given by +[NSColor currentColorTint].
// Apple's documentation also suggests to use NSColorList, but the system color
// list is just populated with class methods on NSColor.
SkColor NSSystemColorToSkColor(NSColor* color) {
// System colors use the an NSNamedColorSpace called "System", so first step
// is to convert the color into something that can be worked with.
NSColor* device_color =
[color colorUsingColorSpace:[NSColorSpace deviceRGBColorSpace]];
if (device_color)
return skia::NSDeviceColorToSkColor(device_color);
// Sometimes the conversion is not possible, but we can get an approximation
// by going through a CGColorRef. Note that simply using NSColor methods for
// accessing components for system colors results in exceptions like
// "-numberOfComponents not valid for the NSColor NSNamedColorSpace System
// windowBackgroundColor; need to first convert colorspace." Hence the
// conversion first to CGColor.
CGColorRef cg_color = [color CGColor];
const size_t component_count = CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(cg_color);
if (component_count == 4)
return skia::CGColorRefToSkColor(cg_color);
CHECK(component_count == 1 || component_count == 2);
// 1-2 components means a grayscale channel and maybe an alpha channel, which
// CGColorRefToSkColor will not like. But RGB is additive, so the conversion
// is easy (RGB to grayscale is less easy).
const CGFloat* components = CGColorGetComponents(cg_color);
CGFloat alpha = component_count == 2 ? components[1] : 1.0;
return SkColorSetARGB(SkScalarRoundToInt(255.0 * alpha),
SkScalarRoundToInt(255.0 * components[0]),
SkScalarRoundToInt(255.0 * components[0]),
SkScalarRoundToInt(255.0 * components[0]));
// Converts an SkColor to grayscale by using luminance for all three components.
// Experimentally, this seems to produce a better result than a flat average or
// a min/max average for UI controls.
SkColor ColorToGrayscale(SkColor color) {
SkScalar luminance = SkColorGetR(color) * 0.21 +
SkColorGetG(color) * 0.72 +
SkColorGetB(color) * 0.07;
uint8_t component = SkScalarRoundToInt(luminance);
return SkColorSetARGB(SkColorGetA(color), component, component, component);
} // namespace
namespace ui {
// static
NativeTheme* NativeTheme::GetInstanceForWeb() {
return NativeThemeMac::instance();
// static
NativeTheme* NativeTheme::GetInstanceForNativeUi() {
return NativeThemeMac::instance();
// static
NativeThemeMac* NativeThemeMac::instance() {
static base::NoDestructor<NativeThemeMac> s_native_theme;
return s_native_theme.get();
// static
SkColor NativeThemeMac::ApplySystemControlTint(SkColor color) {
if ([NSColor currentControlTint] == NSGraphiteControlTint)
return ColorToGrayscale(color);
return color;
SkColor NativeThemeMac::GetSystemColor(ColorId color_id) const {
// Even with --secondary-ui-md, menus use the platform colors and styling, and
// Mac has a couple of specific color overrides, documented below.
switch (color_id) {
case kColorId_EnabledMenuItemForegroundColor:
return NSSystemColorToSkColor([NSColor controlTextColor]);
case kColorId_DisabledMenuItemForegroundColor:
return NSSystemColorToSkColor([NSColor disabledControlTextColor]);
case kColorId_SelectedMenuItemForegroundColor:
return UsesHighContrastColors() ? SK_ColorWHITE : SK_ColorBLACK;
case kColorId_FocusedMenuItemBackgroundColor:
return UsesHighContrastColors() ? SK_ColorDKGRAY : gfx::kGoogleGrey200;
case kColorId_MenuBackgroundColor:
case kColorId_BubbleBackground:
case kColorId_DialogBackground:
return SystemDarkModeEnabled() ? kMenuPopupBackgroundColorDarkMode
: kMenuPopupBackgroundColor;
case kColorId_MenuSeparatorColor:
return UsesHighContrastColors() ? SK_ColorBLACK
: SkColorSetA(SK_ColorBLACK, 0x26);
case kColorId_MenuBorderColor:
return UsesHighContrastColors() ? SK_ColorBLACK
: SkColorSetA(SK_ColorBLACK, 0x60);
// Mac has a different "pressed button" styling because it doesn't use
// ripples.
case kColorId_ButtonPressedShade:
return SkColorSetA(SK_ColorBLACK, 0x10);
// There's a system setting General > Highlight color which sets the
// background color for text selections. We honor that setting.
// TODO(ellyjones): Listen for NSSystemColorsDidChangeNotification somewhere
// and propagate it to the View hierarchy.
case kColorId_LabelTextSelectionBackgroundFocused:
case kColorId_TextfieldSelectionBackgroundFocused:
return NSSystemColorToSkColor([NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor]);
case kColorId_FocusedBorderColor:
return NSSystemColorToSkColor([NSColor keyboardFocusIndicatorColor]);
return ApplySystemControlTint(GetAuraColor(color_id, this));
void NativeThemeMac::PaintMenuPopupBackground(
cc::PaintCanvas* canvas,
const gfx::Size& size,
const MenuBackgroundExtraParams& menu_background) const {
cc::PaintFlags flags;
const SkScalar radius = SkIntToScalar(menu_background.corner_radius);
SkRect rect = gfx::RectToSkRect(gfx::Rect(size));
canvas->drawRoundRect(rect, radius, radius, flags);
void NativeThemeMac::PaintMenuItemBackground(
cc::PaintCanvas* canvas,
State state,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
const MenuItemExtraParams& menu_item) const {
switch (state) {
case NativeTheme::kNormal:
case NativeTheme::kDisabled:
// Draw nothing over the regular background.
case NativeTheme::kHovered:
PaintSelectedMenuItem(canvas, rect);
bool NativeThemeMac::UsesHighContrastColors() const {
if (NativeThemeBase::UsesHighContrastColors())
return true;
NSWorkspace* workspace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];
if ([workspace respondsToSelector:@selector
(accessibilityDisplayShouldIncreaseContrast)]) {
return workspace.accessibilityDisplayShouldIncreaseContrast;
return false;
bool NativeThemeMac::SystemDarkModeEnabled() const {
if (@available(macOS 10.14, *)) {
NSAppearanceName appearance =
[[NSApp effectiveAppearance] bestMatchFromAppearancesWithNames:@[
NSAppearanceNameAqua, NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua
return [appearance isEqual:NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua];
return NativeThemeBase::SystemDarkModeEnabled();
NativeThemeMac::NativeThemeMac() {
NativeThemeMac::~NativeThemeMac() {
void NativeThemeMac::PaintSelectedMenuItem(cc::PaintCanvas* canvas,
const gfx::Rect& rect) const {
// Draw the background.
cc::PaintFlags flags;
canvas->drawRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(rect), flags);
} // namespace ui