blob: 84a292dc32fcd1088b24dc2963c84490eca1734e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_observer.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace ui {
class LayerTreeOwner;
} // namespace ui
namespace viz {
class CopyOutputResult;
} // namespace viz
namespace ash {
class Desk;
// Performs the desk switch animation on a root window (i.e. display). Since a
// desk spans all displays, one instance of this object will be created for each
// display when a new desk is activated.
// Screenshots of the starting and ending desks are taken, and we animate
// between them such that the starting desk can appear sliding out of the
// screen, while the ending desk is sliding in. We take screenshots to make the
// visible state of the desks seem constant to the user (e.g. if the starting
// desk is in overview, it appears to remain in overview while sliding out).
// This approach makes it possible to show an empty black space separating both
// desks while we animate them (See |kDesksSpacing|).
// - `starting` desk: is the currently activated desk which will be deactivated
// shortly.
// - `ending` desk: is the desk desired to be activated with this animation.
// The animation goes through the following phases:
// - Phase (1) begins by calling TakeStartingDeskScreenshot(), which should be
// called before the ending desk is activated.
// * Once the screenshot is taken, it is placed in a layer that covers
// everything on the screen, so that desk activation can happen without
// being seen.
// * Delegate::OnStartingDeskScreenshotTaken() is called, and the owner of
// this object can check that all animators of all root windows have
// finished taking the starting desk screenshots (through checking
// starting_desk_screenshot_taken()), upon which the actual ending desk
// activation can take place, and phase (2) of the animation can be
// triggered.
// - Phase (2) should begin after the ending desk had been activated,
// by calling TakeEndingDeskScreenshot().
// * Once the screenshot is taken, it is placed in a sibling layer to the
// starting desk screenshot layer, with an offset of |kDesksSpacing| between
// the two layers.
// * Delegate::OnEndingDeskScreenshotTaken() will be called, upon which the
// owner of this object can check if all ending desks screenshots on all
// roots are taken by all animators (through checking
// ending_desk_screenshot_taken()), so that it can start phase (3) on all of
// them at the same time.
// - Phase (3) begins when StartAnimation() is called.
// * The parent layer of both screenshot layers is animated, either:
// - To the left (move_left_ == true); when the starting desk is on the
// left.
// <<<<<-------------------------- move left.
// +-----------+
// | Animation |
// | layer |
// +-----------+
// / \
// +------------+ +------------+
// | start desk | | end desk |
// | screenshot | | screenshot |
// | layer | | layer |
// +------------+ +------------+
// ^
// start here
// Animation layer transforms:
// * Begin transform: Identity (since starting desk screeshot is already
// visible).
// * End transform: Negative translation to the left to slide out starting
// desk, and slide in ending desk screenshots into the screen.
// - Or to the right (move_left_ == false), when the starting desk is on the
// right.
// move right. -------------------------->>>>>
// +-----------+
// | Animation |
// | layer |
// +-----------+
// / \
// +------------+ +------------+
// | end desk | | start desk |
// | screenshot | | screenshot |
// | layer | | layer |
// +------------+ +------------+
// ^
// start here
// Animation layer transforms:
// * Begin transform: Negative translation to the left (to make starting
// desk screeshot visible on the screen).
// * End transform: Identity to make a translation to the right to slide
// out starting desk, and slide in ending desk screenshots into the
// screen.
// * The animation always begins such that the starting desk screenshot layer
// is the one visible on the screen, and the parent (animation layer) always
// moves in the direction such that the ending desk screenshot becomes
// visible on the screen.
// * Once the animation finishes, Delegate::OnDeskSwitchAnimationFinished() is
// triggered. The owner of this object can then check that all animators on
// all roots have finished their animations (by checking
// animation_finished()), upon which it can delete these animators which
// will destroy all the screenshot layers and the real screen contents will
// be visible again.
// This cooperative interaction between the animators and their owner
// (DesksController) is needed for the following reasons:
// 1- The new desk is only activated after all starting desk screenshots on all
// roots have been taken and placed on top of everything (between phase (1)
// and (2)), so that the effects of desk activation (windows hiding and
// showing, overview exiting .. etc.) are not visible to the user.
// 2- The animation doesn't start until all ending desk screenshots on all
// root windows are ready (between phase (2) and (3)). This is needed to
// synchronize the animations on all displays together (otherwise the
// animations will lag behind each other).
class RootWindowDeskSwitchAnimator : public ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver {
class Delegate {
// Called when phase (1) completes. The starting desk screenshot has been
// taken and put on the screen. |ending_desk| is the desk that will be
// activated after all starting desk screenshots on all roots are taken.
virtual void OnStartingDeskScreenshotTaken(const Desk* ending_desk) = 0;
// Called when phase (2) completes. The ending desk screenshot has been
// taken and put on the screen.
virtual void OnEndingDeskScreenshotTaken() = 0;
// Called when phase (3) completes. The animation completes and the ending
// desk screenshot is now showing on the screen.
virtual void OnDeskSwitchAnimationFinished() = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
RootWindowDeskSwitchAnimator(aura::Window* root,
const Desk* ending_desk,
Delegate* delegate,
bool move_left);
~RootWindowDeskSwitchAnimator() override;
bool starting_desk_screenshot_taken() const {
return starting_desk_screenshot_taken_;
bool ending_desk_screenshot_taken() const {
return ending_desk_screenshot_taken_;
bool animation_finished() const { return animation_finished_; }
// Begins pahse (1) of the animation by taking a screenshot of the starting
// desk content. Delegate::OnStartingDeskScreenshotTaken() will be called once
// the screenshot is taken and placed on top of everything on the screen.
void TakeStartingDeskScreenshot();
// Begins phase (2) of the animation, after the ending desk has already
// been activated. Delegate::OnEndingDeskScreenshotTaken() will be called once
// the screenshot is taken.
void TakeEndingDeskScreenshot();
// Begins phase (3) of the animation by actually animating the screenshot
// layers such that we have a movement from the starting desk screenshot
// towards the ending desk screenshot.
// Delegate::OnDeskSwitchAnimationFinished() will be called once the animation
// finishes.
void StartAnimation();
// ui::ImplicitAnimationObserver:
void OnImplicitAnimationsCompleted() override;
void OnStartingDeskScreenshotTaken(
std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputResult> copy_result);
void OnEndingDeskScreenshotTaken(
std::unique_ptr<viz::CopyOutputResult> copy_result);
// The root window that this animator is associated with.
aura::Window* const root_window_;
// The desk to activate and animate to with this animator.
const Desk* const ending_desk_;
Delegate* const delegate_;
// The owner of the layer tree that contains the parent "animation layer" and
// both its child starting and ending desks "screenshot layers".
std::unique_ptr<ui::LayerTreeOwner> animation_layer_owner_;
// The amount by which the animation layer will be translated horizontally
// either startingly or at the end of the animation, depending on the value of
// |move_left_|.
const int x_translation_offset_;
// Number of retires for taking the starting and ending screenshots, if we
// get an empty result.
int starting_desk_screenshot_retries_ = 0;
int ending_desk_screenshot_retries_ = 0;
// True when the animation layer should be translated towards the left, which
// means the starting desk is on the left of the ending desk.
const bool move_left_;
// True when phase (1) finishes.
bool starting_desk_screenshot_taken_ = false;
// True when phase (2) finishes.
bool ending_desk_screenshot_taken_ = false;
// True when phase (3) finishes.
bool animation_finished_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RootWindowDeskSwitchAnimator> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash