blob: 563829e17c0e46371c55d3e1ae06f88f0d973555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/profiler/stack_sampler_impl.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/profiler/thread_delegate.h"
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Some functions within this implementation are invoked while
// the target thread is suspended so it must not do any allocation from the
// heap, including indirectly via use of DCHECK/CHECK or other logging
// statements. Otherwise this code can deadlock on heap locks acquired by the
// target thread before it was suspended. These functions are commented with "NO
namespace base {
namespace {
// If the value at |pointer| points to the original stack, rewrite it to point
// to the corresponding location in the copied stack. NO HEAP ALLOCATIONS.
// static
uintptr_t RewritePointerIfInOriginalStack(
const uintptr_t* original_stack_bottom,
const uintptr_t* original_stack_top,
const uintptr_t* stack_copy_bottom,
uintptr_t pointer) {
auto original_stack_bottom_uint =
auto original_stack_top_uint =
auto stack_copy_bottom_uint = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_copy_bottom);
if (pointer < original_stack_bottom_uint ||
pointer >= original_stack_top_uint)
return pointer;
return stack_copy_bottom_uint + (pointer - original_stack_bottom_uint);
// Copies the stack to a buffer while rewriting possible pointers to locations
// within the stack to point to the corresponding locations in the copy. This is
// necessary to handle stack frames with dynamic stack allocation, where a
// pointer to the beginning of the dynamic allocation area is stored on the
// stack and/or in a non-volatile register.
// Eager rewriting of anything that looks like a pointer to the stack, as done
// in this function, does not adversely affect the stack unwinding. The only
// other values on the stack the unwinding depends on are return addresses,
// which should not point within the stack memory. The rewriting is guaranteed
// to catch all pointers because the stacks are guaranteed by the ABI to be
// sizeof(uintptr_t*) aligned.
// static
void CopyStackContentsAndRewritePointers(const uintptr_t* original_stack_bottom,
const uintptr_t* original_stack_top,
uintptr_t* stack_copy_bottom)
NO_SANITIZE("address") {
const uintptr_t* src = original_stack_bottom;
uintptr_t* dst = stack_copy_bottom;
for (; src < original_stack_top; ++src, ++dst) {
*dst = RewritePointerIfInOriginalStack(
original_stack_bottom, original_stack_top, stack_copy_bottom, *src);
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<ThreadDelegate> thread_delegate,
ModuleCache* module_cache,
StackSamplerTestDelegate* test_delegate)
: thread_delegate_(std::move(thread_delegate)),
test_delegate_(test_delegate) {}
StackSamplerImpl::~StackSamplerImpl() = default;
void StackSamplerImpl::RecordStackFrames(StackBuffer* stack_buffer,
ProfileBuilder* profile_builder) {
RegisterContext thread_context;
uintptr_t stack_top;
bool success =
CopyStack(stack_buffer, &stack_top, profile_builder, &thread_context);
if (!success)
if (test_delegate_)
profile_builder->OnSampleCompleted(WalkStack(&thread_context, stack_top));
// Suspends the thread, copies its stack, top address of the stack copy, and
// register context, records the current metadata, then resumes the thread.
// Returns true on success, and returns the copied state via the params. NO HEAP
// ALLOCATIONS within the ScopedSuspendThread scope.
bool StackSamplerImpl::CopyStack(StackBuffer* stack_buffer,
uintptr_t* stack_top,
ProfileBuilder* profile_builder,
RegisterContext* thread_context) {
const uintptr_t top = thread_delegate_->GetStackBaseAddress();
uintptr_t bottom = 0;
// Allocation of the ScopedSuspendThread object itself is OK since it
// necessarily occurs before the thread is suspended by the object.
std::unique_ptr<ThreadDelegate::ScopedSuspendThread> suspend_thread =
if (!suspend_thread->WasSuccessful())
return false;
if (!thread_delegate_->GetThreadContext(thread_context))
return false;
bottom = RegisterContextStackPointer(thread_context);
// The StackBuffer allocation is expected to be at least as large as the
// largest stack region allocation on the platform, but check just in case
// it isn't *and* the actual stack itself exceeds the buffer allocation
// size.
if ((top - bottom) > stack_buffer->size())
return false;
if (!thread_delegate_->CanCopyStack(bottom))
return false;
*stack_top =
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_buffer->buffer()) + (top - bottom);
for (uintptr_t* reg :
thread_delegate_->GetRegistersToRewrite(thread_context)) {
*reg = RewritePointerIfInOriginalStack(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(bottom),
stack_buffer->buffer(), *reg);
return true;
// Walks the stack represented by |thread_context|, recording and returning the
// frames.
std::vector<ProfileBuilder::Frame> StackSamplerImpl::WalkStack(
RegisterContext* thread_context,
uintptr_t stack_top) {
std::vector<ProfileBuilder::Frame> stack;
// Reserve enough memory for most stacks, to avoid repeated
// allocations. Approximately 99.9% of recorded stacks are 128 frames or
// fewer.
thread_delegate_->WalkNativeFrames(thread_context, stack_top, module_cache_,
return stack;
} // namespace base