blob: 87ef81d567d1749b7432377ba581e533ceec6308 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/thread_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/assertions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/type_traits.h"
namespace blink {
template <typename T>
class GarbageCollected;
class HeapObjectHeader;
// GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE is used to make the plugin ignore a particular class or
// field when checking for proper usage. When using GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE
// a bug-number should be provided as an argument where the bug describes
// what needs to happen to remove the GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE again.
#if defined(__clang__)
#define GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE(bug) \
#define GC_PLUGIN_IGNORE(bug)
// Template to determine if a class is a GarbageCollectedMixin by checking if it
// has IsGarbageCollectedMixinMarker
template <typename T>
struct IsGarbageCollectedMixin {
typedef char YesType;
struct NoType {
char padding[8];
template <typename U>
static YesType CheckMarker(typename U::IsGarbageCollectedMixinMarker*);
template <typename U>
static NoType CheckMarker(...);
static const bool value = sizeof(CheckMarker<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(YesType);
// TraceDescriptor is used to describe how to trace an object.
struct TraceDescriptor {
// The adjusted base pointer of the object that should be traced.
void* base_object_payload;
// A callback for tracing the object.
TraceCallback callback;
// The GarbageCollectedMixin interface and helper macro
// USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN can be used to automatically define
// TraceTrait/ObjectAliveTrait on non-leftmost deriving classes
// which need to be garbage collected.
// Consider the following case:
// class B {};
// class A : public GarbageCollected, public B {};
// We can't correctly handle "Member<B> p = &a" as we can't compute addr of
// object header statically. This can be solved by using GarbageCollectedMixin:
// class B : public GarbageCollectedMixin {};
// class A : public GarbageCollected, public B {
// };
// The classes involved and the helper macros allow for properly handling
// definitions for Member<B> and friends. The mechanisms for handling Member<B>
// involve dynamic dispatch. Note that for Member<A> all methods and pointers
// are statically computed and no dynamic dispatch is involved.
// Note that garbage collections are allowed during mixin construction as
// conservative scanning of objects does not rely on the Trace method but rather
// scans the object field by field.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT GarbageCollectedMixin {
typedef int IsGarbageCollectedMixinMarker;
virtual void Trace(Visitor*) {}
// Provide default implementations that indicate that the vtable is not yet
// set up properly. This way it is possible to get infos about mixins so that
// these objects can processed later on. This is necessary as
// not-fully-constructed mixin objects potentially require being processed
// as part emitting a write barrier for incremental marking. See
// |IncrementalMarkingTest::WriteBarrierDuringMixinConstruction| as an
// example.
// The not-fully-constructed objects are handled as follows:
// 1. Write barrier or marking of not fully constructed mixin gets called.
// 2. Default implementation of GetTraceDescriptor (and friends) returns
// kNotFullyConstructedObject as object base payload.
// 3. Visitor (e.g. MarkingVisitor) can intercept that value and delay
// processing that object until the atomic pause.
// 4. In the atomic phase, mark all not-fully-constructed objects that have
// found in the step 1.-3. conservatively.
// In general, delaying is required as write barriers are omitted in certain
// scenarios, e.g., initializing stores. As a result, we cannot depend on the
// write barriers for catching writes to member fields and thus have to
// process the object (instead of just marking only the header).
virtual HeapObjectHeader* GetHeapObjectHeader() const {
return reinterpret_cast<HeapObjectHeader*>(
virtual TraceDescriptor GetTraceDescriptor() const {
return {BlinkGC::kNotFullyConstructedObject, nullptr};
public: \
HeapObjectHeader* GetHeapObjectHeader() const override { \
static_assert( \
WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<typename std::remove_const<TYPE>::type, \
blink::GarbageCollected>::value, \
"only garbage collected objects can have garbage collected mixins"); \
return HeapObjectHeader::FromPayload(static_cast<const TYPE*>(this)); \
} \
TraceDescriptor GetTraceDescriptor() const override { \
return {const_cast<TYPE*>(static_cast<const TYPE*>(this)), \
TraceTrait<TYPE>::Trace}; \
} \
// The Oilpan GC plugin checks for proper usages of the
// USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN macro using a typedef marker.
public: \
typedef int HasUsingGarbageCollectedMixinMacro; \
// The USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN macro defines all methods and markers
// needed for handling mixins.
// Merge two or more Mixins into one:
// class A : public GarbageCollectedMixin {};
// class B : public GarbageCollectedMixin {};
// class C : public A, public B {
// // C::GetTraceDescriptor is now ambiguous because there are two
// // candidates: A::GetTraceDescriptor and B::GetTraceDescriptor. Ditto for
// // other functions.
// // The macro defines C::GetTraceDescriptor, similar to
// GarbageCollectedMixin,
// // so that they are no longer ambiguous.
// // USING_GARBAGE_COLLECTED_MIXIN(TYPE) overrides them later and provides
// // the implementations.
// };
public: \
HeapObjectHeader* GetHeapObjectHeader() const override { \
return reinterpret_cast<HeapObjectHeader*>( \
BlinkGC::kNotFullyConstructedObject); \
} \
TraceDescriptor GetTraceDescriptor() const override { \
return {BlinkGC::kNotFullyConstructedObject, nullptr}; \
} \
private: \
using merge_garbage_collected_mixins_requires_semicolon = void
// Base class for objects allocated in the Blink garbage-collected heap.
// Defines a 'new' operator that allocates the memory in the heap. 'delete'
// should not be called on objects that inherit from GarbageCollected.
// Instances of GarbageCollected will *NOT* get finalized. Their destructor
// will not be called. Therefore, only classes that have trivial destructors
// with no semantic meaning (including all their subclasses) should inherit from
// GarbageCollected. If there are non-trival destructors in a given class or
// any of its subclasses, GarbageCollectedFinalized should be used which
// guarantees that the destructor is called on an instance when the garbage
// collector determines that it is no longer reachable.
template <typename T>
class GarbageCollected;
// Base class for objects allocated in the Blink garbage-collected heap.
// Defines a 'new' operator that allocates the memory in the heap. 'delete'
// should not be called on objects that inherit from GarbageCollected.
// Instances of GarbageCollectedFinalized will have their destructor called when
// the garbage collector determines that the object is no longer reachable.
template <typename T>
class GarbageCollectedFinalized : public GarbageCollected<T> {
// finalizeGarbageCollectedObject is called when the object is freed from
// the heap. By default finalization means calling the destructor on the
// object. finalizeGarbageCollectedObject can be overridden to support
// calling the destructor of a subclass. This is useful for objects without
// vtables that require explicit dispatching. The name is intentionally a
// bit long to make name conflicts less likely.
void FinalizeGarbageCollectedObject() { static_cast<T*>(this)->~T(); }
GarbageCollectedFinalized() = default;
~GarbageCollectedFinalized() = default;
template <typename U>
friend struct HasFinalizer;
template <typename U, bool>
friend struct FinalizerTraitImpl;
template <typename T,
bool = WTF::IsSubclassOfTemplate<typename std::remove_const<T>::type,
class NeedsAdjustPointer;
template <typename T>
class NeedsAdjustPointer<T, true> {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
static const bool value = false;
template <typename T>
class NeedsAdjustPointer<T, false> {
static_assert(sizeof(T), "T must be fully defined");
static const bool value =
IsGarbageCollectedMixin<typename std::remove_const<T>::type>::value;
// TODO(sof): migrate to wtf/TypeTraits.h
template <typename T>
class IsFullyDefined {
using TrueType = char;
struct FalseType {
char dummy[2];
template <typename U, size_t sz = sizeof(U)>
static TrueType IsSizeofKnown(U*);
static FalseType IsSizeofKnown(...);
static T& t_;
static const bool value = sizeof(TrueType) == sizeof(IsSizeofKnown(&t_));
} // namespace blink