blob: b8b1decad5ae9eb30ecd91ff700a9a16e1f70dff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/wtf_export.h"
namespace WTF {
// Provides thin wrappers around the following basic time types from
// base/time package:
// - WTF::TimeDelta is an alias for base::TimeDelta and represents a duration
// of time.
// - WTF::TimeTicks wraps base::TimeTicks and represents a monotonic time
// value.
// - WTF::Time is an alias for base::Time and represents a wall time value.
// For usage guideline please see the documentation in base/time/time.h
using TimeDelta = base::TimeDelta;
using TimeTicks = base::TimeTicks;
using Time = base::Time;
using TimeTicks = base::TimeTicks;
// Returns the current UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.
// Precision varies depending on platform but is usually as good or better
// than a millisecond.
WTF_EXPORT double CurrentTime();
// Same thing, in milliseconds.
inline double CurrentTimeMS() {
return CurrentTime() * 1000.0;
using TimeFunction = double (*)();
// Make all the time functions (currentTime(), monotonicallyIncreasingTime(),
// systemTraceTime()) return the result of the supplied function. Returns the
// pointer to the old time function. For both setting and getting, nullptr
// means using the default timing function returning the actual time.
WTF_EXPORT TimeFunction SetTimeFunctionsForTesting(TimeFunction);
// Allows wtf/Time.h to use the same mock time function
WTF_EXPORT TimeFunction GetTimeFunctionForTesting();
// Monotonically increasing clock time since an arbitrary and unspecified origin
// time. Mockable using SetTimeFunctionsForTesting().
WTF_EXPORT TimeTicks CurrentTimeTicks();
// Convenience functions that return seconds and milliseconds since the origin
// time. Prefer CurrentTimeTicks() where possible to avoid potential unit
// confusion errors.
WTF_EXPORT double CurrentTimeTicksInSeconds();
WTF_EXPORT double CurrentTimeTicksInMilliseconds();
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::CurrentTime;
using WTF::CurrentTimeMS;
using WTF::CurrentTimeTicks;
using WTF::CurrentTimeTicksInMilliseconds;
using WTF::CurrentTimeTicksInSeconds;
using WTF::SetTimeFunctionsForTesting;
using WTF::Time;
using WTF::TimeDelta;
using WTF::TimeFunction;
using WTF::TimeTicks;