blob: 7217c2f75788e0b9b43e3be20ea332cf7732fc37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_adapter.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
namespace device {
// A factory class for building a Bluetooth adapter on platforms where Bluetooth
// is available.
// Testing: Clients that want to specify their own return values for
// BluetoothAdapterFactory's functions need to call InitValuesForTesting().
// If this function has been called, the Factory will return the specified
// test values instead of the default values.
// Only IsLowEnergySupported uses ValuesForTesting.
// TODO( Use ValuesForTesting for all functions.
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluetoothAdapterFactory {
typedef base::Callback<void(scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter)>
static BluetoothAdapterFactory& Get();
// Returns true if the platform supports Bluetooth. It does not imply that
// there is a Bluetooth radio. Use BluetoothAdapter::IsPresent to know
// if there is a Bluetooth radio present.
static bool IsBluetoothSupported();
// Returns true if the platform supports Bluetooth Low Energy. This is
// independent of whether or not there is a Bluetooth radio present e.g.
// Windows 7 does not support BLE so IsLowEnergySupported would return
// false. Windows 10, on the other hand, supports BLE so this function
// returns true even if there is no Bluetooth radio on the system.
bool IsLowEnergySupported();
// Returns the shared instance of the default adapter, creating and
// initializing it if necessary. |callback| is called with the adapter
// instance passed only once the adapter is fully initialized and ready to
// use.
static void GetAdapter(const AdapterCallback& callback);
#if defined(OS_LINUX)
// Calls |BluetoothAdapter::Shutdown| on the adapter if
// present.
static void Shutdown();
// Sets the shared instance of the default adapter for testing purposes only,
// no reference is retained after completion of the call, removing the last
// reference will reset the factory.
static void SetAdapterForTesting(scoped_refptr<BluetoothAdapter> adapter);
// Returns true iff the implementation has a (non-NULL) shared instance of the
// adapter. Exposed for testing.
static bool HasSharedInstanceForTesting();
// ValuestForTesting holds the return values for BluetoothAdapterFactory's
// functions that have been set for testing.
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT GlobalValuesForTesting {
void SetLESupported(bool supported) { le_supported_ = supported; }
bool GetLESupported() { return le_supported_; }
base::WeakPtr<GlobalValuesForTesting> GetWeakPtr();
bool le_supported_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<GlobalValuesForTesting> weak_ptr_factory_;
// Returns an object that clients can use to control the return values
// of the Factory's functions. BluetoothAdapterFactory will keep a WeakPtr
// to this object so clients can just destroy the returned
// GlobalValuesForTesting to reset BluetoothAdapterFactory's returned
// values once they are done.
// Sometimes clients cannot guarantee that whey will reset all the values
// before another clients starts interacting with BluetoothAdapterFactory.
// By passing ownership of GlobalValuesForTesting to the clients, we
// ensure that only the last client that called
// InitGlobalValuesForTesting() will modify BluetoothAdapterFactory's
// returned values.
std::unique_ptr<GlobalValuesForTesting> InitGlobalValuesForTesting();
// Friend LazyInstance to permit access to private constructor.
friend base::LazyInstanceTraitsBase<BluetoothAdapterFactory>;
base::WeakPtr<GlobalValuesForTesting> values_for_testing_;
} // namespace device