blob: c7d278eadef077cf3c6b66e368f6b828d2ea71c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_bug_tracker.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_protocol.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
class WriteBlockedListPeer;
} // namespace test
template <typename IdType>
class WriteBlockedList {
// 0(1) size lookup. 0(1) insert at front or back.
typedef std::deque<IdType> BlockedList;
typedef typename BlockedList::iterator iterator;
WriteBlockedList() {}
static SpdyPriority ClampPriority(SpdyPriority priority) {
if (priority < kV3HighestPriority) {
SPDY_BUG << "Invalid priority: " << static_cast<int>(priority);
return kV3HighestPriority;
if (priority > kV3LowestPriority) {
SPDY_BUG << "Invalid priority: " << static_cast<int>(priority);
return kV3LowestPriority;
return priority;
// Returns the priority of the highest priority list with sessions on it.
SpdyPriority GetHighestPriorityWriteBlockedList() const {
for (SpdyPriority i = 0; i <= kV3LowestPriority; ++i) {
if (write_blocked_lists_[i].size() > 0) {
return i;
SPDY_BUG << "No blocked streams";
return kV3HighestPriority;
IdType PopFront(SpdyPriority priority) {
priority = ClampPriority(priority);
IdType stream_id = write_blocked_lists_[priority].front();
return stream_id;
bool HasWriteBlockedStreamsGreaterThanPriority(SpdyPriority priority) const {
priority = ClampPriority(priority);
for (SpdyPriority i = kV3HighestPriority; i < priority; ++i) {
if (!write_blocked_lists_[i].empty()) {
return true;
return false;
bool HasWriteBlockedStreams() const {
for (SpdyPriority i = kV3HighestPriority; i <= kV3LowestPriority; ++i) {
if (!write_blocked_lists_[i].empty()) {
return true;
return false;
// Add this stream to the back of the write blocked list for this priority
// level. If the stream is already on that write blocked list this is a
// no-op. If the stream is on a write blocked list for a different priority
// it will be removed from that list.
void PushBack(IdType stream_id, SpdyPriority priority) {
AddStream(stream_id, priority, true);
// Add this stream to the front of the write blocked list for this priority
// level. If the stream is already on that write blocked list this is a
// no-op. If the stream is on a write blocked list for a different priority
// it will be removed from that list.
void PushFront(IdType stream_id, SpdyPriority priority) {
AddStream(stream_id, priority, false);
bool RemoveStreamFromWriteBlockedList(IdType stream_id,
SpdyPriority priority) {
typename StreamToPriorityMap::iterator iter =
if (iter == stream_to_priority_.end()) {
// The stream is not present in the write blocked list.
return false;
} else if (iter->second == priority) {
} else {
// The stream is not present at the specified priority level.
return false;
// We shouldn't really add a stream_id to a list multiple times,
// but under some conditions it does happen. Doing a check in PushBack
// would be too costly, so instead we check here to eliminate duplicates.
bool found = false;
iterator it = std::find(write_blocked_lists_[priority].begin(),
write_blocked_lists_[priority].end(), stream_id);
while (it != write_blocked_lists_[priority].end()) {
found = true;
iterator next_it = write_blocked_lists_[priority].erase(it);
it = std::find(next_it, write_blocked_lists_[priority].end(), stream_id);
return found;
void UpdateStreamPriorityInWriteBlockedList(IdType stream_id,
SpdyPriority old_priority,
SpdyPriority new_priority) {
if (old_priority == new_priority) {
bool found = RemoveStreamFromWriteBlockedList(stream_id, old_priority);
if (found) {
PushBack(stream_id, new_priority);
size_t NumBlockedStreams() const {
size_t num_blocked_streams = 0;
for (SpdyPriority i = kV3HighestPriority; i <= kV3LowestPriority; ++i) {
num_blocked_streams += write_blocked_lists_[i].size();
return num_blocked_streams;
size_t NumBlockedStreams(SpdyPriority priority) const {
priority = ClampPriority(priority);
return write_blocked_lists_[priority].size();
friend class net::test::WriteBlockedListPeer;
using StreamToPriorityMap = std::unordered_map<IdType, SpdyPriority>;
void AddStream(IdType stream_id, SpdyPriority priority, bool push_back) {
priority = ClampPriority(priority);
DVLOG(2) << "Adding stream " << stream_id << " at priority "
<< static_cast<int>(priority);
bool should_insert_stream = true;
typename StreamToPriorityMap::iterator iter =
// Ensure the stream is not in the write blocked list multiple times.
if (iter != stream_to_priority_.end()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Stream " << stream_id << " already in write blocked list.";
if (iter->second == priority) {
// The stream is already in the write blocked list for the priority.
// It will not be inserted again but will retain its place in the list.
should_insert_stream = false;
} else {
// The stream is in a write blocked list for a different priority.
// Remove it from that list and allow it to be added to the list for
// this priority.
bool removed =
RemoveStreamFromWriteBlockedList(stream_id, iter->second);
if (should_insert_stream) {
stream_to_priority_[stream_id] = priority;
if (push_back) {
} else {
BlockedList write_blocked_lists_[kV3LowestPriority + 1];
StreamToPriorityMap stream_to_priority_;
} // namespace net