blob: 4651eb188a790bcc6d7e9c92175efc465fff6d55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
namespace net {
// SSLCipherSuiteToStrings returns three strings for a given cipher suite
// number, the name of the key exchange algorithm, the name of the cipher and
// the name of the MAC. The cipher suite number is the number as sent on the
// wire and recorded at
// If the cipher suite is unknown, the strings are set to "???".
// In the case of an AEAD cipher suite, *mac_str is NULL and *is_aead is true.
NET_EXPORT void SSLCipherSuiteToStrings(const char** key_exchange_str,
const char** cipher_str,
const char** mac_str,
bool* is_aead,
uint16_t cipher_suite);
// SSLVersionToString returns the name of the SSL protocol version
// specified by |ssl_version|, which is defined in
// net/ssl/ssl_connection_status_flags.h.
// If the version is unknown, |name| is set to "???".
NET_EXPORT void SSLVersionToString(const char** name, int ssl_version);
// Parses a string literal that represents a SSL/TLS cipher suite.
// Supported literal forms:
// 0xAABB, where AA is cipher_suite[0] and BB is cipher_suite[1], as
// defined in RFC 2246, Section Unrecognized but parsable cipher
// suites in this form will not return an error.
// Returns true if the cipher suite was successfully parsed, storing the
// result in |cipher_suite|.
// TODO(rsleevi): Support the full strings defined in the IANA TLS parameters
// list.
NET_EXPORT bool ParseSSLCipherString(const std::string& cipher_string,
uint16_t* cipher_suite);
// |cipher_suite| is the IANA id for the cipher suite. What a "secure"
// cipher suite is arbitrarily determined here. The intent is to indicate what
// cipher suites meet modern security standards when backwards compatibility can
// be ignored.
// Currently, this function follows these criteria:
// 1) Only uses ECDHE-based key exchanges authenticated by a certificate
// 2) Only uses AEADs
NET_EXPORT bool IsSecureTLSCipherSuite(uint16_t cipher_suite);
// Returns true if |cipher_suite| is suitable for use with HTTP/2. See
NET_EXPORT bool IsTLSCipherSuiteAllowedByHTTP2(uint16_t cipher_suite);
// Returns the static curve name of |key_exchange_info| if the |cipher_suite|
// is an elliptic curve, and a name is known. Returns nullptr otherwise.
// Only defined for OpenSSL, returns nullptr otherwise.
NET_EXPORT const char* ECCurveName(uint16_t cipher_suite,
int key_exchange_info);
} // namespace net