blob: 2a80e449042c9ba329ecacd9ea0a5f2ac0881930 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/dom_distiller/ios/distiller_page_ios.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web {
class BrowserState;
namespace reading_list {
class FaviconWebStateDispatcher;
// A delegate to get information on the page that is actually loaded during
// distillation.
class ReadingListDistillerPageDelegate {
virtual ~ReadingListDistillerPageDelegate();
// A callback called if the URL passed to the distilled led to a redirection.
virtual void DistilledPageRedirectedToURL(const GURL& original_url,
const GURL& final_url) = 0;
// Gives to the delegate the mime type of the loaded page.
// If the type is not "text/html", the distillation will fail.
virtual void DistilledPageHasMimeType(const GURL& original_url,
const std::string& mime_type) = 0;
// An DistillerPageIOS that will retain WebState to allow favicon download and
// and add a 2 seconds delay between loading and distillation.
class ReadingListDistillerPage : public dom_distiller::DistillerPageIOS {
typedef base::Callback<void(const GURL&, const GURL&)> RedirectionCallback;
// Creates a ReadingListDistillerPage to distill |url|. WebStates to download
// the pages will be provided by web_state_dispatcher.
// |browser_state|, |web_state_dispatcher| and |delegate| must not be null.
explicit ReadingListDistillerPage(
const GURL& url,
web::BrowserState* browser_state,
FaviconWebStateDispatcher* web_state_dispatcher,
ReadingListDistillerPageDelegate* delegate);
~ReadingListDistillerPage() override;
void DistillPageImpl(const GURL& url, const std::string& script) override;
void OnDistillationDone(const GURL& page_url,
const base::Value* value) override;
void OnLoadURLDone(
web::PageLoadCompletionStatus load_completion_status) override;
// Returns wether there is the loading has no error and if the distillation
// can continue.
bool IsLoadingSuccess(web::PageLoadCompletionStatus load_completion_status);
// Work around the fact that articles opened from Google Search page and
// Google News are presented in an iframe. This method detects if the current
// page is a Google AMP and navigate to the iframe in that case.
// Returns whether the current page is a Google AMP page.
// IsGoogleCachedAMPPage will determine if the current page is a Google AMP
// page.
bool IsGoogleCachedAMPPage();
// HandleGoogleCachedAMPPage will navigate to the iframe containing the actual
// article page.
void HandleGoogleCachedAMPPage();
// Handles the JavaScript response. If the URL of the iframe is returned,
// triggers a navigation to it. Stop distillation of the page there as the new
// load will trigger a new distillation.
bool HandleGoogleCachedAMPPageJavaScriptResult(id result, id error);
// Work around the fact that articles from wikipedia has the major part of the
// article hidden.
// IsWikipediaPage determines if the current page is a wikipedia article.
bool IsWikipediaPage();
// HandleWikipediaPage sets the style of collapsable parts of article to
// visible.
void HandleWikipediaPage();
// Continue the distillation on the page that is currently loaded in
// |CurrentWebState()|.
void ContinuePageDistillation();
// Starts the fetching of |page_url|'s favicon.
void FetchFavicon(const GURL& page_url);
// Continues distillation by calling superclass |OnLoadURLDone|.
void DelayedOnLoadURLDone(int delayed_task_id);
GURL original_url_;
bool distilling_main_page_;
FaviconWebStateDispatcher* web_state_dispatcher_;
ReadingListDistillerPageDelegate* delegate_;
int delayed_task_id_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ReadingListDistillerPage> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace reading_list