blob: 94a362654ff3547b2b86416f034492c0ec0845cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <EarlGrey/EarlGrey.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/ui_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/app/chrome_test_util.h"
#include "ios/chrome/test/app/history_test_util.h"
#include "ios/chrome/test/app/navigation_test_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/app/web_view_interaction_test_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey_ui.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_matchers.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_test_case.h"
#include "ios/chrome/test/scoped_block_popups_pref.h"
#include "ios/web/public/test/http_server/html_response_provider.h"
#import "ios/web/public/test/http_server/http_server.h"
#include "ios/web/public/test/http_server/http_server_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
using chrome_test_util::GetOriginalBrowserState;
using chrome_test_util::TapWebViewElementWithId;
using web::test::HttpServer;
namespace {
// First page for cache testing.
const char kCacheTestFirstPageURL[] = "http://cacheTestFirstPage";
// Second page for cache testing.
const char kCacheTestSecondPageURL[] = "http://cacheTestSecondPage";
// Third page for cache testing.
const char kCacheTestThirdPageURL[] = "http://cacheTestThirdPage";
// ID for HTML hyperlink element.
const char kCacheTestLinkID[] = "cache-test-link-id";
// Response provider for cache testing that provides server hit count and
// cache-control request header.
class CacheTestResponseProvider : public web::DataResponseProvider {
: first_page_url_(HttpServer::MakeUrl(kCacheTestFirstPageURL)),
third_page_url_(HttpServer::MakeUrl(kCacheTestThirdPageURL)) {}
~CacheTestResponseProvider() override {}
// HtmlResponseProvider overrides:
bool CanHandleRequest(const Request& request) override {
return request.url == first_page_url_ || request.url == second_page_url_ ||
request.url == third_page_url_;
void GetResponseHeadersAndBody(
const Request& request,
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders>* headers,
std::string* response_body) override {
std::string cache_control_header;
if (request.headers.HasHeader("Cache-Control")) {
request.headers.GetHeader("Cache-Control", &cache_control_header);
*headers = web::ResponseProvider::GetDefaultResponseHeaders();
if (request.url == first_page_url_) {
*response_body = base::StringPrintf(
"<p>First Page</p>"
"<p>serverHitCounter: %d</p>"
"<p>cacheControl: %s</p>"
"<a href='%s' id='%s'>link to second page</a>",
hit_counter_, cache_control_header.c_str(),
second_page_url_.spec().c_str(), kCacheTestLinkID);
} else if (request.url == second_page_url_) {
*response_body = base::StringPrintf(
"<p>Second Page</p>"
"<p>serverHitCounter: %d</p>"
"<p>cacheControl: %s</p>",
hit_counter_, cache_control_header.c_str());
} else if (request.url == third_page_url_) {
*response_body = base::StringPrintf(
"<p>Third Page</p>"
"<p>serverHitCounter: %d</p>"
"<p>cacheControl: %s</p>"
"<a href='%s' id='%s' target='_blank'>"
"link to first page in new tab</a>",
hit_counter_, cache_control_header.c_str(),
first_page_url_.spec().c_str(), kCacheTestLinkID);
} else {
// A number that counts requests that have reached the server.
int hit_counter_ = 0;
// URLs for three test pages.
GURL first_page_url_;
GURL second_page_url_;
GURL third_page_url_;
} // namespace
// Tests the browser cache behavior when navigating to cached pages.
@interface CacheTestCase : ChromeTestCase
@implementation CacheTestCase
// Tests caching behavior on navigate back and page reload. Navigate back should
// use the cached page. Page reload should use cache-control in the request
// header and show updated page.
- (void)testCachingBehaviorOnNavigateBackAndPageReload {
// TODO( re-enable this test on iOS 10.3.1 and afterwards
// once the bug is fixed.
if (base::ios::IsRunningOnOrLater(10, 3, 1)) {
EARL_GREY_TEST_DISABLED(@"Disabled on iOS 10.3.1 and afterwards.");
const GURL cacheTestFirstPageURL =
// 1st hit to server. Verify that the server has the correct hit count.
[ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:cacheTestFirstPageURL];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 1"];
// Navigate to another page. 2nd hit to server.
@"Failed to tap %s", kCacheTestLinkID);
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 2"];
// Navigate back. This should not hit the server. Verify the page has been
// loaded from cache. The serverHitCounter will remain the same.
[ChromeEarlGrey goBack];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 1"];
// Reload page. 3rd hit to server. Verify that page reload causes the
// hitCounter to show updated value.
[ChromeEarlGrey reload];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 3"];
// Verify that page reload causes Cache-Control value to be sent with request.
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"cacheControl: max-age=0"];
// Tests caching behavior when opening new tab. New tab should not use the
// cached page.
- (void)testCachingBehaviorOnOpenNewTab {
const GURL cacheTestFirstPageURL =
const GURL cacheTestThirdPageURL =
// 1st hit to server. Verify title and hitCount.
[ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:cacheTestFirstPageURL];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"First Page"];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 1"];
// 2nd hit to server. Verify hitCount.
[ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:cacheTestThirdPageURL];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 2"];
// Open the first page in a new tab. Verify that cache was not used. Must
// first allow popups.
ScopedBlockPopupsPref prefSetter(CONTENT_SETTING_ALLOW,
@"Failed to tap %s", kCacheTestLinkID);
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForMainTabCount:2];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForPageToFinishLoading];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"First Page"];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 3"];
// Tests that cache is not used when selecting omnibox suggested website, even
// though cache for that website exists.
- (void)testCachingBehaviorOnSelectOmniboxSuggestion {
// TODO( Re-enable this test on iPad once grey_typeText
// works.
if (IsIPadIdiom()) {
EARL_GREY_TEST_DISABLED(@"Test disabled on iPad.");
// Clear the history to ensure expected omnibox autocomplete results.
@"Clearing Browsing History timed out");
const GURL cacheTestFirstPageURL =
// 1st hit to server. Verify title and hitCount.
[ChromeEarlGrey loadURL:cacheTestFirstPageURL];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"First Page"];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 1"];
// Type a search into omnnibox and select the first suggestion (second row)
[ChromeEarlGreyUI focusOmniboxAndType:@"cachetestfirstpage"];
selectElementWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityID(@"omnibox suggestion 1")]
// Verify title and hitCount. Cache should not be used.
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"First Page"];
[ChromeEarlGrey waitForWebViewContainingText:"serverHitCounter: 2"];