blob: 27bf50d65f7e3470841bdcddeaef34120475e7c5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("port_monitor") {
public_deps = [
shared_library("port_monitor_dll") {
output_name = "gcp_portmon"
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
output_name = "gcp_portmon64"
sources = [
deps = [
libs = [ "userenv.lib" ]
group("copy_gcp_portmon_binaries") {
deps = [
# TODO(pastarmovj): Find some way to reference the pdb file for the 64bit dll
# simply using it in the sources directive causes gn to error when generating
# the build files.
if (current_cpu == "x64") {
copy("copy_gcp_portmon_dll") {
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
} else {
# Make sure that we have a copy of gcp_portmon64.dll in the root out
# directory.
copy("copy_gcp_portmon_dll") {
if (is_clang) {
gcp_portmon64_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/win:clang_x64"
} else {
gcp_portmon64_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/win:x64"
gcp_portmon64_label = ":port_monitor_dll($gcp_portmon64_toolchain)"
gcp_portmon64_out_dir = get_label_info(gcp_portmon64_label, "root_out_dir")
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
source_set("lib") {
sources = [
deps = [
process_version_rc_template("resources") {
sources = [
# Note: target_gen_dir will be different for each toolchain so the output
# name doesn't need mangling.
output = "$target_gen_dir/gcp_portmon_dll.rc"