blob: 9cd9740713b9759930a27e1321e60c0f62befada [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This struct specifies the work to be done by the InstallableManager.
// Data is cached and fetched in the order specified in this struct.
// If the eligibility check fails, processing halts immediately. Otherwise, a
// web app manifest is fetched before the remaining items.
struct InstallableParams {
// Check whether the current WebContents is eligible to be installed, i.e it:
// - is served over HTTPS
// - is a top-level frame
// - is not in an incognito profile.
bool check_eligibility = false;
// Check whether there is a fetchable, non-empty icon in the manifest
// conforming to the primary icon size parameters.
bool valid_primary_icon = false;
// Whether to prefer an icon with purpose 'maskable' for the primary icon.
bool prefer_maskable_icon = false;
// Check whether there is a fetchable, non-empty icon in the manifest
// conforming to the badge icon size parameters.
bool valid_badge_icon = false;
// Check whether the site has a manifest valid for a web app.
bool valid_manifest = false;
// If the manifest is being checked, check the display setting in the manifest
// is a valid webapp display setting.
bool check_webapp_manifest_display = true;
// Check whether the site has a service worker controlling the manifest start
// URL and the current URL.
bool has_worker = false;
// Whether or not to wait indefinitely for a service worker. If this is set to
// false, the worker status will not be cached and will be re-checked if
// GetData() is called again for the current page. Setting this to true means
// that the callback will not be called for any site that does not install a
// service worker.
bool wait_for_worker = false;