blob: 96e4b7c3e23abc50e3a8c59f3468dc48b60922bb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'includes': [
'variables': {
'variables': {
'conditions': [
['sysroot!=""', {
'pkg-config': '<(chroot_cmd) ../../build/linux/pkg-config-wrapper "<(sysroot)" "<(target_arch)" "<(system_libdir)"',
}, {
'pkg-config': 'pkg-config'
'pkg-config': '<(pkg-config)',
'conditions': [
['OS=="linux" and (buildtype!="Official" or chromeos==1) and embedded==0', {
# Since version 1.31.0, pangoft2 which we depend on pulls in harfbuzz
# anyways. However, we want to have control of the version of harfbuzz
# we use, so don't use system harfbuzz for official builds, unless we
# are building for chrome os, where we have the system harfbuzz under
# control as well.
'use_system_harfbuzz%': '<!(python ../../build/ <(pkg-config) --atleast-version=1.31.0 pangoft2)',
}, {
'use_system_harfbuzz': 0,
['OS=="linux" and target_arch=="arm" and chromeos==0', {
# Override use_system_harfbuzz for ARM cross compiling so system
# harfbuzz is not used because the corresponding package is not
# available.
'use_system_harfbuzz': 0,
'conditions': [
['use_system_harfbuzz==0', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'harfbuzz-ng',
'type': 'static_library',
'defines': [
'sources': [
'include_dirs': [
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'dependencies': [
'variables': {
'clang_warning_flags': [ '-Wno-unused-value', ],
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
# TODO(eae): C4267 on amd64. size_t -> int, size_t -> unsigned int
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4267, 4334],
['OS=="mac"', {
'defines': [
'sources': [
}, { # use_system_harfbuzz==1
'targets': [
'target_name': 'harfbuzz-ng',
'type': 'none',
'cflags': [
'<!@(<(pkg-config) --cflags harfbuzz)',
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'cflags': [
'<!@(<(pkg-config) --cflags harfbuzz)',
'link_settings': {
'ldflags': [
'<!@(<(pkg-config) --libs-only-L --libs-only-other harfbuzz)',
'libraries': [
'<!@(<(pkg-config) --libs-only-l harfbuzz)',