blob: 100121c9ea9310eceef40b4d82f59a2ec9584cf9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env vpython
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for"""
import collections
import unittest
import phased_orderfile
import process_profiles
from test_utils import (ProfileFile,
class Mod10Processor(process_profiles.SymbolOffsetProcessor):
"""A restricted mock for a SymbolOffsetProcessor.
This only implements {Translate,Get}ReacheOffsetsFromDump, and works by
mapping a dump offset to offset - (offset % 10). If the dump offset is
negative, it is marked as not found.
def __init__(self):
super(Mod10Processor, self).__init__(None)
def _TranslateReachedOffsetsFromDump(self, items, get, update):
for i in items:
x = get(i)
if x >= 0:
update(i, x - (x % 10))
update(i, None)
class IdentityProcessor(process_profiles.SymbolOffsetProcessor):
"""A restricted mock for a SymbolOffsetProcessor.
This only implements {Translate,Get}ReachedOffsetsFromDump, and maps the dump
offset to itself. If the dump offset is negative, it is marked as not found.
def __init__(self):
super(IdentityProcessor, self).__init__(None)
def _TranslateReachedOffsetsFromDump(self, items, get, update):
for i in items:
x = get(i)
if x >= 0:
update(i, x)
update(i, None)
class PhasedOrderfileTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._file_counter = 0
def testGetOrderfilePhaseOffsets(self):
mgr = TestProfileManager({
ProfileFile(0, 0): [12, 21, -1, 33],
ProfileFile(0, 1): [31, 49, 52],
ProfileFile(100, 0): [113, 128],
ProfileFile(200, 1): [132, 146],
ProfileFile(300, 0): [19, 20, 32],
ProfileFile(300, 1): [24, 39]})
phaser = phased_orderfile.PhasedAnalyzer(mgr, Mod10Processor())
opo = lambda s, c, i: phased_orderfile.OrderfilePhaseOffsets(
startup=s, common=c, interaction=i)
self.assertListEqual([opo([10, 20], [30], [40, 50]),
opo([110, 120], [], []),
opo([], [], [130, 140]),
opo([10], [20, 30], [])],
def testGetCombinedProcessOffsets(self):
mgr = TestProfileManager({
ProfileFile(40, 0, ''): [1, 2, 3],
ProfileFile(50, 1, ''): [3, 4, 5],
ProfileFile(51, 0, 'renderer'): [2, 3, 6],
ProfileFile(51, 1, 'gpu-process'): [6, 7],
ProfileFile(70, 0, ''): [2, 8, 9],
ProfileFile(70, 1, ''): [9]})
phaser = phased_orderfile.PhasedAnalyzer(mgr, IdentityProcessor())
offsets = phaser._GetCombinedProcessOffsets('browser')
self.assertListEqual([1, 2, 8], sorted(offsets.startup))
self.assertListEqual([4, 5], sorted(offsets.interaction))
self.assertListEqual([3, 9], sorted(offsets.common))
offsets = phaser._GetCombinedProcessOffsets('gpu-process')
self.assertListEqual([], sorted(offsets.startup))
self.assertListEqual([6, 7], sorted(offsets.interaction))
self.assertListEqual([], sorted(offsets.common))
self.assertListEqual(['browser', 'gpu-process', 'renderer'],
def testGetOffsetVariations(self):
mgr = TestProfileManager({
ProfileFile(40, 0, ''): [1, 2, 3],
ProfileFile(50, 1, ''): [3, 4, -10, 5],
ProfileFile(51, 0, 'renderer'): [2, 3, 6],
ProfileFile(51, 1, 'gpu-process'): [6, 7],
ProfileFile(70, 0, ''): [2, 6, 8, 9],
ProfileFile(70, 1, ''): [9]})
phaser = phased_orderfile.PhasedAnalyzer(mgr, IdentityProcessor())
offsets = phaser.GetOffsetsForMemoryFootprint()
self.assertListEqual([1, 2, 8], offsets.startup)
self.assertListEqual([6, 3, 9], offsets.common)
self.assertListEqual([4, 5, 7], offsets.interaction)
offsets = phaser.GetOffsetsForStartup()
self.assertListEqual([1, 2, 6, 8], offsets.startup)
self.assertListEqual([3, 9], offsets.common)
self.assertListEqual([4, 5, 7], offsets.interaction)
if __name__ == "__main__":