blob: 539ea4d84faa7e6f6c7c8634f71df4e2ae96f0b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_item_list.h"
#include <utility>
#include "ash/app_list/model/app_list_item.h"
#include "base/guid.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
namespace app_list {
AppListItemList::AppListItemList() = default;
AppListItemList::~AppListItemList() = default;
void AppListItemList::AddObserver(AppListItemListObserver* observer) {
void AppListItemList::RemoveObserver(AppListItemListObserver* observer) {
AppListItem* AppListItemList::FindItem(const std::string& id) {
for (const auto& item : app_list_items_) {
if (item->id() == id)
return item.get();
return nullptr;
// TODO( Make it return iterator to avoid unnecessary
// check in this code.
bool AppListItemList::FindItemIndex(const std::string& id, size_t* index) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < app_list_items_.size(); ++i) {
if (app_list_items_[i]->id() == id) {
*index = i;
return true;
return false;
void AppListItemList::MoveItem(size_t from_index, size_t to_index) {
DCHECK_LT(from_index, item_count());
DCHECK_LT(to_index, item_count());
if (from_index == to_index || item_count() == 1)
auto target_item = std::move(app_list_items_[from_index]);
DVLOG(2) << "MoveItem: " << from_index << " -> " << to_index << " ["
<< target_item->position().ToDebugString() << "]";
// Remove the target item
app_list_items_.erase(app_list_items_.begin() + from_index);
// Update the position
AppListItem* prev = to_index > 0 ? item_at(to_index - 1) : nullptr;
AppListItem* next = to_index < item_count() ? item_at(to_index) : nullptr;
CHECK_NE(prev, next);
syncer::StringOrdinal new_position;
if (!prev) {
new_position = next->position().CreateBefore();
} else if (!next) {
new_position = prev->position().CreateAfter();
} else {
// It is possible that items were added with the same ordinal. To
// successfully move the item we need to fix this. We do not try to fix this
// when an item is added in order to avoid possible edge cases with sync.
if (prev->position().Equals(next->position()))
new_position = prev->position().CreateBetween(next->position());
DVLOG(2) << "Move: "
<< " Prev: " << (prev ? prev->position().ToDebugString() : "(none)")
<< " Next: " << (next ? next->position().ToDebugString() : "(none)")
<< " -> " << new_position.ToDebugString();
// Insert the item and notify observers.
app_list_items_.insert(app_list_items_.begin() + to_index,
AppListItem* item = item_at(to_index);
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnListItemMoved(from_index, to_index, item);
void AppListItemList::SetItemPosition(AppListItem* item,
syncer::StringOrdinal new_position) {
size_t from_index;
if (!FindItemIndex(item->id(), &from_index)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SetItemPosition: Not in list: " << item->id().substr(0, 8);
DCHECK(item_at(from_index) == item);
if (!new_position.IsValid()) {
size_t last_index = app_list_items_.size() - 1;
if (from_index == last_index)
return; // Already last item, do nothing.
new_position = item_at(last_index)->position().CreateAfter();
// First check if the order would remain the same, in which case just update
// the position.
size_t to_index = GetItemSortOrderIndex(new_position, item->id());
if (to_index == from_index) {
DVLOG(2) << "SetItemPosition: No change: " << item->id().substr(0, 8);
// Remove the item and get the updated to index.
auto target_item = std::move(app_list_items_[from_index]);
app_list_items_.erase(app_list_items_.begin() + from_index);
to_index = GetItemSortOrderIndex(new_position, target_item->id());
DVLOG(2) << "SetItemPosition: " << target_item->id().substr(0, 8) << " -> "
<< new_position.ToDebugString() << " From: " << from_index
<< " To: " << to_index;
app_list_items_.insert(app_list_items_.begin() + to_index,
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnListItemMoved(from_index, to_index, item);
AppListItem* AppListItemList::AddPageBreakItemAfter(
const AppListItem* previous_item) {
size_t previous_index;
CHECK(FindItemIndex(previous_item->id(), &previous_index));
const size_t next_index = previous_index + 1;
const AppListItem* next_item =
next_index < item_count() ? item_at(next_index) : nullptr;
syncer::StringOrdinal position;
if (!next_item) {
position = previous_item->position().CreateAfter();
} else {
// It is possible that items were added with the same ordinal. To
// successfully add the page break item we need to fix this. We do not try
// to fix this when an item is added in order to avoid possible edge cases
// with sync.
if (previous_item->position().Equals(next_item->position()))
position = previous_item->position().CreateBetween(next_item->position());
auto page_break_item = std::make_unique<AppListItem>(base::GenerateGUID());
AppListItem* item = page_break_item.get();
size_t index = GetItemSortOrderIndex(item->position(), item->id());
app_list_items_.insert(app_list_items_.begin() + index,
return item;
void AppListItemList::HighlightItemInstalledFromUI(const std::string& id) {
// Items within folders are not highlighted (apps are never installed to a
// folder initially). So just search the top-level list.
size_t index;
if (FindItemIndex(highlighted_id_, &index)) {
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnAppListItemHighlight(index, false);
highlighted_id_ = id;
if (!FindItemIndex(highlighted_id_, &index)) {
// If the item isin't in the app list yet, it will be highlighted later, in
// AddItem().
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnAppListItemHighlight(index, true);
// AppListItemList private
syncer::StringOrdinal AppListItemList::CreatePositionBefore(
const syncer::StringOrdinal& position) {
if (app_list_items_.empty())
return syncer::StringOrdinal::CreateInitialOrdinal();
size_t nitems = app_list_items_.size();
size_t index;
if (!position.IsValid()) {
index = nitems;
} else {
for (index = 0; index < nitems; ++index) {
if (!item_at(index)->position().LessThan(position))
if (index == 0)
return item_at(0)->position().CreateBefore();
if (index == nitems)
return item_at(nitems - 1)->position().CreateAfter();
return item_at(index - 1)->position().CreateBetween(
AppListItem* AppListItemList::AddItem(std::unique_ptr<AppListItem> item_ptr) {
AppListItem* item = item_ptr.get();
CHECK(std::find_if(app_list_items_.cbegin(), app_list_items_.cend(),
[item](const std::unique_ptr<AppListItem>& item_p) {
return item_p.get() == item;
}) == app_list_items_.cend());
size_t index = GetItemSortOrderIndex(item->position(), item->id());
app_list_items_.insert(app_list_items_.begin() + index, std::move(item_ptr));
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnListItemAdded(index, item);
if (item->id() == highlighted_id_) {
// Item not present when highlight requested, so highlight it now.
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnAppListItemHighlight(index, true);
return item;
void AppListItemList::DeleteItem(const std::string& id) {
std::unique_ptr<AppListItem> item = RemoveItem(id);
// |item| will be deleted on destruction.
std::unique_ptr<AppListItem> AppListItemList::RemoveItem(
const std::string& id) {
size_t index;
if (!FindItemIndex(id, &index))
LOG(FATAL) << "RemoveItem: Not found: " << id;
return RemoveItemAt(index);
std::unique_ptr<AppListItem> AppListItemList::RemoveItemAt(size_t index) {
CHECK_LT(index, item_count());
auto item = std::move(app_list_items_[index]);
app_list_items_.erase(app_list_items_.begin() + index);
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnListItemRemoved(index, item.get());
return item;
void AppListItemList::DeleteItemAt(size_t index) {
std::unique_ptr<AppListItem> item = RemoveItemAt(index);
// |item| will be deleted on destruction.
void AppListItemList::EnsureValidItemPosition(AppListItem* item) {
syncer::StringOrdinal position = item->position();
if (position.IsValid())
size_t nitems = app_list_items_.size();
if (nitems == 0) {
position = syncer::StringOrdinal::CreateInitialOrdinal();
} else {
position = item_at(nitems - 1)->position().CreateAfter();
size_t AppListItemList::GetItemSortOrderIndex(
const syncer::StringOrdinal& position,
const std::string& id) {
for (size_t index = 0; index < app_list_items_.size(); ++index) {
if (position.LessThan(item_at(index)->position()) ||
(position.Equals(item_at(index)->position()) &&
(id < item_at(index)->id()))) {
return index;
return app_list_items_.size();
void AppListItemList::FixItemPosition(size_t index) {
DVLOG(1) << "FixItemPosition: " << index;
size_t nitems = item_count();
DCHECK_LT(index, nitems);
DCHECK_GT(index, 0u);
// Update the position of |index| and any necessary subsequent items.
// First, find the next item that has a different position.
AppListItem* prev = item_at(index - 1);
size_t last_index = index + 1;
for (; last_index < nitems; ++last_index) {
if (!item_at(last_index)->position().Equals(prev->position()))
AppListItem* last = last_index < nitems ? item_at(last_index) : nullptr;
for (size_t i = index; i < last_index; ++i) {
AppListItem* cur = item_at(i);
if (last)
prev = cur;
AppListItem* item = item_at(index);
for (auto& observer : observers_)
observer.OnListItemMoved(index, index, item);
} // namespace app_list