Chrome Screen AI Library


ScreenAI service provides accessibility helpers, is downloaded and initialized on demand, and stays on disk for 30 days after the last use.
The service is created per profile and will stay alive as long as the profile lives.
See services/screen_ai/ for more.

How to Use for OCR

Depending on your use case restrictions, choose one of the following approaches.

  1. Using OpticalCharacterRecognizer:CreateWithStatusCallback, create an OCR object, and wait until the callback is called. This will trigger download and startup of the service (if needed) and reports the result.
    Once the callback is called with true value, use OpticalCharacterRecognizer:PerformOCR.
    Creation of the object can only be done in the UI thread.
  2. If you cannot use the callback, create the object using OpticalCharacterRecognizer:Create and keep calling OpticalCharacterRecognizer:is_ready until it tells you that the service is ready.
    Then use OpticalCharacterRecognizer:PerformOCR as above.
    Creation of the object can only be done in the UI thread.
  3. If neither of the above work, in the browser process call screen_ai:ScreenAIServiceRouterFactory:GetForBrowserContext:GetServiceStateAsync to trigger library download and service initialization and receive the result in a callback.
    Once you know the service is ready, trigger connection to it in your process by connecting to screen_ai:mojom:ScreenAIAnnotator interface.
    For an example see components/pdf/renderer/

How to use Main Content Extraction

In the browser process call screen_ai:ScreenAIServiceRouterFactory:GetForBrowserContext:GetServiceStateAsync to trigger library download and service initialization and receive the result in a callback.
Once you know the service is ready, trigger connection to it in your process by connecting to screen_ai:mojom:Screen2xMainContentExtractor interface.
For an example see chrome/renderer/accessibility/

Bugs Component:

Chromium > UI > Accessibility > MachineIntelligence (component id: 1457124)