blob: 96df627f1017f5356c2b7afe82affae790d98e44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/display/display_switches.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/icc_profile.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace display {
namespace {
// This variable tracks whether the forced device scale factor switch needs to
// be read from the command line, i.e. if it is set to -1 then the command line
// is checked.
int g_has_forced_device_scale_factor = -1;
// This variable caches the forced device scale factor value which is read off
// the command line. If the cache is invalidated by setting this variable to
// -1.0, we read the forced device scale factor again.
float g_forced_device_scale_factor = -1.0;
// An alloance error epsilon cauesd by fractional scale factor to produce
// expected DP display size.
constexpr float kDisplaySizeAllowanceEpsilon = 0.01f;
bool HasForceDeviceScaleFactorImpl() {
return base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
float GetForcedDeviceScaleFactorImpl() {
double scale_in_double = 1.0;
if (HasForceDeviceScaleFactorImpl()) {
std::string value =
if (!base::StringToDouble(value, &scale_in_double)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse the default device scale factor:" << value;
scale_in_double = 1.0;
return static_cast<float>(scale_in_double);
int64_t internal_display_id_ = -1;
gfx::ColorSpace ForcedColorProfileStringToColorSpace(const std::string& value) {
if (value == "srgb")
return gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSRGB();
if (value == "display-p3-d65")
return gfx::ColorSpace::CreateDisplayP3D65();
if (value == "scrgb-linear")
return gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSCRGBLinear();
if (value == "hdr10")
return gfx::ColorSpace::CreateHDR10();
if (value == "extended-srgb")
return gfx::ColorSpace::CreateExtendedSRGB();
if (value == "generic-rgb") {
return gfx::ColorSpace(gfx::ColorSpace::PrimaryID::APPLE_GENERIC_RGB,
if (value == "color-spin-gamma24") {
// Run this color profile through an ICC profile. The resulting color space
// is slightly different from the input color space, and removing the ICC
// profile would require rebaselineing many layout tests.
gfx::ColorSpace color_space(
return gfx::ICCProfile::FromColorSpace(color_space).GetColorSpace();
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid forced color profile: \"" << value << "\"";
return gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSRGB();
const char* ToRotationString(display::Display::Rotation rotation) {
switch (rotation) {
case display::Display::ROTATE_0:
return "0";
case display::Display::ROTATE_90:
return "90";
case display::Display::ROTATE_180:
return "180";
case display::Display::ROTATE_270:
return "270";
return "unkonwn";
} // namespace
bool CompareDisplayIds(int64_t id1, int64_t id2) {
if (id1 == id2)
return false;
// Output index is stored in the first 8 bits. See GetDisplayIdFromEDID
// in
int index_1 = id1 & 0xFF;
int index_2 = id2 & 0xFF;
DCHECK_NE(index_1, index_2) << id1 << " and " << id2;
return Display::IsInternalDisplayId(id1) ||
(index_1 < index_2 && !Display::IsInternalDisplayId(id2));
// static
float Display::GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor() {
if (g_forced_device_scale_factor < 0)
g_forced_device_scale_factor = GetForcedDeviceScaleFactorImpl();
return g_forced_device_scale_factor;
// static
bool Display::HasForceDeviceScaleFactor() {
if (g_has_forced_device_scale_factor == -1)
g_has_forced_device_scale_factor = HasForceDeviceScaleFactorImpl();
return !!g_has_forced_device_scale_factor;
// static
void Display::ResetForceDeviceScaleFactorForTesting() {
g_has_forced_device_scale_factor = -1;
g_forced_device_scale_factor = -1.0;
// static
void Display::SetForceDeviceScaleFactor(double dsf) {
// Reset any previously set values and unset the flag.
g_has_forced_device_scale_factor = -1;
g_forced_device_scale_factor = -1.0;
switches::kForceDeviceScaleFactor, base::StringPrintf("%.2f", dsf));
// static
gfx::ColorSpace Display::GetForcedDisplayColorProfile() {
std::string value =
return ForcedColorProfileStringToColorSpace(value);
// static
bool Display::HasForceDisplayColorProfile() {
return base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
// static
gfx::ColorSpace Display::GetForcedRasterColorProfile() {
std::string value =
return ForcedColorProfileStringToColorSpace(value);
// static
bool Display::HasForceRasterColorProfile() {
return base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
// static
bool Display::HasEnsureForcedColorProfile() {
static bool has_ensure_forced_color_profile =
return has_ensure_forced_color_profile;
// static
display::Display::Rotation Display::DegreesToRotation(int degrees) {
if (degrees == 0)
return display::Display::ROTATE_0;
if (degrees == 90)
return display::Display::ROTATE_90;
if (degrees == 180)
return display::Display::ROTATE_180;
if (degrees == 270)
return display::Display::ROTATE_270;
return display::Display::ROTATE_0;
// static
int Display::RotationToDegrees(display::Display::Rotation rotation) {
switch (rotation) {
case display::Display::ROTATE_0:
return 0;
case display::Display::ROTATE_90:
return 90;
case display::Display::ROTATE_180:
return 180;
case display::Display::ROTATE_270:
return 270;
return 0;
// static
bool Display::IsValidRotation(int degrees) {
return degrees == 0 || degrees == 90 || degrees == 180 || degrees == 270;
Display::Display() : Display(kInvalidDisplayId) {}
Display::Display(int64_t id) : Display(id, gfx::Rect()) {}
Display::Display(int64_t id, const gfx::Rect& bounds)
: id_(id),
device_scale_factor_(GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor()) {
// On Android we need to ensure the platform supports a color profile before
// using it. Using a not supported profile can result in fatal errors in the
// GPU process.
auto color_space = gfx::ColorSpace::CreateSRGB();
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (HasForceDisplayColorProfile())
color_space = GetForcedDisplayColorProfile();
color_spaces_ = gfx::DisplayColorSpaces(color_space);
if (color_spaces_.SupportsHDR()) {
color_depth_ = kHDR10BitsPerPixel;
depth_per_component_ = kHDR10BitsPerComponent;
} else {
color_depth_ = kDefaultBitsPerPixel;
depth_per_component_ = kDefaultBitsPerComponent;
#if defined(USE_AURA)
if (!bounds.IsEmpty())
SetScaleAndBounds(device_scale_factor_, bounds);
Display::Display(const Display& other) = default;
Display::~Display() {}
// static
Display Display::GetDefaultDisplay() {
return Display(kDefaultDisplayId, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1080));
int Display::RotationAsDegree() const {
switch (rotation_) {
case ROTATE_0:
return 0;
case ROTATE_90:
return 90;
case ROTATE_180:
return 180;
case ROTATE_270:
return 270;
return 0;
void Display::SetRotationAsDegree(int rotation) {
switch (rotation) {
case 0:
rotation_ = ROTATE_0;
case 90:
rotation_ = ROTATE_90;
case 180:
rotation_ = ROTATE_180;
case 270:
rotation_ = ROTATE_270;
// We should not reach that but we will just ignore the call if we do.
int Display::PanelRotationAsDegree() const {
return RotationToDegrees(panel_rotation());
gfx::Insets Display::GetWorkAreaInsets() const {
return gfx::Insets(work_area_.y() - bounds_.y(), work_area_.x() - bounds_.x(),
bounds_.bottom() - work_area_.bottom(),
bounds_.right() - work_area_.right());
void Display::SetScaleAndBounds(float device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_pixel) {
gfx::Insets insets = bounds_.InsetsFrom(work_area_);
if (!HasForceDeviceScaleFactor()) {
#if defined(OS_APPLE)
// Unless an explicit scale factor was provided for testing, ensure the
// scale is integral.
device_scale_factor = static_cast<int>(device_scale_factor);
device_scale_factor_ = device_scale_factor;
device_scale_factor_ = std::max(0.5f, device_scale_factor_);
gfx::RectF f(bounds_in_pixel);
f.Scale(1.f / device_scale_factor_);
bounds_ = gfx::ToEnclosedRectIgnoringError(f, kDisplaySizeAllowanceEpsilon);
size_in_pixels_ = bounds_in_pixel.size();
void Display::SetSize(const gfx::Size& size_in_pixel) {
gfx::Point origin = bounds_.origin();
#if defined(USE_AURA)
origin = gfx::ScaleToFlooredPoint(origin, device_scale_factor_);
SetScaleAndBounds(device_scale_factor_, gfx::Rect(origin, size_in_pixel));
void Display::UpdateWorkAreaFromInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets) {
work_area_ = bounds_;
gfx::Size Display::GetSizeInPixel() const {
if (!size_in_pixels_.IsEmpty())
return size_in_pixels_;
return gfx::ScaleToFlooredSize(size(), device_scale_factor_);
std::string Display::ToString() const {
return base::StringPrintf(
"Display[%lld] bounds=[%s], workarea=[%s], scale=%g, rotation=%s, "
"panel_rotation=%s %s.",
static_cast<long long int>(id_), bounds_.ToString().c_str(),
work_area_.ToString().c_str(), device_scale_factor_,
ToRotationString(rotation_), ToRotationString(panel_rotation()),
IsInternal() ? "internal" : "external");
bool Display::IsInternal() const {
return is_valid() && (id_ == internal_display_id_);
// static
int64_t Display::InternalDisplayId() {
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidDisplayId, internal_display_id_);
return internal_display_id_;
// static
void Display::SetInternalDisplayId(int64_t internal_display_id) {
internal_display_id_ = internal_display_id;
// static
bool Display::IsInternalDisplayId(int64_t display_id) {
DCHECK_NE(kInvalidDisplayId, display_id);
return HasInternalDisplay() && internal_display_id_ == display_id;
// static
bool Display::HasInternalDisplay() {
return internal_display_id_ != kInvalidDisplayId;
bool Display::operator==(const Display& rhs) const {
return id_ == rhs.id_ && bounds_ == rhs.bounds_ &&
size_in_pixels_ == rhs.size_in_pixels_ &&
work_area_ == rhs.work_area_ &&
device_scale_factor_ == rhs.device_scale_factor_ &&
rotation_ == rhs.rotation_ && touch_support_ == rhs.touch_support_ &&
accelerometer_support_ == rhs.accelerometer_support_ &&
maximum_cursor_size_ == rhs.maximum_cursor_size_ &&
color_spaces_ == rhs.color_spaces_ &&
color_depth_ == rhs.color_depth_ &&
depth_per_component_ == rhs.depth_per_component_ &&
is_monochrome_ == rhs.is_monochrome_ &&
display_frequency_ == rhs.display_frequency_;
} // namespace display