blob: 03205ce9c9ae82ec3ac17dcaa8ec5df599c2c85d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# TODO(slan): This most likely needs to be moved into a .gni file.
use_chromecast_webui = true
if (use_playready) {
config("playready_config") {
# A list of all public test() binaries. This is an organizational target that
# cannot be depended upon or built directly. Build cast_group_test_list instead.
cast_test_group("cast_tests") {
tests = [
if (is_linux) {
tests += [ "//chromecast/crash:cast_crash_unittests" ]
filters = []
if (target_cpu == "arm" && target_os == "linux") {
filters += [
# Run net_unittests first to avoid random failures due to slow python startup
# KeygenHandlerTest.SmokeTest and KeygenHandlerTest.ConcurrencyTest fail due to
# readonly certdb (b/8153161)
# URLRequestTestHTTP.GetTest_ManyCookies takes roughly 55s to run. Increase
# timeout to 90s from 45s to allow it to pass (b/19821476)
# ProxyScriptFetcherImplTest.HttpMimeType is flaking (b/19848784)
# Running a batch of net_unittests has high overhead. Run tests in batches of 25 to reduce number of batches (b/23156294).
"net_unittests --gtest_filter=-KeygenHandlerTest.SmokeTest:KeygenHandlerTest.ConcurrencyTest:ProxyScriptFetcherImplTest.HttpMimeType --test-launcher-timeout=90000 --test-launcher-batch-limit=25",
# Disable ProcessMetricsTest.GetNumberOfThreads (b/15610509)
# Disable ProcessUtilTest.* (need to define OS_ANDROID)
# Disable StackContainer.BufferAlignment (don't support 16-byte alignment)
# Disable SystemMetrics2Test.GetSystemMemoryInfo (buffers>0 can't be guaranteed)
"base_unittests --gtest_filter=-ProcessMetricsTest.GetNumberOfThreads:ProcessUtilTest.*:StackContainer.BufferAlignment:SystemMetrics2Test.GetSystemMemoryInfo",
# DesktopCaptureDeviceTest.*: No capture device on Eureka
# Disable PepperGamepadHostTest.WaitForReply (pepper not supported on Eureka)
# Disable GpuDataManagerImplPrivateTest.SetGLStrings and
# RenderWidgetHostTest.Background because we disable the blacklist to enable WebGL (b/16142554)
"content_unittests --gtest_filter=-DOMStorageDatabaseTest.TestCanOpenAndReadWebCoreDatabase:DesktopCaptureDeviceTest.Capture:GamepadProviderTest.PollingAccess:GpuDataManagerImplPrivateTest.SetGLStrings:PepperGamepadHostTest.WaitForReply:RenderWidgetHostTest.Background",
# Disable VP9 related tests (b/18593324)
# PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_MediaSource_VP9_WebM
# PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_VideoOnly_VP9_WebM
# PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_VP9*
# PipelineIntegrationTest.P444_VP9_WebM
# Disable VP8A tests (b/18593324)
# PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_VP8A*
# Disable OpusAudioDecoderTest/AudioDecoderTest.ProduceAudioSamples/0 (unit
# test fails when Opus decoder uses fixed-point)
# Due to b/16456550, disable the following four test cases:
# AudioOutputControllerTest.PlayDivertSwitchDeviceRevertClose
# AudioOutputControllerTest.PlaySwitchDeviceClose
# AudioStreamHandlerTest.Play
# SoundsManagerTest.Play
# Disable AudioStreamHandlerTest.ConsecutivePlayRequests (b/16539293)
"media_unittests --gtest_filter=-AudioOutputControllerTest.PlayDivertSwitchDeviceRevertClose:AudioOutputControllerTest.PlaySwitchDeviceClose:AudioStreamHandlerTest.Play:AudioStreamHandlerTest.ConsecutivePlayRequests:PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_MediaSource_VP9_WebM:PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_VideoOnly_VP9_WebM:PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_VP9*:PipelineIntegrationTest.P444_VP9_WebM:PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_VP8A*:OpusAudioDecoderTest/AudioDecoderTest.ProduceAudioSamples/0:SoundsManagerTest.Play",
"sync_unit_tests --gtest_filter=-SyncHttpBridgeTest.*",
# DoAppendUTF8Invalid fails because of dcheck_always_on flag in Eng builds
"url_unittests --gtest_filter=-URLCanonTest.DoAppendUTF8Invalid",
} else if (target_cpu != "arm" || target_os == "android") {
filters += [
# Disable PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_MediaSource_VP9_WebM (not supported)
"media_unittests --gtest_filter=-PipelineIntegrationTest.BasicPlayback_MediaSource_VP9_WebM",
if (!is_android) {
tests += [
filters += [ "cast_shell_browser_test --no-sandbox --enable-local-file-accesses --enable-cma-media-pipeline --ozone-platform=cast" ]
if (!disable_display) {
tests += [ "//gpu:gpu_unittests" ]
} else {
filters += [
# These are not supported by the backend right now. b/21737919
"cast_media_unittests --gtest_filter=-AudioVideoPipelineDeviceTest.VorbisPlayback:AudioVideoPipelineDeviceTest.WebmPlayback",
# Creates the build and run lists for all test targets.
cast_test_group_list("cast_test_lists") {
build_list_path = "$root_out_dir/tests/build_test_list.txt"
run_list_path = "$root_out_dir/tests/run_test_list.txt"
additional_options = [ "--ozone-platform=headless" ]
build_tests = true
test_groups = [ ":cast_tests" ]
if (chromecast_branding != "public") {
test_groups += [ "//chromecast/internal:internal_cast_tests" ]
source_set("cast_shell_common") {
deps = [
source_set("cast_shell_media") {
deps = [
executable("cast_shell") {
sources = [
deps = [
if (chromecast_branding != "public") {
deps += [ "//chromecast/internal:cast_shell_internal" ]
if (ozone_platform_egltest) {
deps += [ "//ui/ozone/platform/egltest:eglplatform_shim_x11" ]
repack("cast_shell_pak") {
sources = [
output = "$root_out_dir/assets/cast_shell.pak"
deps = [
if (chromecast_branding != "public") {
sources +=
[ "$root_gen_dir/chromecast/internal/shell/app/sound_resources.pak" ]
deps += [ "//chromecast/internal/shell/app:chromecast_sound_resources" ]
if (use_chromecast_webui) {
sources += [
deps += [
# GYP target: chromecast_locales.gyp:chromecast_locales_pak
action("chromecast_locales_pak") {
script = "//chromecast/tools/build/"
# .pak resources in |grit_out_dir| with the same suffix are packed into a
# single resource and placed in |locales_dir|. The original .pak resources
# are generated by this target's dependencies.
grit_out_dir = "$root_gen_dir/chromecast_strings"
locales_dir = "$root_out_dir/chromecast_locales"
sources = []
outputs = []
# |locales| is an array of suffixes declared in //build/config/locals.gni.
foreach(locale, locales) {
sources += [ "$grit_out_dir/chromecast_settings_$locale.pak" ]
outputs += [ "$locales_dir/$locale.pak" ]
deps = [
# Include string resources for internal builds.
if (chromecast_branding != "public") {
foreach(locale, locales) {
sources += [ "$grit_out_dir/app_strings_$locale.pak" ]
deps += [ "//chromecast/internal/webui:chromecast_app_strings" ]
# This script only accepts the following values for branding:
assert(chromecast_branding == "public" || chromecast_branding == "internal" ||
chromecast_branding == "google")
args = [
] + locales