blob: 120afd65eeac2ac45e49d8af00aca2729f4c0b7b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Helper script to generate unit test lists for the Chromecast build scripts.
import glob
import optparse
import sys
def CombineList(test_files_dir, list_output_file, include_filters,
"""Writes a unit test file in a format compatible for Chromecast scripts.
If include_filters is True, uses filters to create a test runner list
and also include additional options, if any.
Otherwise, creates a list only of the tests to build.
test_files_dir: Path to the intermediate directory containing tests/filters.
list_output_file: Path to write the unit test file out to.
include_filters: Whether or not to include the filters when generating
the test list.
additional_runtime_options: Arguments to be applied to all tests. These are
applied before filters (so test-specific filters take precedence).
# GYP targets may provide a numbered priority for the filename. Sort to
# use that priority.
test_files = sorted(glob.glob(test_files_dir + "/*.tests"))
filter_files = sorted(glob.glob(test_files_dir + "/*.filters"))
test_bin_set = set()
for test_filename in test_files:
with open(test_filename, "r") as test_file:
for test_file_line in test_file:
# Binary name may be a simple test target (cast_net_unittests) or be a
# qualified gyp path (../base.gyp:base_unittests).
test_binary_name = test_file_line.split(":")[-1].strip()
test_filters = {}
if include_filters:
for filter_filename in filter_files:
with open(filter_filename, "r") as filter_file:
for filter_line in filter_file:
(test_binary_name, filter) = filter_line.strip().split(" ", 1)
if test_binary_name not in test_bin_set:
raise Exception("Filter found for unknown target: " +
# Note: This may overwrite a previous rule. This is okay, since higher
# priority files are evaluated after lower priority files.
test_filters[test_binary_name] = filter
test_binaries = [
binary + " " + (additional_runtime_options or "")
+ (" " + test_filters[binary] if binary in test_filters else "")
for binary in test_bin_set]
with open(list_output_file, "w") as f:
def CreateList(inputs, list_output_file):
with open(list_output_file, "w") as f:
def DoMain(argv):
"""Main method. Runs helper commands for generating unit test lists."""
parser = optparse.OptionParser(
"""usage: %prog [<options>] <command> [<test names>]
Valid commands:
create_list prints all given test names/args to a file, one line
per string
pack_build packs all test files from the given output directory
into a single test list file
pack_run packs all test and filter files from the given
output directory into a single test list file
parser.add_option("-o", action="store", dest="list_output_file",
help="Output path in which to write the test list.")
parser.add_option("-t", action="store", dest="test_files_dir",
help="Intermediate test list directory.")
parser.add_option("-a", action="store", dest="additional_runtime_options",
help="Additional options applied to all tests.")
options, inputs = parser.parse_args(argv)
list_output_file = options.list_output_file
test_files_dir = options.test_files_dir
additional_runtime_options = options.additional_runtime_options
if len(inputs) < 1:
parser.error("No command given.\n")
command = inputs[0]
test_names = inputs[1:]
if not list_output_file:
parser.error("Output path (-o) is required.\n")
if command == "create_list":
return CreateList(test_names, list_output_file)
if command == "pack_build":
if not test_files_dir:
parser.error("pack_build require a test files directory (-t).\n")
return CombineList(test_files_dir, list_output_file, False, None)
if command == "pack_run":
if not test_files_dir:
parser.error("pack_run require a test files directory (-t).\n")
return CombineList(test_files_dir, list_output_file, True,
parser.error("Invalid command specified.")
if __name__ == "__main__":