Relaunch Notifications Overview

This document is an overview of relaunch notifications concepts, terms, and architecture.

Key Classes


An instance of class RelaunchNotificationController observes UpgradeDetector and controls the notifications shown to the user according to the RelaunchNotification and RelaunchNotificationPeriod policies settings. An instance of this class is owned by ChromeBrowserMainExtraPartsViews, and only one instance is created per browser.


An instance of this class represents the implementation of RelaunchNotificationController according to specific platforms; Chrome OS, Desktop. The relaunch notification on Chrome OS is used to relaunch the whole operating system to apply updates, but on other platforms is used to only relaunch the browser to update it.


An instance of this class is responsible for refreshing the title for relaunch notification in case RelaunchNotification policy is set to required. The notification title needs to be refreshed as it displays the remaining time for the relaunch.

Desktop Chrome


If the policy setting is recommended, then an instance of this class manages the relaunch recommended notification bubble on desktop Chrome. The remaining time until the next recommended relaunch is displayed in the title.


An instance of this class is responsible for refreshing the title for RelaunchRecommendedBubbleView on desktop Chrome.


If the policy setting is required, then an instance of this class manages the relaunch required dialog on desktop Chrome. The remaining time until the next required relaunch is displayed in the title.

Chrome OS

The relaunch notifications on Chrome OS uses SystemTray notifications, and uses RelaunchRequiredTimer to update the title in case the RelaunchNotification policy is set to required.


relaunch_notification::RecordRecommendedShowResult is responsible for recording UMA metrics of the notification showing result in case the notification settings was set to recommended.

relaunch_notification::RecordRequiredShowResult is responsible for recording UMA metrics of the notification showing result in case the notification settings was set to required.