blob: fb852ce25988d27d0777a5ba83e734eba67acb93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module apps.mojom;
import "chrome/services/app_service/public/mojom/types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
// An intermediary between M app consumers (e.g. app launcher UI, intent
// pickers) and N app providers (also known as app platforms, e.g. Android
// apps, Linux apps and Web apps). It abstracts over platform-specific
// implementations and allow consumers to issue generic queries (e.g. for an
// app's name and icon) that are satisfied by the appropriate provider.
// See chrome/services/app_service/
interface AppService {
// Called by a publisher of apps to register itself and its apps with the App
// Service.
RegisterPublisher(pending_remote<Publisher> publisher, AppType app_type);
// Called by a consumer that wishes to know about available apps to register
// itself with the App Service.
RegisterSubscriber(pending_remote<Subscriber> subscriber, ConnectOptions? opts);
// App Icon Factory methods.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
IconKey icon_key,
IconCompression icon_compression,
int32 size_hint_in_dip,
bool allow_placeholder_icon) => (IconValue icon_value);
// App Runner methods.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
int32 event_flags,
LaunchSource launch_source,
int64 display_id);
// Launches an app with |app_id| and Chrome OS generic |intent| irrespective
// of app platform.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
Intent intent,
LaunchSource launch_source,
int64 display_id);
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
Permission permission);
// Directly uninstalls |app_id| without prompting the user.
// |clear_site_data| is available for bookmark apps only. If true, any site
// data associated with the app will be removed..
// |report_abuse| is available for Chrome Apps only. If true, the app will be
// reported for abuse to the Web Store.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
bool clear_site_data,
bool report_abuse);
// Pauses an app to stop the current running app, and apply the icon effect.
AppType app_type,
string app_id);
// Unpauses an app, and recover the icon effect for the app.
AppType app_type,
string app_id);
// Returns the menu items for an app with |app_id|.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
MenuType menu_type,
int64 display_id) => (MenuItems menu_items);
// Opens native settings for the app with |app_id|.
AppType app_type,
string app_id);
// Sets app identified by |app_id| as preferred app for |intent_filter|.
// |intent| is needed to set the preferred app in ARC.
// If the request is |from_publisher|, we would not sync the preferred
// app back to the publisher.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
IntentFilter intent_filter,
Intent? intent,
bool from_publisher);
// Removes all preferred app setting for an |app_id|.
RemovePreferredApp(AppType app_type, string app_id);
// Resets app identified by |app_id| as preferred app for |intent_filter|.
AppType app_type,
string app_id,
IntentFilter intent_filter);
interface Publisher {
// App Registry methods.
Connect(pending_remote<Subscriber> subscriber, ConnectOptions? opts);
// App Icon Factory methods.
string app_id,
IconKey icon_key,
IconCompression icon_compression,
int32 size_hint_in_dip,
bool allow_placeholder_icon) => (IconValue icon_value);
// App Runner methods.
string app_id,
int32 event_flags,
LaunchSource launch_source,
int64 display_id);
// Launches an app with |app_id| and Chrome OS generic |intent| irrespective
// of app platform.
string app_id,
Intent intent,
LaunchSource launch_source,
int64 display_id);
string app_id,
Permission permission);
// Directly uninstalls |app_id| without prompting the user.
// |clear_site_data| is available for bookmark apps only. If true, any site
// data associated with the app will be removed..
// |report_abuse| is available for Chrome Apps only. If true, the app will be
// reported for abuse to the Web Store.
string app_id,
bool clear_site_data,
bool report_abuse);
// Pauses an app to stop the current running app, and apply the icon effect.
string app_id);
// Unpauses an app, and recover the icon effect for the app.
string app_id);
// Returns the menu items for an app with |app_id|.
string app_id,
MenuType menu_type,
int64 display_id) => (MenuItems menu_items);
// Opens native settings for the app with |app_id|.
string app_id);
// Indicates that the app identified by |app_id| has been set as a preferred
// app for |intent_filter|, and the |replaced_app_preferences| is the apps
// that are no longer preferred apps for their corresponding |intent_filters|.
// This method is used by the App Service to sync the change to publishers.
// |intent| is needed to set the preferred app in ARC.
string app_id,
IntentFilter intent_filter,
Intent intent,
ReplacedAppPreferences replaced_app_preferences);
interface Subscriber {
OnApps(array<App> deltas);
// Binds this to the given receiver (message pipe endpoint), being to Mojo
// interfaces what POSIX's dup is to file descriptors.
// See
Clone(pending_receiver<Subscriber> receiver);
// Indicates that the app identified by |app_id| has been set as a preferred
// app for |intent_fitler|. This method is used by the App Service to sync
// the change from one subscriber to the others.
OnPreferredAppSet(string app_id,
IntentFilter intent_filter);
// Indicates that the app identified by |app_id| is no longer a preferred
// app for |intent_filter|. This method is used by the App Service to sync
// the change to all subscribers.
OnPreferredAppRemoved(string app_id, IntentFilter intent_filter);
InitializePreferredApps(mojo_base.mojom.Value preferred_apps);
struct ConnectOptions {
// TODO: some way to represent l10n info such as the UI language.