This directory contains scripts used by ChromeDriver team to make public releases of ChromeDriver.
The following steps are involved:
Go to the following URL to review bugs fixed in the release, replacing the trailing 81 with actual ChromeDriver major version number:
After reviewing the above page and making and necessary updates, click on the “CSV” link near the lower-right corner to download the bug list to ~/Download/chromedriver-issues.csv.
Run Python script
to generate release notes. It requires one command line argument, which is the full 4-part version number of the new release. The script is hardcoded to read ~/Download/chromedriver-issues.csv, and save the resulting file in notes.txt in the current directory.
Run shell script
to copy ChromeDriver binaries and release notes to the release web site. This script takes one argument, the full 4-part version number of the new release.
If you encounter error that gsutil can't be found, install it with:
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk
If you encounter permission errors from gsutil, run the following command and login with an account that has permission to update gs://chromedriver.
gcloud auth login
file needs updating, it can be done manually, e.g.,
gsutil cp gs://chromedriver/LATEST_RELEASE_81 gs://chromedriver/LATEST_RELEASE