blob: c1554090254fec5eec975996e89f7e177690232a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/cast/net/pacing/paced_sender.h"
#include "base/big_endian.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
namespace media {
namespace cast {
namespace {
static const int64_t kPacingIntervalMs = 10;
// Each frame will be split into no more than kPacingMaxBurstsPerFrame
// bursts of packets.
static const size_t kPacingMaxBurstsPerFrame = 3;
static const size_t kMaxDedupeWindowMs = 500;
} // namespace
DedupInfo::DedupInfo() : last_byte_acked_for_audio(0) {}
PacketKey::PacketKey() : ssrc(0), packet_id(0) {}
PacketKey::PacketKey(base::TimeTicks capture_time,
uint32_t ssrc,
FrameId frame_id,
uint16_t packet_id)
: capture_time(capture_time),
packet_id(packet_id) {}
PacketKey::PacketKey(const PacketKey& other) = default;
PacketKey::~PacketKey() = default;
struct PacedSender::PacketSendRecord {
: last_byte_sent(0), last_byte_sent_for_audio(0), cancel_count(0) {}
base::TimeTicks time; // Time when the packet was sent.
int64_t last_byte_sent; // Number of bytes sent to network just after this
// packet was sent.
int64_t last_byte_sent_for_audio; // Number of bytes sent to network from
// audio stream just before this packet.
int cancel_count; // Number of times the packet was canceled (debugging).
struct PacedSender::RtpSession {
explicit RtpSession(bool is_audio_stream)
: last_byte_sent(0), is_audio(is_audio_stream) {}
RtpSession() = default;
// Tracks recently-logged RTP timestamps so that it can expand the truncated
// values found in packets.
RtpTimeTicks last_logged_rtp_timestamp_;
int64_t last_byte_sent;
bool is_audio;
size_t target_burst_size,
size_t max_burst_size,
const base::TickClock* clock,
std::vector<PacketEvent>* recent_packet_events,
PacketTransport* transport,
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& transport_task_runner)
: clock_(clock),
state_(State_Unblocked) {}
PacedSender::~PacedSender() = default;
void PacedSender::RegisterSsrc(uint32_t ssrc, bool is_audio) {
if (sessions_.find(ssrc) != sessions_.end())
DVLOG(1) << "Re-register ssrc: " << ssrc;
sessions_[ssrc] = RtpSession(is_audio);
void PacedSender::RegisterPrioritySsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
int64_t PacedSender::GetLastByteSentForPacket(const PacketKey& packet_key) {
PacketSendHistory::const_iterator it = send_history_.find(packet_key);
if (it == send_history_.end())
return 0;
return it->second.last_byte_sent;
int64_t PacedSender::GetLastByteSentForSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) {
auto it = sessions_.find(ssrc);
// Return 0 for unknown session.
if (it == sessions_.end())
return 0;
return it->second.last_byte_sent;
bool PacedSender::SendPackets(const SendPacketVector& packets) {
if (packets.empty()) {
return true;
const bool high_priority = IsHighPriority(packets.begin()->first);
for (size_t i = 0; i < packets.size(); i++) {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
PacketSendHistory::const_iterator history_it =
if (history_it != send_history_.end() &&
history_it->second.cancel_count > 0) {
VLOG(2) << "PacedSender::SendPackets() called for packet CANCELED "
<< history_it->second.cancel_count << " times: "
<< "ssrc=" << packets[i].first.ssrc
<< ", frame_id=" << packets[i].first.frame_id
<< ", packet_id=" << packets[i].first.packet_id;
DCHECK(IsHighPriority(packets[i].first) == high_priority);
if (high_priority) {
priority_packet_list_[packets[i].first] =
make_pair(PacketType_Normal, packets[i].second);
} else {
packet_list_[packets[i].first] =
make_pair(PacketType_Normal, packets[i].second);
if (state_ == State_Unblocked) {
return true;
bool PacedSender::ShouldResend(const PacketKey& packet_key,
const DedupInfo& dedup_info,
const base::TimeTicks& now) {
PacketSendHistory::const_iterator it = send_history_.find(packet_key);
// No history of previous transmission. It might be sent too long ago.
if (it == send_history_.end())
return true;
// Suppose there is request to retransmit X and there is an audio
// packet Y sent just before X. Reject retransmission of X if ACK for
// Y has not been received.
// Only do this for video packets.
// TODO(miu): This sounds wrong. Audio packets are always transmitted first
// (because they are put in |priority_packet_list_|, see PopNextPacket()).
auto session_it = sessions_.find(packet_key.ssrc);
// The session should always have been registered in |sessions_|.
DCHECK(session_it != sessions_.end());
if (!session_it->second.is_audio) {
if (dedup_info.last_byte_acked_for_audio &&
it->second.last_byte_sent_for_audio &&
dedup_info.last_byte_acked_for_audio <
it->second.last_byte_sent_for_audio) {
return false;
// Retransmission interval has to be greater than |resend_interval|.
if (now - it->second.time < dedup_info.resend_interval)
return false;
return true;
bool PacedSender::ResendPackets(const SendPacketVector& packets,
const DedupInfo& dedup_info) {
if (packets.empty()) {
return true;
const bool high_priority = IsHighPriority(packets.begin()->first);
const base::TimeTicks now = clock_->NowTicks();
for (size_t i = 0; i < packets.size(); i++) {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
PacketSendHistory::const_iterator history_it =
if (history_it != send_history_.end() &&
history_it->second.cancel_count > 0) {
VLOG(2) << "PacedSender::ReendPackets() called for packet CANCELED "
<< history_it->second.cancel_count << " times: "
<< "ssrc=" << packets[i].first.ssrc
<< ", frame_id=" << packets[i].first.frame_id
<< ", packet_id=" << packets[i].first.packet_id;
if (!ShouldResend(packets[i].first, dedup_info, now)) {
LogPacketEvent(packets[i].second->data, PACKET_RTX_REJECTED);
DCHECK(IsHighPriority(packets[i].first) == high_priority);
if (high_priority) {
priority_packet_list_[packets[i].first] =
make_pair(PacketType_Resend, packets[i].second);
} else {
packet_list_[packets[i].first] =
make_pair(PacketType_Resend, packets[i].second);
if (state_ == State_Unblocked) {
return true;
bool PacedSender::SendRtcpPacket(uint32_t ssrc, PacketRef packet) {
if (state_ == State_TransportBlocked) {
const PacketKey key(base::TimeTicks(), ssrc, FrameId::first(), 0);
priority_packet_list_[key] = make_pair(PacketType_RTCP, packet);
} else {
// We pass the RTCP packets straight through.
if (!transport_->SendPacket(
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()))) {
state_ = State_TransportBlocked;
return true;
void PacedSender::CancelSendingPacket(const PacketKey& packet_key) {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(2)) {
auto history_it = send_history_.find(packet_key);
if (history_it != send_history_.end())
PacketRef PacedSender::PopNextPacket(PacketType* packet_type,
PacketKey* packet_key) {
// Always pop from the priority list first.
PacketList* list = !priority_packet_list_.empty() ?
&priority_packet_list_ : &packet_list_;
// Determine which packet in the frame should be popped by examining the
// |send_history_| for prior transmission attempts. Packets that have never
// been transmitted will be popped first. If all packets have transmitted
// before, pop the one that has not been re-attempted for the longest time.
auto it = list->begin();
PacketKey last_key = it->first;
last_key.packet_id = UINT16_C(0xffff);
PacketSendHistory::const_iterator history_it =
base::TimeTicks earliest_send_time =
base::TimeTicks() + base::TimeDelta::Max();
auto found_it = it;
while (true) {
if (history_it == send_history_.end() || it->first < history_it->first) {
// There is no send history for this packet, which means it has not been
// transmitted yet.
found_it = it;
DCHECK(it->first == history_it->first);
if (history_it->second.time < earliest_send_time) {
earliest_send_time = history_it->second.time;
found_it = it;
// Advance to next packet for the current frame, or break if there are no
// more.
if (it == list->end() || last_key < it->first)
// Advance to next history entry. Since there may be "holes" in the packet
// list (e.g., due to packets canceled for retransmission), it's possible
// |history_it| will have to be advanced more than once even though |it| was
// only advanced once.
do {
} while (history_it != send_history_.end() &&
history_it->first < it->first);
*packet_type = found_it->second.first;
*packet_key = found_it->first;
PacketRef ret = found_it->second.second;
return ret;
bool PacedSender::IsHighPriority(const PacketKey& packet_key) const {
return std::find(priority_ssrcs_.begin(), priority_ssrcs_.end(),
packet_key.ssrc) != priority_ssrcs_.end();
bool PacedSender::empty() const {
return packet_list_.empty() && priority_packet_list_.empty();
size_t PacedSender::size() const {
return packet_list_.size() + priority_packet_list_.size();
// This function can be called from three places:
// 1. User called one of the Send* functions and we were in an unblocked state.
// 2. state_ == State_TransportBlocked and the transport is calling us to
// let us know that it's ok to send again.
// 3. state_ == State_BurstFull and there are still packets to send. In this
// case we called PostDelayedTask on this function to start a new burst.
void PacedSender::SendStoredPackets() {
State previous_state = state_;
state_ = State_Unblocked;
if (empty()) {
base::TimeTicks now = clock_->NowTicks();
// I don't actually trust that PostDelayTask(x - now) will mean that
// now >= x when the call happens, so check if the previous state was
// State_BurstFull too.
if (now >= burst_end_ || previous_state == State_BurstFull) {
// Start a new burst.
current_burst_size_ = 0;
burst_end_ = now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPacingIntervalMs);
// The goal here is to try to send out the queued packets over the next
// three bursts, while trying to keep the burst size below 10 if possible.
// We have some evidence that sending more than 12 packets in a row doesn't
// work very well, but we don't actually know why yet. Sending out packets
// sooner is better than sending out packets later as that gives us more
// time to re-send them if needed. So if we have less than 30 packets, just
// send 10 at a time. If we have less than 60 packets, send n / 3 at a time.
// if we have more than 60, we send 20 at a time. 20 packets is ~24Mbit/s
// which is more bandwidth than the cast library should need, and sending
// out more data per second is unlikely to be helpful.
size_t max_burst_size = std::min(
std::max(target_burst_size_, size() / kPacingMaxBurstsPerFrame));
current_max_burst_size_ = std::max(next_max_burst_size_, max_burst_size);
next_max_burst_size_ = std::max(next_next_max_burst_size_, max_burst_size);
next_next_max_burst_size_ = max_burst_size;
base::Closure cb = base::Bind(&PacedSender::SendStoredPackets,
while (!empty()) {
if (current_burst_size_ >= current_max_burst_size_) {
burst_end_ - now);
state_ = State_BurstFull;
PacketType packet_type;
PacketKey packet_key;
PacketRef packet = PopNextPacket(&packet_type, &packet_key);
PacketSendRecord* const send_record = &(send_history_[packet_key]);
send_record->time = now;
if (send_record->cancel_count > 0 && packet_type != PacketType_RTCP) {
VLOG(2) << "PacedSender is sending a packet known to have been CANCELED "
<< send_record->cancel_count << " times: "
<< "ssrc=" << packet_key.ssrc
<< ", frame_id=" << packet_key.frame_id
<< ", packet_id=" << packet_key.packet_id;
switch (packet_type) {
case PacketType_Resend:
LogPacketEvent(packet->data, PACKET_RETRANSMITTED);
case PacketType_Normal:
LogPacketEvent(packet->data, PACKET_SENT_TO_NETWORK);
case PacketType_RTCP:
const bool socket_blocked = !transport_->SendPacket(packet, cb);
// Save the send record.
send_record->last_byte_sent = transport_->GetBytesSent();
send_record->last_byte_sent_for_audio = last_byte_sent_for_audio_;
send_history_buffer_[packet_key] = *send_record;
auto it = sessions_.find(packet_key.ssrc);
// The session should always have been registered in |sessions_|.
DCHECK(it != sessions_.end());
it->second.last_byte_sent = send_record->last_byte_sent;
if (it->second.is_audio)
last_byte_sent_for_audio_ = send_record->last_byte_sent;
if (socket_blocked) {
state_ = State_TransportBlocked;
// Keep ~0.5 seconds of data (1000 packets).
// TODO(miu): This has no relation to the actual size of the frames, and so
// there's no way to reason whether 1000 is enough or too much, or whatever.
if (send_history_buffer_.size() >=
max_burst_size_ * kMaxDedupeWindowMs / kPacingIntervalMs) {
max_burst_size_ * kMaxDedupeWindowMs / kPacingIntervalMs);
state_ = State_Unblocked;
void PacedSender::LogPacketEvent(const Packet& packet, CastLoggingEvent type) {
if (!recent_packet_events_)
PacketEvent& event = recent_packet_events_->back();
// Populate the new PacketEvent by parsing the wire-format |packet|.
// TODO(miu): This parsing logic belongs in RtpParser.
event.timestamp = clock_->NowTicks();
event.type = type;
base::BigEndianReader reader(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&packet[0]),
bool success = reader.Skip(4);
uint32_t truncated_rtp_timestamp;
success &= reader.ReadU32(&truncated_rtp_timestamp);
uint32_t ssrc;
success &= reader.ReadU32(&ssrc);
auto it = sessions_.find(ssrc);
// The session should always have been registered in |sessions_|.
DCHECK(it != sessions_.end());
event.rtp_timestamp = it->second.last_logged_rtp_timestamp_ =
event.media_type = it->second.is_audio ? AUDIO_EVENT : VIDEO_EVENT;
success &= reader.Skip(2);
success &= reader.ReadU16(&event.packet_id);
success &= reader.ReadU16(&event.max_packet_id);
event.size = base::checked_cast<uint32_t>(packet.size());
} // namespace cast
} // namespace media