blob: 8a502afb169e64fef9f77bbb2d7617f18a523e4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pdf/draw_utils/coordinates.h"
#include "pdf/test/test_utils.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/point.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
namespace draw_utils {
namespace {
constexpr int kBottomSeparator = 4;
constexpr int kHorizontalSeparator = 1;
constexpr PageInsetSizes kLeftInsets{5, 3, 1, 7};
constexpr PageInsetSizes kRightInsets{1, 3, 5, 7};
constexpr PageInsetSizes kSingleViewInsets{5, 3, 5, 7};
void CompareInsetSizes(const PageInsetSizes& expected_insets,
const PageInsetSizes& given_insets) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_insets.left, given_insets.left);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_insets.right, given_insets.right);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_insets.bottom, given_insets.bottom);
} // namespace
TEST(CoordinateTest, AdjustBottomGapForRightSidePage) {
pp::Rect bottom_gap(0, 10, 500, 100);
AdjustBottomGapForRightSidePage(250, &bottom_gap);
CompareRect({250, 10, 250, 100}, bottom_gap);
bottom_gap.SetRect(15, 20, 700, 100);
AdjustBottomGapForRightSidePage(365, &bottom_gap);
CompareRect({365, 20, 350, 100}, bottom_gap);
bottom_gap.SetRect(100, 40, 951, 200);
AdjustBottomGapForRightSidePage(450, &bottom_gap);
CompareRect({450, 40, 475, 200}, bottom_gap);
TEST(CoordinateTest, CenterRectHorizontally) {
pp::Rect page_rect(10, 20, 400, 300);
CenterRectHorizontally(600, &page_rect);
CompareRect({100, 20, 400, 300}, page_rect);
page_rect.SetRect(300, 450, 500, 700);
CenterRectHorizontally(800, &page_rect);
CompareRect({150, 450, 500, 700}, page_rect);
page_rect.SetRect(800, 100, 200, 250);
CenterRectHorizontally(350, &page_rect);
CompareRect({75, 100, 200, 250}, page_rect);
TEST(CoordinateTest, ExpandDocumentSize) {
pp::Size doc_size(100, 400);
// Test various expansion sizes.
pp::Size rect_size(100, 200);
ExpandDocumentSize(rect_size, &doc_size);
CompareSize({100, 600}, doc_size);
rect_size.SetSize(200, 150);
ExpandDocumentSize(rect_size, &doc_size);
CompareSize({200, 750}, doc_size);
rect_size.SetSize(100, 300);
ExpandDocumentSize(rect_size, &doc_size);
CompareSize({200, 1050}, doc_size);
rect_size.SetSize(250, 400);
ExpandDocumentSize(rect_size, &doc_size);
CompareSize({250, 1450}, doc_size);
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetBottomGapBetweenRects) {
CompareRect({95, 600, 350, 50},
GetBottomGapBetweenRects(600, {95, 200, 350, 450}));
CompareRect({200, 500, 350, 10},
GetBottomGapBetweenRects(500, {200, 0, 350, 510}));
// Test rectangle with a negative bottom value.
CompareRect({150, -100, 400, 150},
GetBottomGapBetweenRects(-100, {150, 0, 400, 50}));
// Test case where |page_rect_bottom| >= |dirty_rect.bottom()|.
CompareRect({0, 0, 0, 0}, GetBottomGapBetweenRects(1400, {0, 10, 300, 500}));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetMostVisiblePage) {
// Test a single-view layout.
std::vector<IndexedPage> visible_pages = {
{0, {0, 0, 50, 100}}, {1, {0, 100, 100, 100}}, {2, {0, 200, 100, 200}}};
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 0, 100, 100}));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 100, 100, 100}));
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 50, 100, 100}));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 51, 100, 100}));
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 180, 100, 100}));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 160, 100, 100}));
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 77, 50, 50}));
EXPECT_EQ(1, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 85, 50, 50}));
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 0, 400, 400}));
// Test a two-up view layout.
visible_pages = {{0, {100, 0, 300, 400}},
{1, {400, 0, 400, 300}},
{2, {0, 400, 400, 250}},
{3, {400, 400, 200, 400}},
{4, {50, 800, 350, 200}}};
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 0, 400, 500}));
EXPECT_EQ(2, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 200, 400, 500}));
EXPECT_EQ(3, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {400, 200, 400, 500}));
EXPECT_EQ(3, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {200, 200, 400, 500}));
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {0, 0, 1600, 2000}));
// Test case where no pages intersect with the viewport.
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetMostVisiblePage(visible_pages, {1000, 2000, 150, 200}));
// Test empty vector.
std::vector<IndexedPage> empty_pages;
EXPECT_EQ(-1, GetMostVisiblePage(empty_pages, {100, 200, 300, 400}));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetPageInsetsForTwoUpView) {
// Page is on the left side and isn't the last page in the document.
GetPageInsetsForTwoUpView(0, 10, kSingleViewInsets,
// Page is on the left side and is the last page in the document.
GetPageInsetsForTwoUpView(10, 11, kSingleViewInsets,
// Only one page in the document.
GetPageInsetsForTwoUpView(0, 1, kSingleViewInsets, kHorizontalSeparator));
// Page is on the right side of the document.
GetPageInsetsForTwoUpView(1, 4, kSingleViewInsets, kHorizontalSeparator));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetRectForSingleView) {
// Test portrait pages.
CompareRect({50, 500, 200, 400},
GetRectForSingleView({200, 400}, {300, 500}));
CompareRect({50, 600, 100, 340},
GetRectForSingleView({100, 340}, {200, 600}));
// Test landscape pages.
CompareRect({0, 1000, 500, 450},
GetRectForSingleView({500, 450}, {500, 1000}));
CompareRect({25, 1500, 650, 200},
GetRectForSingleView({650, 200}, {700, 1500}));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetScreenRect) {
const pp::Rect rect(10, 20, 200, 300);
// Test various zooms with the position at the origin.
CompareRect({10, 20, 200, 300}, GetScreenRect(rect, {0, 0}, 1));
CompareRect({15, 30, 300, 450}, GetScreenRect(rect, {0, 0}, 1.5));
CompareRect({5, 10, 100, 150}, GetScreenRect(rect, {0, 0}, 0.5));
// Test various zooms with the position elsewhere.
CompareRect({-390, -10, 200, 300}, GetScreenRect(rect, {400, 30}, 1));
CompareRect({-385, 0, 300, 450}, GetScreenRect(rect, {400, 30}, 1.5));
CompareRect({-395, -20, 100, 150}, GetScreenRect(rect, {400, 30}, 0.5));
// Test various zooms with a negative position.
CompareRect({-90, 70, 200, 300}, GetScreenRect(rect, {100, -50}, 1));
CompareRect({-85, 80, 300, 450}, GetScreenRect(rect, {100, -50}, 1.5));
CompareRect({-95, 60, 100, 150}, GetScreenRect(rect, {100, -50}, 0.5));
// Test an empty rect always outputs an empty rect.
const pp::Rect empty_rect;
CompareRect({-20, -500, 0, 0}, GetScreenRect(empty_rect, {20, 500}, 1));
CompareRect({-20, -500, 0, 0}, GetScreenRect(empty_rect, {20, 500}, 1.5));
CompareRect({-20, -500, 0, 0}, GetScreenRect(empty_rect, {20, 500}, 0.5));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetSurroundingRect) {
constexpr int kDocWidth = 1000;
// Test various position, sizes, and document width.
CompareRect({0, 97, 1000, 314},
GetSurroundingRect(100, 300, kSingleViewInsets, kDocWidth,
CompareRect({0, 37, 1000, 214},
GetSurroundingRect(40, 200, kSingleViewInsets, kDocWidth,
CompareRect({0, 197, 1000, 514},
GetSurroundingRect(200, 500, kSingleViewInsets, kDocWidth,
{0, -103, 200, 314},
GetSurroundingRect(-100, 300, kSingleViewInsets, 200, kBottomSeparator));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetLeftFillRect) {
// Testing various rectangles with different positions and sizes.
pp::Rect page_rect(10, 20, 400, 500);
CompareRect({0, 17, 5, 514},
GetLeftFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kBottomSeparator));
page_rect.SetRect(200, 300, 400, 350);
CompareRect({0, 297, 195, 364},
GetLeftFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kBottomSeparator));
page_rect.SetRect(800, 650, 20, 15);
CompareRect({0, 647, 795, 29},
GetLeftFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kBottomSeparator));
// Testing rectangle with a negative y-component.
page_rect.SetRect(50, -200, 100, 300);
CompareRect({0, -203, 45, 314},
GetLeftFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kBottomSeparator));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetRightFillRect) {
constexpr int kDocWidth = 1000;
// Testing various rectangles with different positions, sizes, and document
// widths.
pp::Rect page_rect(10, 20, 400, 500);
CompareRect({415, 17, 585, 514},
GetRightFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kDocWidth,
page_rect.SetRect(200, 300, 400, 350);
CompareRect({605, 297, 395, 364},
GetRightFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kDocWidth,
page_rect.SetRect(200, 300, 400, 350);
{605, 297, 195, 364},
GetRightFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, 800, kBottomSeparator));
// Testing rectangle with a negative y-component.
page_rect.SetRect(50, -200, 100, 300);
CompareRect({155, -203, 845, 314},
GetRightFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kDocWidth,
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetBottomFillRect) {
// Testing various rectangles with different positions and sizes.
pp::Rect page_rect(10, 20, 400, 500);
CompareRect({5, 527, 410, 4}, GetBottomFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets,
page_rect.SetRect(200, 300, 400, 350);
{195, 657, 410, 4},
GetBottomFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets, kBottomSeparator));
page_rect.SetRect(800, 650, 20, 15);
CompareRect({795, 672, 30, 4}, GetBottomFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets,
// Testing rectangle with a negative y-component.
page_rect.SetRect(50, -200, 100, 300);
CompareRect({45, 107, 110, 4}, GetBottomFillRect(page_rect, kSingleViewInsets,
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetLeftRectForTwoUpView) {
CompareRect({100, 100, 200, 400},
GetLeftRectForTwoUpView({200, 400}, {300, 100}));
CompareRect({0, 0, 300, 400}, GetLeftRectForTwoUpView({300, 400}, {300, 0}));
// Test empty rect gets positioned.
CompareRect({100, 0, 0, 0}, GetLeftRectForTwoUpView({0, 0}, {100, 0}));
TEST(CoordinateTest, GetRightRectForTwoUpView) {
CompareRect({300, 100, 200, 400},
GetRightRectForTwoUpView({200, 400}, {300, 100}));
CompareRect({300, 0, 300, 400},
GetRightRectForTwoUpView({300, 400}, {300, 0}));
// Test empty rect gets positioned.
CompareRect({100, 0, 0, 0}, GetRightRectForTwoUpView({0, 0}, {100, 0}));
} // namespace draw_utils
} // namespace chrome_pdf