blob: 0e081c5cd82bb92520feb326eef0e481a96a20bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/native_theme/caption_style.h"
#include <Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "base/win/core_winrt_util.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "skia/ext/skia_utils_win.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_features.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/safe_integer_conversions.h"
namespace CC = ABI::Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning;
namespace ui {
namespace {
// This is used to add tracing when a COM call fails.
// Param 1 - line is the line number in the caller. This helps locate
// problematic code.
// Param 2 - hr is the failure HRESULT.
void LogCapStyleWinError(int line, HRESULT hr) {
TRACE_EVENT2("ui", "LogWindowsCaptionStyleError", "line", line, "hr", hr);
// Adds !important to all captions styles. They should always override any
// styles added by the video author or by a user stylesheet. This is because on
// Windows, there is an option to turn off captions styles, so any time the
// captions are on, the styles should take priority.
std::string AddCSSImportant(std::string css_string) {
return css_string + " !important";
// Translates a Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionStyle to a
// CSS FontFamily value.
// These fonts were chosen to satisfy the characteristics represented by values
// of ClosedCaptionStyle Enum in Windows Settings.
void GetFontFamilyString(CC::ClosedCaptionStyle closed_caption_style,
std::string* css_font_family,
std::string* css_font_variant) {
*css_font_variant = "normal";
switch (closed_caption_style) {
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_MonospacedWithSerifs:
*css_font_family = "Courier New";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_ProportionalWithSerifs:
*css_font_family = "Times New Roman";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_MonospacedWithoutSerifs:
*css_font_family = "Consolas";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_ProportionalWithoutSerifs:
*css_font_family = "Tahoma";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_Casual:
*css_font_family = "Segoe Print";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_Cursive:
*css_font_family = "Segoe Script";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_SmallCapitals:
*css_font_family = "Tahoma";
*css_font_variant = "small-caps";
case CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_Default:
// We shouldn't override with OS Styling for Default case.
*css_font_family = std::string();
// Translates a Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect to a
// CSS style value.
std::string GetEdgeEffectString(CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect edge_effect) {
switch (edge_effect) {
case CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_None:
return "none";
case CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_Raised:
return "-1px 0px 0px silver, 0px -1px 0px silver, 1px 1px 0px black, 2px "
"2px 0px black, 3px 3px 0px black";
case CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_Depressed:
return "1px 1px 0px silver, 0px 1px 0px silver, -1px -1px 0px black, "
"-1px "
"0px 0px black";
case CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_Uniform:
return "0px 0px 4px black, 0px 0px 4px black, 0px 0px 4px black, 0px 0px "
"4px black";
case CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_DropShadow:
return "3px 3px 3px 2px black";
case CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_Default:
// We shouldn't override with OS Styling for Default case.
return std::string();
// Translates a Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionSize to a CSS
// style value.
std::string GetCaptionSizeString(CC::ClosedCaptionSize caption_size) {
switch (caption_size) {
case CC::ClosedCaptionSize_FiftyPercent:
return "50%";
case CC::ClosedCaptionSize_OneHundredPercent:
return "100%";
case CC::ClosedCaptionSize_OneHundredFiftyPercent:
return "150%";
case CC::ClosedCaptionSize_TwoHundredPercent:
return "200%";
case CC::ClosedCaptionSize_Default:
// We shouldn't override with OS Styling for Default case.
return std::string();
// Translates a Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionOpacity to an
// SkAlpha value.
SkAlpha GetCaptionOpacity(CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity caption_opacity) {
switch (caption_opacity) {
case CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_ZeroPercent:
case CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_TwentyFivePercent:
return gfx::ToRoundedInt(SK_AlphaOPAQUE * 0.25);
case CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_SeventyFivePercent:
return gfx::ToRoundedInt(SK_AlphaOPAQUE * 0.75);
case CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_OneHundredPercent:
case CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_Default:
return SK_AlphaOPAQUE;
// Translates a Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionColor to an
// SkColor value.
SkColor GetCaptionColor(CC::ClosedCaptionColor caption_color) {
switch (caption_color) {
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Black:
return SK_ColorBLACK;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Red:
return SK_ColorRED;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Green:
return SK_ColorGREEN;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Blue:
return SK_ColorBLUE;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Yellow:
return SK_ColorYELLOW;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Magenta:
return SK_ColorMAGENTA;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Cyan:
return SK_ColorCYAN;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_White:
return SK_ColorWHITE;
case CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default:
// We shouldn't override with OS Styling for Default case.
return SK_ColorWHITE;
// Translates a Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionColor and a
// Windows::Media::ClosedCaptioning::ClosedCaptionOpacity to an RGBA CSS color
// string.
std::string GetCssColorWithAlpha(CC::ClosedCaptionColor caption_color,
CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity caption_opacity) {
const SkAlpha opacity = GetCaptionOpacity(caption_opacity);
const SkColor color = GetCaptionColor(caption_color);
return color_utils::SkColorToRgbaString(SkColorSetA(color, opacity));
base::Optional<CaptionStyle> InitializeFromSystemSettings() {
DCHECK_GE(base::win::GetVersion(), base::win::Version::WIN10);
// Need to do this check before using ScopedHString.
bool can_use_scoped_hstring =
base::win::ResolveCoreWinRTDelayload() &&
if (!can_use_scoped_hstring) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed loading functions from combase.dll";
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, E_FAIL);
return base::nullopt;
base::win::ScopedHString closed_caption_properties_string =
HRESULT hr = base::win::RoGetActivationFactory(
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to Get ActivationFactory for ClosedCaptionProperties"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionSize font_size = CC::ClosedCaptionSize_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_FontSize(&font_size);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Font Size"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect edge_effect = CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_FontEffect(&edge_effect);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Font Effect"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionStyle font_family = CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_FontStyle(&font_family);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Font Family"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionColor font_color = CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_FontColor(&font_color);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Font Color"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity font_opacity = CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_FontOpacity(&font_opacity);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Font Opacity"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionColor background_color = CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default;
hr =
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Background Color"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity background_opacity =
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_BackgroundOpacity(
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Background Opacity"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionColor region_color = CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_RegionColor(&region_color);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Region Color"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity region_opacity = CC::ClosedCaptionOpacity_Default;
hr = closed_caption_properties_statics->get_RegionOpacity(&region_opacity);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Region Opacity"
<< ", HRESULT: 0x" << std::hex << hr;
LogCapStyleWinError(__LINE__, hr);
return base::nullopt;
CaptionStyle caption_style;
if (font_family != CC::ClosedCaptionStyle_Default) {
GetFontFamilyString(font_family, &(caption_style.font_family),
caption_style.font_family = AddCSSImportant(caption_style.font_family);
caption_style.font_variant = AddCSSImportant(caption_style.font_variant);
if (font_size != CC::ClosedCaptionSize_Default)
caption_style.text_size = AddCSSImportant(GetCaptionSizeString(font_size));
if (edge_effect != CC::ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect_Default) {
caption_style.text_shadow =
if (font_color != CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default) {
caption_style.text_color =
AddCSSImportant(GetCssColorWithAlpha(font_color, font_opacity));
if (background_color != CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default) {
caption_style.background_color = AddCSSImportant(
GetCssColorWithAlpha(background_color, background_opacity));
if (region_color != CC::ClosedCaptionColor_Default) {
caption_style.window_color =
AddCSSImportant(GetCssColorWithAlpha(region_color, region_opacity));
return caption_style;
} // namespace
base::Optional<CaptionStyle> CaptionStyle::FromSystemSettings() {
if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::Version::WIN10 &&
base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kSystemCaptionStyle)) {
return InitializeFromSystemSettings();
// Return default CaptionStyle for pre Win10 versions since system settings
// don't allow caption styling.
return base::nullopt;
} // namespace ui