blob: 6c705b74e13e99fcffcdad2634ad22d480daf5d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/cert/internal/trust_store.h"
namespace net {
// A very simple implementation of a TrustStore, which contains a set of
// certificates and their trustedness.
class NET_EXPORT TrustStoreInMemory : public TrustStore {
~TrustStoreInMemory() override;
// Empties the trust store, resetting it to original state.
void Clear();
// Adds a certificate as a trust anchor (only the SPKI and subject will be
// used during verification).
void AddTrustAnchor(scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert);
// Adds a certificate as a trust achor and extracts anchor constraints from
// the certificate. See VerifyCertificateChain for details.
void AddTrustAnchorWithConstraints(scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert);
// TODO(eroman): This is marked "ForTest" as the current implementation
// requires an exact match on the certificate DER (a wider match by say
// issuer/serial is probably what we would want for a real implementation).
void AddDistrustedCertificateForTest(scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert);
// Adds a certificate to the store, that is neither trusted nor untrusted.
void AddCertificateWithUnspecifiedTrust(
scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert);
// TrustStore implementation:
void SyncGetIssuersOf(const ParsedCertificate* cert,
ParsedCertificateList* issuers) override;
void GetTrust(const scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate>& cert,
CertificateTrust* trust) const override;
// Returns true if the trust store contains the given ParsedCertificate
// (matches by DER).
bool Contains(const ParsedCertificate* cert) const;
struct Entry {
Entry(const Entry& other);
scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert;
CertificateTrust trust;
// Multimap from normalized subject -> Entry.
std::unordered_multimap<base::StringPiece, Entry, base::StringPieceHash>
// Adds a certificate with the specified trust settings. Both trusted and
// distrusted certificates require a full DER match.
void AddCertificate(scoped_refptr<ParsedCertificate> cert,
const CertificateTrust& trust);
} // namespace net