blob: 62bc0b7a839cce5308a85b162585bd387efb1163 [file] [log] [blame]
// Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into reffy-reports
// (
// Source: WebAssembly JavaScript Interface (
dictionary WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource {
required Module module;
required Instance instance;
namespace WebAssembly {
boolean validate(BufferSource bytes);
Promise<Module> compile(BufferSource bytes);
Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource> instantiate(
BufferSource bytes, optional object importObject);
Promise<Instance> instantiate(
Module moduleObject, optional object importObject);
enum ImportExportKind {
dictionary ModuleExportDescriptor {
required USVString name;
required ImportExportKind kind;
// Note: Other fields such as signature may be added in the future.
dictionary ModuleImportDescriptor {
required USVString module;
required USVString name;
required ImportExportKind kind;
[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Constructor(BufferSource bytes), Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface Module {
static sequence<ModuleExportDescriptor> exports(Module moduleObject);
static sequence<ModuleImportDescriptor> imports(Module moduleObject);
static sequence<ArrayBuffer> customSections(Module moduleObject, DOMString sectionName);
[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Constructor(Module module, optional object importObject), Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface Instance {
readonly attribute object exports;
dictionary MemoryDescriptor {
required [EnforceRange] unsigned long initial;
[EnforceRange] unsigned long maximum;
[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Constructor(MemoryDescriptor descriptor), Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface Memory {
unsigned long grow([EnforceRange] unsigned long delta);
readonly attribute ArrayBuffer buffer;
enum TableKind {
// Note: More values may be added in future iterations,
// e.g., typed function references, typed GC references
dictionary TableDescriptor {
required TableKind element;
required [EnforceRange] unsigned long initial;
[EnforceRange] unsigned long maximum;
[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Constructor(TableDescriptor descriptor), Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface Table {
unsigned long grow([EnforceRange] unsigned long delta);
Function? get([EnforceRange] unsigned long index);
void set([EnforceRange] unsigned long index, Function? value);
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
enum ValueType {
dictionary GlobalDescriptor {
required ValueType value;
boolean mutable = false;
[LegacyNamespace=WebAssembly, Constructor(GlobalDescriptor descriptor, optional any v), Exposed=(Window,Worker,Worklet)]
interface Global {
any valueOf();
attribute any value;
interface CompileError { };
interface LinkError { };
interface RuntimeError { };