blob: 34a71fe40a192418a3f9a5792d7ee5fdecf970dd [file] [log] [blame]
<script src='/resources/testharness.js'></script>
<script src='/resources/testharnessreport.js'></script>
<div id=log></div>
<iframe id=frame></iframe>
// Navigate the frame to a test page with the given policy and wait for
// postMessage to arrive. Resolve the result promise with the message.
function navigate(policy) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener("message", event => { resolve(; },
{ once: true });
document.getElementById("frame").src =
"/origin-policy/" + policy;
// Check whether the message returned from the frame meets our expectations.
function expect(expect_script, expect_eval, message) {
assert_own_property(message, "inline_allowed");
assert_own_property(message, "eval_allowed");
assert_equals(message.inline_allowed, expect_script);
assert_equals(message.eval_allowed, expect_eval);
// Generate a more descriptive error message. Re-throw the error.
function descriptive_message(policy, expect_inline, expect_eval,
index, error) {
error.message = `Error occured on entry #${index + 1} ["${policy
}", ${expect_inline}, ${expect_eval}]: "${error}".`;
// Run the navigation + expectation checking for one test case line.
function test_case_entry([policy, expect_inline, expect_eval], index) {
return navigate(policy)
.then(message => expect(expect_inline, expect_eval, message))
// This catch handler merely logs a more friendly message,
// pointing you to the exact line of the failing test.
.catch(error => descriptive_message(policy, expect_inline,
expect_eval, index, error));
function origin_policy_csp_test_case(test_case_list) {
return t => {
// Setup the promise chain for the test.
let chain = Promise.resolve();
for ([index, val] of test_case_list.entries())
chain = chain.then(test_case_entry.bind(this, val, index));
// Delete the policy as the last element of the chain, on both
// resolve + reject paths, so that a left-over policy won't break
// subsequent tests.
return chain.then(() => navigate("0"),
(error) => { navigate("0"); throw error; });
// Sanity check: A request with no policy.
["", true, true], // No policy.
]), "sanity check");
// Basic functionality. A policy should have an effect.
["", true, true], // No policy.
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1, which forbids eval.
["0", true, true], // Delete the policy again.
]), "The basics: A policy should have an effect..");
// Basic functionality. Set a policy. Make sure it "sticks".
["", true, true], // No policy.
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1, which forbids eval.
["", true, false], // No policy. Should remember p...-csp-1.
["0", true, true], // Delete the policy again.
]), "The basics: A policy should stick.");
// Set, update, and delete a policy.
["", true, true],
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1, which forbids eval.
["policy-csp-2", false, false], // policy-csp-2, forbids script + eval.
["0", true, true], // Delete the policy.
]), "Policy set, update, and delete.");
// Set, update, and delete a policy. Check on each step whether it 'sticks'.
["", true, true],
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1, which forbids eval.
["", true, false],
["policy-csp-2", false, false], // Forbid script + eval.
["", false, false],
["0", true, true], // Delete the policy.
["", true, true],
]), "Policy set-update-delete cycle with checks.");
// Set a policy, update, then revert to the old one.
["", true, true],
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1, which forbids eval.
["policy-csp-2", false, false], // Forbid script + eval.
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1 again.
["0", true, true],
]), "Policy set-update-delete cycle.");
// Set, delete, re-set, and re-delete a policy.
["", true, true], // No policy.
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // policy-csp-1, which forbids eval.
["", true, false],
["0", true, true], // Delete the policy.
["", true, true],
["policy-csp-1", true, false], // Set policy after policy was deleted.
["", true, false],
["0", true, true], // Delete the policy again.
["", true, true],
]), "Policy re-set and re-delete.");
// We've had some bugs with repeated policies being set, so lets just
// run through a set-update-delete cycle but with every request being
// made twice.
["", true, true],
["", true, true],
["policy-csp-1", true, false],
["policy-csp-1", true, false],
["policy-csp-2", false, false],
["policy-csp-2", false, false],
["0", true, true],
["0", true, true],
["", true, true],
["", true, true],
]), "Double Trouble");