blob: 8567a7e3b376038a828c42622bda9c750fa81b34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.android_webview;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.DragEvent;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewStructure;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProvider;
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
import android.view.autofill.AutofillValue;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier;
import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface;
import org.chromium.android_webview.permission.AwGeolocationCallback;
import org.chromium.android_webview.permission.AwPermissionRequest;
import org.chromium.android_webview.renderer_priority.RendererPriority;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import org.chromium.base.LocaleUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.blink_public.web.WebReferrerPolicy;
import org.chromium.components.autofill.AutofillProvider;
import org.chromium.components.navigation_interception.InterceptNavigationDelegate;
import org.chromium.components.navigation_interception.NavigationParams;
import org.chromium.content.browser.AppWebMessagePort;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewCore;
import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentViewStatics;
import org.chromium.content.browser.SmartClipProvider;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ChildProcessImportance;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.GestureListenerManager;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.GestureStateListener;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ImeAdapter;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ImeEventObserver;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.JavaScriptCallback;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.JavascriptInjector;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.LoadUrlParams;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.MessagePort;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationController;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationHistory;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.SelectionClient;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.SelectionPopupController;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContentsInternals;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.navigation_controller.LoadURLType;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.navigation_controller.UserAgentOverrideOption;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.BrowserSideNavigationPolicy;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.ContentUrlConstants;
import org.chromium.content_public.common.Referrer;
import org.chromium.device.gamepad.GamepadList;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ActivityWindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition;
import org.chromium.ui.base.ViewAndroidDelegate;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayAndroid.DisplayAndroidObserver;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* Exposes the native AwContents class, and together these classes wrap the ContentViewCore
* and Browser components that are required to implement Android WebView API. This is the
* primary entry point for the WebViewProvider implementation; it holds a 1:1 object
* relationship with application WebView instances.
* (We define this class independent of the hidden WebViewProvider interfaces, to allow
* continuous build & test in the open source SDK-based tree).
public class AwContents implements SmartClipProvider {
private static final String TAG = "AwContents";
private static final boolean TRACE = false;
private static final int NO_WARN = 0;
private static final int WARN = 1;
private static final String PRODUCT_VERSION = AwContentsStatics.getProductVersion();
private static final String WEB_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION = ".mht";
// The request code should be unique per WebView/AwContents object.
private static final int PROCESS_TEXT_REQUEST_CODE = 100;
// Used to avoid enabling zooming in / out if resulting zooming will
// produce little visible difference.
private static final float ZOOM_CONTROLS_EPSILON = 0.007f;
private static final double MIN_SCREEN_HEIGHT_PERCENTAGE_FOR_INTERSTITIAL = 0.7;
private static final String SAMSUNG_WORKAROUND_PACKAGE_NAME = "";
private static final String SAMSUNG_WORKAROUND_BASE_URL = "email://";
private static final int SAMSUNG_WORKAROUND_DELAY = 200;
private static class ForceAuxiliaryBitmapRendering {
private static final boolean sResult = lazyCheck();
private static boolean lazyCheck() {
return "goldfish".equals(Build.HARDWARE) || "ranchu".equals(Build.HARDWARE)
|| !nativeHasRequiredHardwareExtensions();
// Used to record the UMA histogram WebView.LoadDataWithBaseUrl.HistoryUrl. Since these values
// are persisted to logs, they should never be renumbered nor reused.
@IntDef({HistoryUrl.EMPTY, HistoryUrl.BASEURL, HistoryUrl.DIFFERENT, HistoryUrl.COUNT})
@interface HistoryUrl {
int EMPTY = 0;
int BASEURL = 1;
int DIFFERENT = 2;
int COUNT = 3;
* WebKit hit test related data structure. These are used to implement
* getHitTestResult, requestFocusNodeHref, requestImageRef methods in WebView.
* All values should be updated together. The native counterpart is
* AwHitTestData.
public static class HitTestData {
// Used in getHitTestResult.
public int hitTestResultType;
public String hitTestResultExtraData;
// Used in requestFocusNodeHref (all three) and requestImageRef (only imgSrc).
public String href;
public String anchorText;
public String imgSrc;
* Interface that consumers of {@link AwContents} must implement to allow the proper
* dispatching of view methods through the containing view.
public interface InternalAccessDelegate extends ContentViewCore.InternalAccessDelegate {
* @see View#overScrollBy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean);
void overScrollBy(int deltaX, int deltaY,
int scrollX, int scrollY,
int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY,
int maxOverScrollX, int maxOverScrollY,
boolean isTouchEvent);
* @see View#scrollTo(int, int)
void super_scrollTo(int scrollX, int scrollY);
* @see View#setMeasuredDimension(int, int)
void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight);
* @see View#getScrollBarStyle()
int super_getScrollBarStyle();
* @see View#startActivityForResult(Intent, int)
void super_startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode);
* Factory interface used for constructing functors that the Android framework uses for
* calling back into Chromium code to render the the contents of a Chromium frame into
* an Android view.
public interface NativeDrawGLFunctorFactory {
* Create a functor associated with native context |context|.
NativeDrawGLFunctor createFunctor(long context);
* Interface that consumers of {@link AwContents} must implement to support
* native GL rendering.
public interface NativeDrawGLFunctor {
* Requests a callback on the native DrawGL method (see getAwDrawGLFunction).
* If called from within onDraw, |canvas| should be non-null and must be hardware
* accelerated. |releasedCallback| should be null if |canvas| is null, or if
* supportsDrawGLFunctorReleasedCallback returns false.
* @return false indicates the GL draw request was not accepted, and the caller
* should fallback to the SW path.
boolean requestDrawGL(Canvas canvas, Runnable releasedCallback);
* Requests a callback on the native DrawGL method (see getAwDrawGLFunction).
* |containerView| must be hardware accelerated. If |waitForCompletion| is true, this method
* will not return until functor has returned.
boolean requestInvokeGL(View containerView, boolean waitForCompletion);
* Test whether the Android framework supports notifying when a functor is free
* to be destroyed via the callback mechanism provided to the functor factory.
* @return true if destruction needs to wait on a framework callback, or false
* if it can occur immediately.
boolean supportsDrawGLFunctorReleasedCallback();
* Detaches the GLFunctor from the view tree.
void detach(View containerView);
* Get a Runnable that is used to destroy the native portion of the functor. After the
* run method of this Runnable is called, no other methods should be called on the Java
* object.
Runnable getDestroyRunnable();
* Class to facilitate dependency injection. Subclasses by test code to provide mock versions of
* certain AwContents dependencies.
public static class DependencyFactory {
public AwLayoutSizer createLayoutSizer() {
return new AwLayoutSizer();
public AwScrollOffsetManager createScrollOffsetManager(
AwScrollOffsetManager.Delegate delegate) {
return new AwScrollOffsetManager(delegate);
public AutofillProvider createAutofillProvider(Context context, ViewGroup containerView) {
return null;
* Visual state callback, see {@link #insertVisualStateCallback} for details.
public abstract static class VisualStateCallback {
* @param requestId the id passed to {@link AwContents#insertVisualStateCallback}
* which can be used to match requests with the corresponding callbacks.
public abstract void onComplete(long requestId);
private long mNativeAwContents;
private final AwBrowserContext mBrowserContext;
// mContainerView and mCurrentFunctor form a pair that needs to stay in sync.
private ViewGroup mContainerView;
private AwGLFunctor mCurrentFunctor;
private AwGLFunctor mInitialFunctor;
private AwGLFunctor mFullScreenFunctor; // Only non-null when in fullscreen mode.
private final Context mContext;
private final int mAppTargetSdkVersion;
private ContentViewCore mContentViewCore;
private AwViewAndroidDelegate mViewAndroidDelegate;
private WindowAndroidWrapper mWindowAndroid;
private WebContents mWebContents;
private NavigationController mNavigationController;
private final AwContentsClient mContentsClient;
private AwWebContentsObserver mWebContentsObserver;
private final AwContentsClientBridge mContentsClientBridge;
private final AwWebContentsDelegateAdapter mWebContentsDelegate;
private final AwContentsBackgroundThreadClient mBackgroundThreadClient;
private final AwContentsIoThreadClient mIoThreadClient;
private final InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl mInterceptNavigationDelegate;
private InternalAccessDelegate mInternalAccessAdapter;
private final NativeDrawGLFunctorFactory mNativeDrawGLFunctorFactory;
private final AwLayoutSizer mLayoutSizer;
private final AwZoomControls mZoomControls;
private final AwScrollOffsetManager mScrollOffsetManager;
private OverScrollGlow mOverScrollGlow;
private final DisplayAndroidObserver mDisplayObserver;
// This can be accessed on any thread after construction. See AwContentsIoThreadClient.
private final AwSettings mSettings;
private final ScrollAccessibilityHelper mScrollAccessibilityHelper;
private final ObserverList<PopupTouchHandleDrawable> mTouchHandleDrawables =
new ObserverList<>();
private boolean mIsPaused;
private boolean mIsViewVisible;
private boolean mIsWindowVisible;
private boolean mIsAttachedToWindow;
// Visiblity state of |mContentViewCore|.
private boolean mIsContentViewCoreVisible;
private boolean mIsUpdateVisibilityTaskPending;
private Runnable mUpdateVisibilityRunnable;
private @RendererPriority int mRendererPriority;
private boolean mRendererPriorityWaivedWhenNotVisible;
private Bitmap mFavicon;
private boolean mHasRequestedVisitedHistoryFromClient;
// Whether this WebView is a popup.
private boolean mIsPopupWindow;
// The base background color, i.e. not accounting for any CSS body from the current page.
private int mBaseBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;
// Must call nativeUpdateLastHitTestData first to update this before use.
private final HitTestData mPossiblyStaleHitTestData = new HitTestData();
private final DefaultVideoPosterRequestHandler mDefaultVideoPosterRequestHandler;
// Bound method for suppling Picture instances to the AwContentsClient. Will be null if the
// picture listener API has not yet been enabled, or if it is using invalidation-only mode.
private Callable<Picture> mPictureListenerContentProvider;
private boolean mContainerViewFocused;
private boolean mWindowFocused;
// These come from the compositor and are updated synchronously (in contrast to the values in
// ContentViewCore, which are updated at end of every frame).
private float mPageScaleFactor = 1.0f;
private float mMinPageScaleFactor = 1.0f;
private float mMaxPageScaleFactor = 1.0f;
private float mContentWidthDip;
private float mContentHeightDip;
private AwAutofillClient mAwAutofillClient;
private AwPdfExporter mAwPdfExporter;
private AwViewMethods mAwViewMethods;
private final FullScreenTransitionsState mFullScreenTransitionsState;
// This flag indicates that ShouldOverrideUrlNavigation should be posted
// through the resourcethrottle. This is only used for popup windows.
private boolean mDeferredShouldOverrideUrlLoadingIsPendingForPopup;
// This is a workaround for some qualcomm devices discarding buffer on
// Activity restore.
private boolean mInvalidateRootViewOnNextDraw;
// The framework may temporarily detach our container view, for example during layout if
// we are a child of a ListView. This may cause many toggles of View focus, which we suppress
// when in this state.
private boolean mTemporarilyDetached;
private Handler mHandler;
// True when this AwContents has been destroyed.
// Do not use directly, call isDestroyed() instead.
private boolean mIsDestroyed;
// True if this AwContents is in no operation state.
// Do not use directly, call isNoOperation() instead.
private boolean mIsNoOperation;
private AutofillProvider mAutofillProvider;
private static String sCurrentLocales = "";
private Paint mPaintForNWorkaround;
// A holder of objects passed from WebContents and should be owned by AwContents that may
// have direct or indirect reference back to WebView. They are used internally by
// WebContents but all the references can create a new gc root that can keep WebView
// instances from being freed when they are detached from view tree, hence lead to
// memory leak. To avoid the issue, it is possible to use |WebContents.setInternalHolder|
// to move the holder of those internal objects to AwContents. Note that they are still
// used by WebContents, and AwContents doesn't have to know what's inside the holder.
private WebContentsInternals mWebContentsInternals;
private JavascriptInjector mJavascriptInjector;
private static class WebContentsInternalsHolder implements WebContents.InternalsHolder {
private final WeakReference<AwContents> mAwContentsRef;
private WebContentsInternalsHolder(AwContents awContents) {
mAwContentsRef = new WeakReference<>(awContents);
public void set(WebContentsInternals internals) {
AwContents awContents = mAwContentsRef.get();
if (awContents == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("AwContents should be available at this time");
awContents.mWebContentsInternals = internals;
public WebContentsInternals get() {
AwContents awContents = mAwContentsRef.get();
return awContents == null ? null : awContents.mWebContentsInternals;
private static final class AwContentsDestroyRunnable implements Runnable {
private final long mNativeAwContents;
// Hold onto a reference to the window (via its wrapper), so that it is not destroyed
// until we are done here.
private final WindowAndroidWrapper mWindowAndroid;
private AwContentsDestroyRunnable(
long nativeAwContents, WindowAndroidWrapper windowAndroid) {
mNativeAwContents = nativeAwContents;
mWindowAndroid = windowAndroid;
public void run() {
* A class that stores the state needed to enter and exit fullscreen.
private static class FullScreenTransitionsState {
private final ViewGroup mInitialContainerView;
private final InternalAccessDelegate mInitialInternalAccessAdapter;
private final AwViewMethods mInitialAwViewMethods;
private FullScreenView mFullScreenView;
/** Whether the initial container view was focused when we entered fullscreen */
private boolean mWasInitialContainerViewFocused;
private FullScreenTransitionsState(ViewGroup initialContainerView,
InternalAccessDelegate initialInternalAccessAdapter,
AwViewMethods initialAwViewMethods) {
mInitialContainerView = initialContainerView;
mInitialInternalAccessAdapter = initialInternalAccessAdapter;
mInitialAwViewMethods = initialAwViewMethods;
private void enterFullScreen(FullScreenView fullScreenView,
boolean wasInitialContainerViewFocused) {
mFullScreenView = fullScreenView;
mWasInitialContainerViewFocused = wasInitialContainerViewFocused;
private boolean wasInitialContainerViewFocused() {
return mWasInitialContainerViewFocused;
private void exitFullScreen() {
mFullScreenView = null;
private boolean isFullScreen() {
return mFullScreenView != null;
private ViewGroup getInitialContainerView() {
return mInitialContainerView;
private InternalAccessDelegate getInitialInternalAccessDelegate() {
return mInitialInternalAccessAdapter;
private AwViewMethods getInitialAwViewMethods() {
return mInitialAwViewMethods;
private FullScreenView getFullScreenView() {
return mFullScreenView;
// Reference to the active mNativeAwContents pointer while it is active use
// (ie before it is destroyed).
private CleanupReference mCleanupReference;
private class IoThreadClientImpl extends AwContentsIoThreadClient {
// All methods are called on the IO thread.
public int getCacheMode() {
return mSettings.getCacheMode();
public AwContentsBackgroundThreadClient getBackgroundThreadClient() {
return mBackgroundThreadClient;
public boolean shouldBlockContentUrls() {
return !mSettings.getAllowContentAccess();
public boolean shouldBlockFileUrls() {
return !mSettings.getAllowFileAccess();
public boolean shouldBlockNetworkLoads() {
return mSettings.getBlockNetworkLoads();
public boolean shouldAcceptThirdPartyCookies() {
return mSettings.getAcceptThirdPartyCookies();
public boolean getSafeBrowsingEnabled() {
return mSettings.getSafeBrowsingEnabled();
private class BackgroundThreadClientImpl extends AwContentsBackgroundThreadClient {
// All methods are called on the background thread.
public AwWebResourceResponse shouldInterceptRequest(
AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceRequest request) {
String url = request.url;
AwWebResourceResponse awWebResourceResponse;
// Return the response directly if the url is default video poster url.
awWebResourceResponse = mDefaultVideoPosterRequestHandler.shouldInterceptRequest(url);
if (awWebResourceResponse != null) return awWebResourceResponse;
awWebResourceResponse = mContentsClient.shouldInterceptRequest(request);
if (awWebResourceResponse == null) {
if (awWebResourceResponse != null && awWebResourceResponse.getData() == null) {
// In this case the intercepted URLRequest job will simulate an empty response
// which doesn't trigger the onReceivedError callback. For WebViewClassic
// compatibility we synthesize that callback.
/* error description filled in by the glue layer */
new AwContentsClient.AwWebResourceError());
return awWebResourceResponse;
// When the navigation is for a newly created WebView (i.e. a popup), intercept the navigation
// here for implementing shouldOverrideUrlLoading. This is to send the shouldOverrideUrlLoading
// callback to the correct WebViewClient that is associated with the WebView.
// Otherwise, use this delegate only to post onPageStarted messages.
// We are not using WebContentsObserver.didStartLoading because of stale URLs, out of order
// onPageStarted's and double onPageStarted's.
private class InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl implements InterceptNavigationDelegate {
public boolean shouldIgnoreNavigation(NavigationParams navigationParams) {
final String url = navigationParams.url;
boolean ignoreNavigation = false;
// Disable old path for sending shouldoverrideurlloadings for popups when
// plznavigate is enabled. The callback will come through NavigatorRequest.
if (!BrowserSideNavigationPolicy.isBrowserSideNavigationEnabled()
&& mDeferredShouldOverrideUrlLoadingIsPendingForPopup) {
mDeferredShouldOverrideUrlLoadingIsPendingForPopup = false;
// If this is used for all navigations in future, cases for application initiated
// load, redirect and backforward should also be filtered out.
if (!navigationParams.isPost) {
ignoreNavigation = mContentsClient.shouldIgnoreNavigation(
mContext, url, navigationParams.isMainFrame,
|| navigationParams.hasUserGestureCarryover,
// The shouldOverrideUrlLoading call might have resulted in posting messages to the
// UI thread. Using sendMessage here (instead of calling onPageStarted directly)
// will allow those to run in order.
if (!ignoreNavigation) {
return ignoreNavigation;
private class AwLayoutSizerDelegate implements AwLayoutSizer.Delegate {
public void requestLayout() {
public void setMeasuredDimension(int measuredWidth, int measuredHeight) {
mInternalAccessAdapter.setMeasuredDimension(measuredWidth, measuredHeight);
public boolean isLayoutParamsHeightWrapContent() {
return mContainerView.getLayoutParams() != null
&& (mContainerView.getLayoutParams().height
== ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
public void setForceZeroLayoutHeight(boolean forceZeroHeight) {
private class AwScrollOffsetManagerDelegate implements AwScrollOffsetManager.Delegate {
public void overScrollContainerViewBy(int deltaX, int deltaY, int scrollX, int scrollY,
int scrollRangeX, int scrollRangeY, boolean isTouchEvent) {
mInternalAccessAdapter.overScrollBy(deltaX, deltaY, scrollX, scrollY,
scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY, 0, 0, isTouchEvent);
public void scrollContainerViewTo(int x, int y) {
mInternalAccessAdapter.super_scrollTo(x, y);
public void scrollNativeTo(int x, int y) {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) nativeScrollTo(mNativeAwContents, x, y);
public void smoothScroll(int targetX, int targetY, long durationMs) {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
nativeSmoothScroll(mNativeAwContents, targetX, targetY, durationMs);
public int getContainerViewScrollX() {
return mContainerView.getScrollX();
public int getContainerViewScrollY() {
return mContainerView.getScrollY();
public void invalidate() {
public void cancelFling() {
private class AwGestureStateListener implements GestureStateListener {
public void onPinchStarted() {
// While it's possible to re-layout the view during a pinch gesture, the effect is very
// janky (especially that the page scale update notification comes from the renderer
// main thread, not from the impl thread, so it's usually out of sync with what's on
// screen). It's also quite expensive to do a re-layout, so we simply postpone
// re-layout for the duration of the gesture. This is compatible with what
// WebViewClassic does.
public void onPinchEnded() {
public void onScrollUpdateGestureConsumed() {
public void onScrollStarted(int scrollOffsetY, int scrollExtentY) {
public void onScaleLimitsChanged(float minPageScaleFactor, float maxPageScaleFactor) {
public void onScrollOffsetOrExtentChanged(int scrollOffsetY, int scrollExtentY) {
private class AwComponentCallbacks implements ComponentCallbacks2 {
public void onTrimMemory(final int level) {
boolean visibleRectEmpty = getGlobalVisibleRect().isEmpty();
final boolean visible = mIsViewVisible && mIsWindowVisible && !visibleRectEmpty;
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(() -> {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
if (level >= TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE) {
if (mFullScreenFunctor != null) {
nativeTrimMemory(mNativeAwContents, level, visible);
public void onLowMemory() {}
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration configuration) {
private class AwDisplayAndroidObserver implements DisplayAndroidObserver {
public void onRotationChanged(int rotation) {}
public void onDIPScaleChanged(float dipScale) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s onDIPScaleChanged dipScale=%f", this, dipScale);
nativeSetDipScale(mNativeAwContents, dipScale);
* @param browserContext the browsing context to associate this view contents with.
* @param containerView the view-hierarchy item this object will be bound to.
* @param context the context to use, usually containerView.getContext().
* @param internalAccessAdapter to access private methods on containerView.
* @param nativeGLDelegate to access the GL functor provided by the WebView.
* @param contentsClient will receive API callbacks from this WebView Contents.
* @param awSettings AwSettings instance used to configure the AwContents.
* This constructor uses the default view sizing policy.
public AwContents(AwBrowserContext browserContext, ViewGroup containerView, Context context,
InternalAccessDelegate internalAccessAdapter,
NativeDrawGLFunctorFactory nativeDrawGLFunctorFactory, AwContentsClient contentsClient,
AwSettings awSettings) {
this(browserContext, containerView, context, internalAccessAdapter,
nativeDrawGLFunctorFactory, contentsClient, awSettings, new DependencyFactory());
* @param dependencyFactory an instance of the DependencyFactory used to provide instances of
* classes that this class depends on.
* This version of the constructor is used in test code to inject test versions of the above
* documented classes.
public AwContents(AwBrowserContext browserContext, ViewGroup containerView, Context context,
InternalAccessDelegate internalAccessAdapter,
NativeDrawGLFunctorFactory nativeDrawGLFunctorFactory, AwContentsClient contentsClient,
AwSettings settings, DependencyFactory dependencyFactory) {
mRendererPriority = RendererPriority.HIGH;
mBrowserContext = browserContext;
// setWillNotDraw(false) is required since WebView draws it's own contents using it's
// container view. If this is ever not the case we should remove this, as it removes
// Android's gatherTransparentRegion optimization for the view.
mContainerView = containerView;
mHandler = new Handler();
mContext = context;
mAutofillProvider = dependencyFactory.createAutofillProvider(context, mContainerView);
mAppTargetSdkVersion = mContext.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;
mInternalAccessAdapter = internalAccessAdapter;
mNativeDrawGLFunctorFactory = nativeDrawGLFunctorFactory;
mInitialFunctor = new AwGLFunctor(mNativeDrawGLFunctorFactory, mContainerView);
mCurrentFunctor = mInitialFunctor;
mContentsClient = contentsClient;
() -> AwContents.this.isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN));
mAwViewMethods = new AwViewMethodsImpl();
mFullScreenTransitionsState = new FullScreenTransitionsState(
mContainerView, mInternalAccessAdapter, mAwViewMethods);
mLayoutSizer = dependencyFactory.createLayoutSizer();
mSettings = settings;
mLayoutSizer.setDelegate(new AwLayoutSizerDelegate());
mWebContentsDelegate = new AwWebContentsDelegateAdapter(
this, contentsClient, settings, mContext, mContainerView);
mContentsClientBridge = new AwContentsClientBridge(mContext, contentsClient,
mZoomControls = new AwZoomControls(this);
mBackgroundThreadClient = new BackgroundThreadClientImpl();
mIoThreadClient = new IoThreadClientImpl();
mInterceptNavigationDelegate = new InterceptNavigationDelegateImpl();
mDisplayObserver = new AwDisplayAndroidObserver();
mUpdateVisibilityRunnable = () -> updateContentViewCoreVisibility();
AwSettings.ZoomSupportChangeListener zoomListener =
(supportsDoubleTapZoom, supportsMultiTouchZoom) -> {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
mDefaultVideoPosterRequestHandler = new DefaultVideoPosterRequestHandler(mContentsClient);
mScrollOffsetManager =
dependencyFactory.createScrollOffsetManager(new AwScrollOffsetManagerDelegate());
mScrollAccessibilityHelper = new ScrollAccessibilityHelper(mContainerView);
private void initializeContentViewCore(ContentViewCore contentViewCore, Context context,
ViewAndroidDelegate viewDelegate, InternalAccessDelegate internalDispatcher,
WebContents webContents, WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {
contentViewCore.initialize(viewDelegate, internalDispatcher, webContents, windowAndroid);
SelectionPopupController controller = SelectionPopupController.fromWebContents(webContents);
new AwActionModeCallback(mContext, this, controller.getActionModeCallbackHelper()));
if (mAutofillProvider != null) {
new AutofillActionModeCallback(context, mAutofillProvider));
// Listen for dpad events from IMEs (e.g. Samsung Cursor Control) so we know to enable
// spatial navigation mode to allow these events to move focus out of the WebView.
ImeAdapter.fromWebContents(webContents).addEventObserver(new ImeEventObserver() {
public void onBeforeSendKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (AwContents.isDpadEvent(event)) {
boolean isFullScreen() {
return mFullScreenTransitionsState.isFullScreen();
* Transitions this {@link AwContents} to fullscreen mode and returns the
* {@link View} where the contents will be drawn while in fullscreen, or null
* if this AwContents has already been destroyed.
View enterFullScreen() {
assert !isFullScreen();
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return null;
// Detach to tear down the GL functor if this is still associated with the old
// container view. It will be recreated during the next call to onDraw attached to
// the new container view.
// In fullscreen mode FullScreenView owns the AwViewMethodsImpl and AwContents
// a NullAwViewMethods.
FullScreenView fullScreenView = new FullScreenView(mContext, mAwViewMethods, this);
boolean wasInitialContainerViewFocused = mContainerView.isFocused();
if (wasInitialContainerViewFocused) {
mFullScreenFunctor = new AwGLFunctor(mNativeDrawGLFunctorFactory, fullScreenView);
mFullScreenTransitionsState.enterFullScreen(fullScreenView, wasInitialContainerViewFocused);
mAwViewMethods = new NullAwViewMethods(this, mInternalAccessAdapter, mContainerView);
// Associate this AwContents with the FullScreenView.
setContainerView(fullScreenView, mFullScreenFunctor);
return fullScreenView;
* Called when the app has requested to exit fullscreen.
void requestExitFullscreen() {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) mContentViewCore.getWebContents().exitFullscreen();
* Returns this {@link AwContents} to embedded mode, where the {@link AwContents} are drawn
* in the WebView.
void exitFullScreen() {
if (!isFullScreen() || isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
// exitFullScreen() can be called without a prior call to enterFullScreen() if a
// "misbehave" app overrides onShowCustomView but does not add the custom view to
// the window. Exiting avoids a crash.
// Detach to tear down the GL functor if this is still associated with the old
// container view. It will be recreated during the next call to onDraw attached to
// the new container view.
// NOTE: we cannot use mAwViewMethods here because its type is NullAwViewMethods.
AwViewMethods awViewMethodsImpl = mFullScreenTransitionsState.getInitialAwViewMethods();
// Swap the view delegates. In embedded mode the FullScreenView owns a
// NullAwViewMethods and AwContents the AwViewMethodsImpl.
FullScreenView fullscreenView = mFullScreenTransitionsState.getFullScreenView();
fullscreenView.setAwViewMethods(new NullAwViewMethods(
this, fullscreenView.getInternalAccessAdapter(), fullscreenView));
mAwViewMethods = awViewMethodsImpl;
ViewGroup initialContainerView = mFullScreenTransitionsState.getInitialContainerView();
// Re-associate this AwContents with the WebView.
setContainerView(initialContainerView, mInitialFunctor);
// Return focus to the WebView.
if (mFullScreenTransitionsState.wasInitialContainerViewFocused()) {
// Drop AwContents last reference to this functor. AwGLFunctor is responsible for cleanup.
mFullScreenFunctor = null;
private void setInternalAccessAdapter(InternalAccessDelegate internalAccessAdapter) {
mInternalAccessAdapter = internalAccessAdapter;
private void setContainerView(ViewGroup newContainerView, AwGLFunctor currentFunctor) {
// setWillNotDraw(false) is required since WebView draws it's own contents using it's
// container view. If this is ever not the case we should remove this, as it removes
// Android's gatherTransparentRegion optimization for the view.
mContainerView = newContainerView;
mCurrentFunctor = currentFunctor;
if (mAwPdfExporter != null) {
for (PopupTouchHandleDrawable drawable: mTouchHandleDrawables) {
* Reconciles the state of this AwContents object with the state of the new container view.
@SuppressLint("NewApi") // ViewGroup#isAttachedToWindow requires API level 19.
private void onContainerViewChanged() {
// NOTE: mAwViewMethods is used by the old container view, the WebView, so it might refer
// to a NullAwViewMethods when in fullscreen. To ensure that the state is reconciled with
// the new container view correctly, we bypass mAwViewMethods and use the real
// implementation directly.
AwViewMethods awViewMethodsImpl = mFullScreenTransitionsState.getInitialAwViewMethods();
awViewMethodsImpl.onVisibilityChanged(mContainerView, mContainerView.getVisibility());
boolean containerViewAttached = mContainerView.isAttachedToWindow();
if (containerViewAttached && !mIsAttachedToWindow) {
} else if (!containerViewAttached && mIsAttachedToWindow) {
mContainerView.getWidth(), mContainerView.getHeight(), 0, 0);
awViewMethodsImpl.onFocusChanged(mContainerView.hasFocus(), 0, null);
if (mAutofillProvider != null) mAutofillProvider.onContainerViewChanged(mContainerView);
// This class destroys the WindowAndroid when after it is gc-ed.
private static class WindowAndroidWrapper {
private final WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;
private final CleanupReference mCleanupReference;
private static final class DestroyRunnable implements Runnable {
private final WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;
private DestroyRunnable(WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {
mWindowAndroid = windowAndroid;
public void run() {
public WindowAndroidWrapper(WindowAndroid windowAndroid) {
mWindowAndroid = windowAndroid;
mCleanupReference =
new CleanupReference(this, new DestroyRunnable(windowAndroid));
public WindowAndroid getWindowAndroid() {
return mWindowAndroid;
private static WeakHashMap<Context, WindowAndroidWrapper> sContextWindowMap;
// getWindowAndroid is only called on UI thread, so there are no threading issues with lazy
// initialization.
private static WindowAndroidWrapper getWindowAndroid(Context context) {
if (sContextWindowMap == null) sContextWindowMap = new WeakHashMap<>();
WindowAndroidWrapper wrapper = sContextWindowMap.get(context);
if (wrapper != null) return wrapper;
boolean contextWrapsActivity = activityFromContext(context) != null;
if (contextWrapsActivity) {
final boolean listenToActivityState = false;
wrapper = new WindowAndroidWrapper(
new ActivityWindowAndroid(context, listenToActivityState));
} else {
wrapper = new WindowAndroidWrapper(new WindowAndroid(context));
sContextWindowMap.put(context, wrapper);
return wrapper;
// Set current locales to native.
public static void updateDefaultLocale() {
String locales = LocaleUtils.getDefaultLocaleListString();
if (!sCurrentLocales.equals(locales)) {
sCurrentLocales = locales;
// We cannot use the first language in sCurrentLocales for the UI language even on
// Android N. LocaleUtils.getDefaultLocaleString() is capable for UI language but
// it is not guaranteed to be listed at the first of sCurrentLocales. Therefore,
// both values are passed to native.
nativeUpdateDefaultLocale(LocaleUtils.getDefaultLocaleString(), sCurrentLocales);
private void updateNativeAwGLFunctor() {
mCurrentFunctor != null ? mCurrentFunctor.getNativeAwGLFunctor() : 0);
/* Common initialization routine for adopting a native AwContents instance into this
* java instance.
* TAKE CARE! This method can get called multiple times per java instance. Code accordingly.
* ^^^^^^^^^ See the native class declaration for more details on relative object lifetimes.
private void setNewAwContents(long newAwContentsPtr) {
} else {
// Move the TextClassifier to the new WebContents.
TextClassifier textClassifier = mWebContents != null ? getTextClassifier() : null;
if (textClassifier != null) setTextClassifier(textClassifier);
// Helper for setNewAwContents containing everything which applies to pre-O.
private void setNewAwContentsPreO(long newAwContentsPtr) {
if (mNativeAwContents != 0) {
mContentViewCore = null;
mWebContents = null;
mWebContentsInternals = null;
mNavigationController = null;
mJavascriptInjector = null;
assert mNativeAwContents == 0 && mCleanupReference == null && mContentViewCore == null;
mNativeAwContents = newAwContentsPtr;
// TODO(joth): when the native and java counterparts of AwBrowserContext are hooked up to
// each other, we should update |mBrowserContext| according to the newly received native
// WebContent's browser context.
WebContents webContents = nativeGetWebContents(mNativeAwContents);
mWindowAndroid = getWindowAndroid(mContext);
mContentViewCore = ContentViewCore.create(mContext, PRODUCT_VERSION);
mViewAndroidDelegate =
new AwViewAndroidDelegate(mContainerView, mContentsClient, mScrollOffsetManager);
initializeContentViewCore(mContentViewCore, mContext, mViewAndroidDelegate,
mInternalAccessAdapter, webContents, mWindowAndroid.getWindowAndroid());
nativeSetJavaPeers(mNativeAwContents, this, mWebContentsDelegate, mContentsClientBridge,
mIoThreadClient, mInterceptNavigationDelegate, mAutofillProvider);
mWebContents = mContentViewCore.getWebContents();
mWebContents.setInternalsHolder(new WebContentsInternalsHolder(this));
.addListener(new AwGestureStateListener());
mNavigationController = mWebContents.getNavigationController();
if (mAutofillProvider != null) mAutofillProvider.setWebContents(webContents);
// The native side object has been bound to this java instance, so now is the time to
// bind all the native->java relationships.
mCleanupReference = new CleanupReference(
this, new AwContentsDestroyRunnable(mNativeAwContents, mWindowAndroid));
private void installWebContentsObserver() {
if (mWebContentsObserver != null) {
mWebContentsObserver = new AwWebContentsObserver(mWebContents, this, mContentsClient);
* Called on the "source" AwContents that is opening the popup window to
* provide the AwContents to host the pop up content.
public void supplyContentsForPopup(AwContents newContents) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
long popupNativeAwContents = nativeReleasePopupAwContents(mNativeAwContents);
if (popupNativeAwContents == 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "Popup WebView bind failed: no pending content.");
if (newContents != null) newContents.destroy();
if (newContents == null) {
// Recap: supplyContentsForPopup() is called on the parent window's content, this method is
// called on the popup window's content.
private void receivePopupContents(long popupNativeAwContents) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
mDeferredShouldOverrideUrlLoadingIsPendingForPopup = true;
// Save existing view state.
final boolean wasAttached = mIsAttachedToWindow;
final boolean wasViewVisible = mIsViewVisible;
final boolean wasWindowVisible = mIsWindowVisible;
final boolean wasPaused = mIsPaused;
final boolean wasFocused = mContainerViewFocused;
final boolean wasWindowFocused = mWindowFocused;
// Properly clean up existing mContentViewCore and mNativeAwContents.
if (wasFocused) onFocusChanged(false, 0, null);
if (wasWindowFocused) onWindowFocusChanged(false);
if (wasViewVisible) setViewVisibilityInternal(false);
if (wasWindowVisible) setWindowVisibilityInternal(false);
if (wasAttached) onDetachedFromWindow();
if (!wasPaused) onPause();
// Save injected JavaScript interfaces.
Map<String, Pair<Object, Class>> javascriptInterfaces =
new HashMap<String, Pair<Object, Class>>();
if (mContentViewCore != null) {
// We defer loading any URL on the popup until it has been properly intialized (through
// setNewAwContents). We resume the load here.
// Finally refresh all view state for mContentViewCore and mNativeAwContents.
if (!wasPaused) onResume();
if (wasAttached) {
onSizeChanged(mContainerView.getWidth(), mContainerView.getHeight(), 0, 0);
if (wasWindowVisible) setWindowVisibilityInternal(true);
if (wasViewVisible) setViewVisibilityInternal(true);
if (wasWindowFocused) onWindowFocusChanged(wasWindowFocused);
if (wasFocused) onFocusChanged(true, 0, null);
mIsPopupWindow = true;
// Restore injected JavaScript interfaces.
for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<Object, Class>> entry : javascriptInterfaces.entrySet()) {
Class<? extends Annotation> requiredAnnotation = entry.getValue().second;
entry.getValue().first, entry.getKey(), requiredAnnotation);
private JavascriptInjector getJavascriptInjector() {
if (mJavascriptInjector == null) {
mJavascriptInjector = JavascriptInjector.fromWebContents(mWebContents);
return mJavascriptInjector;
protected void onRenderProcessGone(int childProcessID) {
// This is the first callback we got for render process gone, we can't destroy the WebView
// now because we need to get next callback onRenderProcessGoneWithDetail() to know whether
// render process crashed or was killed.
// However, we should make WebView no operation to avoid being in weird states.
// TODO: We might be able to combine destroyed and no operation states.
mIsNoOperation = true;
protected boolean onRenderProcessGoneDetail(int childProcessID, boolean crashed) {
if (isDestroyed(NO_WARN)) return true;
return mContentsClient.onRenderProcessGone(new AwRenderProcessGoneDetail(
crashed, nativeGetEffectivePriority(mNativeAwContents)));
public @RendererPriority int getEffectivePriorityForTesting() {
assert !isDestroyed(NO_WARN);
return nativeGetEffectivePriority(mNativeAwContents);
private boolean isNoOperation() {
return mIsNoOperation;
private boolean isDestroyedOrNoOperation(int warnIfDestroyed) {
return isDestroyed(warnIfDestroyed) || isNoOperation();
* Destroys this object and deletes its native counterpart.
public void destroy() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s destroy", this);
if (isDestroyed(NO_WARN)) return;
// Remove pending messages
if (mIsAttachedToWindow) {
Log.w(TAG, "WebView.destroy() called while WebView is still attached to window.");
// Need to call detach to avoid leaks because the real detach later will be ignored.
mIsNoOperation = true;
mIsDestroyed = true; -> destroyNatives());
* Deletes the native counterpart of this object.
private void destroyNatives() {
if (mCleanupReference != null) {
assert mNativeAwContents != 0;
mWebContentsObserver = null;
mContentViewCore = null;
mNativeAwContents = 0;
mWebContents = null;
mWebContentsInternals = null;
mNavigationController = null;
mCleanupReference = null;
assert mContentViewCore == null;
assert mWebContents == null;
assert mNavigationController == null;
assert mNativeAwContents == 0;
protected void onDestroyed() {}
* Returns whether this instance of WebView is flagged as destroyed.
* If {@link WARN} is passed as a parameter, the method also issues a warning
* log message and dumps stack, as embedders are advised not to call any
* methods on destroyed WebViews.
* @param warnIfDestroyed use {@link WARN} if the check is done from a method
* that is called via public WebView API, and {@link NO_WARN} otherwise.
* @return whether this instance of WebView is flagged as destroyed.
private boolean isDestroyed(int warnIfDestroyed) {
if (mIsDestroyed && warnIfDestroyed == WARN) {
Log.w(TAG, "Application attempted to call on a destroyed WebView", new Throwable());
boolean destroyRunnableHasRun =
mCleanupReference != null && mCleanupReference.hasCleanedUp();
if (TRACE && destroyRunnableHasRun && !mIsDestroyed) {
// Swallow the error. App developers are not going to do anything with an error msg.
Log.d(TAG, "AwContents is kept alive past CleanupReference by finalizer");
return mIsDestroyed || destroyRunnableHasRun;
public ContentViewCore getContentViewCore() {
return mContentViewCore;
public WebContents getWebContents() {
return mWebContents;
public NavigationController getNavigationController() {
return mNavigationController;
// Can be called from any thread.
public AwSettings getSettings() {
return mSettings;
public AwPdfExporter getPdfExporter() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
if (mAwPdfExporter == null) {
mAwPdfExporter = new AwPdfExporter(mContainerView);
nativeCreatePdfExporter(mNativeAwContents, mAwPdfExporter);
return mAwPdfExporter;
public static void setAwDrawSWFunctionTable(long functionTablePointer) {
public static void setAwDrawGLFunctionTable(long functionTablePointer) {
public static long getAwDrawGLFunction() {
return AwGLFunctor.getAwDrawGLFunction();
public static void setShouldDownloadFavicons() {
public static Activity activityFromContext(Context context) {
return WindowAndroid.activityFromContext(context);
* Disables contents of JS-to-Java bridge objects to be inspectable using
* Object.keys() method and "for .. in" loops. This is intended for applications
* targeting earlier Android releases where this was not possible, and we want
* to ensure backwards compatible behavior.
public void disableJavascriptInterfacesInspection() {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
* Intended for test code.
* @return the number of native instances of this class.
public static int getNativeInstanceCount() {
return nativeGetNativeInstanceCount();
// This is only to avoid heap allocations inside getGlobalVisibleRect. It should treated
// as a local variable in the function and not used anywhere else.
private static final Rect sLocalGlobalVisibleRect = new Rect();
private Rect getGlobalVisibleRect() {
if (!mContainerView.getGlobalVisibleRect(sLocalGlobalVisibleRect)) {
return sLocalGlobalVisibleRect;
// WebView[Provider] method implementations (where not provided by ContentViewCore)
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
try {
} finally {
public void setLayoutParams(final ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams) {
public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
mAwViewMethods.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
public int getContentHeightCss() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return 0;
return (int) Math.ceil(mContentHeightDip);
public int getContentWidthCss() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return 0;
return (int) Math.ceil(mContentWidthDip);
public Picture capturePicture() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s capturePicture", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
return new AwPicture(nativeCapturePicture(mNativeAwContents,
public void clearView() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s clearView", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeClearView(mNativeAwContents);
* Enable the onNewPicture callback.
* @param enabled Flag to enable the callback.
* @param invalidationOnly Flag to call back only on invalidation without providing a picture.
public void enableOnNewPicture(boolean enabled, boolean invalidationOnly) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s enableOnNewPicture=%s", this, enabled);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
if (invalidationOnly) {
mPictureListenerContentProvider = null;
} else if (enabled && mPictureListenerContentProvider == null) {
mPictureListenerContentProvider = () -> capturePicture();
nativeEnableOnNewPicture(mNativeAwContents, enabled);
public void findAllAsync(String searchString) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s findAllAsync", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeFindAllAsync(mNativeAwContents, searchString);
public void findNext(boolean forward) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s findNext", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeFindNext(mNativeAwContents, forward);
public void clearMatches() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s clearMatches", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeClearMatches(mNativeAwContents);
* @return load progress of the WebContents.
public int getMostRecentProgress() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return 0;
// WebContentsDelegateAndroid conveniently caches the most recent notified value for us.
return mWebContentsDelegate.getMostRecentProgress();
public Bitmap getFavicon() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
return mFavicon;
private void requestVisitedHistoryFromClient() {
Callback<String[]> callback = value -> {
if (value != null) {
// Replace null values with empty strings, because they can't be represented as
// native strings.
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (value[i] == null) value[i] = "";
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
nativeAddVisitedLinks(mNativeAwContents, value);
* WebView.loadUrl.
public void loadUrl(String url, Map<String, String> additionalHttpHeaders) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s loadUrl(extra headers)=%s", this, url);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
// TODO: We may actually want to do some sanity checks here (like filter about://chrome).
// For backwards compatibility, apps targeting less than K will have JS URLs evaluated
// directly and any result of the evaluation will not replace the current page content.
// Matching Chrome behavior more closely; apps targetting >= K that load a JS URL will
// have the result of that URL replace the content of the current page.
final String javaScriptScheme = "javascript:";
if (mAppTargetSdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && url != null
&& url.startsWith(javaScriptScheme)) {
evaluateJavaScript(url.substring(javaScriptScheme.length()), null);
LoadUrlParams params = new LoadUrlParams(url);
if (additionalHttpHeaders != null) {
params.setExtraHeaders(new HashMap<String, String>(additionalHttpHeaders));
* WebView.loadUrl.
public void loadUrl(String url) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s loadUrl=%s", this, url);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
// Early out to match old WebView implementation
if (url == null) {
loadUrl(url, null);
* WebView.postUrl.
public void postUrl(String url, byte[] postData) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s postUrl=%s", this, url);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
LoadUrlParams params = LoadUrlParams.createLoadHttpPostParams(url, postData);
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
private static String fixupMimeType(String mimeType) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType) ? "text/html" : mimeType;
private static String fixupData(String data) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(data) ? "" : data;
private static String fixupBase(String url) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(url) ? ContentUrlConstants.ABOUT_BLANK_DISPLAY_URL : url;
private static String fixupHistory(String url) {
return TextUtils.isEmpty(url) ? ContentUrlConstants.ABOUT_BLANK_DISPLAY_URL : url;
private static boolean isBase64Encoded(String encoding) {
return "base64".equals(encoding);
private static void recordHistoryUrl(@HistoryUrl int value) {
"WebView.LoadDataWithBaseUrl.HistoryUrl", value, HistoryUrl.COUNT);
* WebView.loadData.
public void loadData(String data, String mimeType, String encoding) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s loadData", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
fixupData(data), fixupMimeType(mimeType), isBase64Encoded(encoding)));
* WebView.loadDataWithBaseURL.
public void loadDataWithBaseURL(
String baseUrl, String data, String mimeType, String encoding, String historyUrl) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s loadDataWithBaseURL=%s", this, baseUrl);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
data = fixupData(data);
mimeType = fixupMimeType(mimeType);
LoadUrlParams loadUrlParams;
baseUrl = fixupBase(baseUrl);
historyUrl = fixupHistory(historyUrl);
if (historyUrl.equals(ContentUrlConstants.ABOUT_BLANK_DISPLAY_URL)) {
} else if (historyUrl.equals(baseUrl)) {
} else {
if (baseUrl.startsWith("data:")) {
// For backwards compatibility with WebViewClassic, we use the value of |encoding|
// as the charset, as long as it's not "base64".
boolean isBase64 = isBase64Encoded(encoding);
loadUrlParams = LoadUrlParams.createLoadDataParamsWithBaseUrl(
data, mimeType, isBase64, baseUrl, historyUrl, isBase64 ? null : encoding);
} else {
// When loading data with a non-data: base URL, the classic WebView would effectively
// "dump" that string of data into the WebView without going through regular URL
// loading steps such as decoding URL-encoded entities. We achieve this same behavior by
// base64 encoding the data that is passed here and then loading that as a data: URL.
try {
loadUrlParams = LoadUrlParams.createLoadDataParamsWithBaseUrl(
Base64.encodeToString(data.getBytes("utf-8"), Base64.DEFAULT), mimeType,
true, baseUrl, historyUrl, "utf-8");
} catch ( e) {, "Unable to load data string %s", data, e);
// This is a workaround for an issue with PlzNavigate and one of Samsung's OEM mail apps.
// See
if (SAMSUNG_WORKAROUND_PACKAGE_NAME.equals(mContext.getPackageName())
&& SAMSUNG_WORKAROUND_BASE_URL.equals(loadUrlParams.getBaseUrl())) {
() -> loadUrl(loadUrlParams), SAMSUNG_WORKAROUND_DELAY);
* Load url without fixing up the url string. Consumers of ContentView are responsible for
* ensuring the URL passed in is properly formatted (i.e. the scheme has been added if left
* off during user input).
* @param params Parameters for this load.
public void loadUrl(LoadUrlParams params) {
if (params.getLoadUrlType() == LoadURLType.DATA && !params.isBaseUrlDataScheme()) {
// This allows data URLs with a non-data base URL access to file:///android_asset/ and
// file:///android_res/ URLs. If AwSettings.getAllowFileAccess permits, it will also
// allow access to file:// URLs (subject to OS level permission checks).
// If we are reloading the same url, then set transition type as reload.
if (params.getUrl() != null && params.getUrl().equals(mWebContents.getLastCommittedUrl())
&& params.getTransitionType() == PageTransition.LINK) {
params.getTransitionType() | PageTransition.FROM_API);
// For WebView, always use the user agent override, which is set
// every time the user agent in AwSettings is modified.
// We don't pass extra headers to the content layer, as WebViewClassic
// was adding them in a very narrow set of conditions. See
// However, if the embedder is attempting to inject a Referer header for their
// loadUrl call, then we set that separately and remove it from the extra headers map/
final String referer = "referer";
Map<String, String> extraHeaders = params.getExtraHeaders();
if (extraHeaders != null) {
for (String header : extraHeaders.keySet()) {
if (referer.equals(header.toLowerCase(Locale.US))) {
params.setReferrer(new Referrer(extraHeaders.remove(header),
mNativeAwContents, params.getUrl(), params.getExtraHttpRequestHeadersString());
params.setExtraHeaders(new HashMap<String, String>());
// The behavior of WebViewClassic uses the populateVisitedLinks callback in WebKit.
// Chromium does not use this use code path and the best emulation of this behavior to call
// request visited links once on the first URL load of the WebView.
if (!mHasRequestedVisitedHistoryFromClient) {
mHasRequestedVisitedHistoryFromClient = true;
if (!BrowserSideNavigationPolicy.isBrowserSideNavigationEnabled()
&& params.getLoadUrlType() == LoadURLType.DATA && params.getBaseUrl() != null) {
// Data loads with a base url will be resolved in Blink, and not cause an onPageStarted
// event to be sent. Sending the callback directly from here.
* Get the URL of the current page. This is the visible URL of the {@link WebContents} which may
* be a pending navigation or the last committed URL. For the last committed URL use
* #getLastCommittedUrl().
* @return The URL of the current page or null if it's empty.
public String getUrl() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
String url = mWebContents.getVisibleUrl();
if (url == null || url.trim().isEmpty()) return null;
return url;
* Gets the last committed URL. It represents the current page that is
* displayed in WebContents. It represents the current security context.
* @return The URL of the current page or null if it's empty.
public String getLastCommittedUrl() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return null;
String url = mWebContents.getLastCommittedUrl();
if (url == null || url.trim().isEmpty()) return null;
return url;
public void requestFocus() {
public void setBackgroundColor(int color) {
mBaseBackgroundColor = color;
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeSetBackgroundColor(mNativeAwContents, color);
* @see android.view.View#setLayerType()
public void setLayerType(int layerType, Paint paint) {
mAwViewMethods.setLayerType(layerType, paint);
int getEffectiveBackgroundColor() {
// Do not ask the ContentViewCore for the background color, as it will always
// report white prior to initial navigation or post destruction, whereas we want
// to use the client supplied base value in those cases.
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)
|| !mContentsClient.isCachedRendererBackgroundColorValid()) {
return mBaseBackgroundColor;
return mContentsClient.getCachedRendererBackgroundColor();
public boolean isMultiTouchZoomSupported() {
return mSettings.supportsMultiTouchZoom();
public View getZoomControlsForTest() {
return mZoomControls.getZoomControlsViewForTest();
* @see View#setOverScrollMode(int)
public void setOverScrollMode(int mode) {
if (mode != View.OVER_SCROLL_NEVER) {
mOverScrollGlow = new OverScrollGlow(mContext, mContainerView);
} else {
mOverScrollGlow = null;
// TODO(mkosiba): In WebViewClassic these appear in some of the scroll extent calculation
// methods but toggling them has no visiual effect on the content (in other words the scrolling
// code behaves as if the scrollbar-related padding is in place but the onDraw code doesn't
// take that into consideration).
private boolean mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar = true;
private boolean mOverlayVerticalScrollbar;
* @see View#setScrollBarStyle(int)
public void setScrollBarStyle(int style) {
mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar = mOverlayVerticalScrollbar = true;
} else {
mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar = mOverlayVerticalScrollbar = false;
* @see View#setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(boolean)
public void setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay(boolean overlay) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s setHorizontalScrollbarOverlay=%s", this, overlay);
mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar = overlay;
* @see View#setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(boolean)
public void setVerticalScrollbarOverlay(boolean overlay) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s setVerticalScrollbarOverlay=%s", this, overlay);
mOverlayVerticalScrollbar = overlay;
* @see View#overlayHorizontalScrollbar()
public boolean overlayHorizontalScrollbar() {
return mOverlayHorizontalScrollbar;
* @see View#overlayVerticalScrollbar()
public boolean overlayVerticalScrollbar() {
return mOverlayVerticalScrollbar;
* Called by the embedder when the scroll offset of the containing view has changed.
* @see View#onScrollChanged(int,int)
public void onContainerViewScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
mAwViewMethods.onContainerViewScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
* Called by the embedder when the containing view is to be scrolled or overscrolled.
* @see View#onOverScrolled(int,int,int,int)
public void onContainerViewOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean clampedX,
boolean clampedY) {
mAwViewMethods.onContainerViewOverScrolled(scrollX, scrollY, clampedX, clampedY);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View, Rect, boolean)
public boolean requestChildRectangleOnScreen(View child, Rect rect, boolean immediate) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return false;
return mScrollOffsetManager.requestChildRectangleOnScreen(
child.getLeft() - child.getScrollX(), child.getTop() - child.getScrollY(),
rect, immediate);
* @see View#computeHorizontalScrollRange()
public int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
return mAwViewMethods.computeHorizontalScrollRange();
* @see View#computeHorizontalScrollOffset()
public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() {
return mAwViewMethods.computeHorizontalScrollOffset();
* @see View#computeVerticalScrollRange()
public int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
return mAwViewMethods.computeVerticalScrollRange();
* @see View#computeVerticalScrollOffset()
public int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
return mAwViewMethods.computeVerticalScrollOffset();
* @see View#computeVerticalScrollExtent()
public int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
return mAwViewMethods.computeVerticalScrollExtent();
* @see View.computeScroll()
public void computeScroll() {
* @see android.webkit.WebView#stopLoading()
public void stopLoading() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s stopLoading", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mWebContents.stop();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#reload()
public void reload() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s reload", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mNavigationController.reload(true);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#canGoBack()
public boolean canGoBack() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? false : mNavigationController.canGoBack();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#goBack()
public void goBack() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s goBack", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mNavigationController.goBack();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#canGoForward()
public boolean canGoForward() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? false : mNavigationController.canGoForward();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#goForward()
public void goForward() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s goForward", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mNavigationController.goForward();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#canGoBackOrForward(int)
public boolean canGoBackOrForward(int steps) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? false : mNavigationController.canGoToOffset(steps);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#goBackOrForward(int)
public void goBackOrForward(int steps) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s goBackOrForwad=%d", this, steps);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mNavigationController.goToOffset(steps);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#pauseTimers()
public void pauseTimers() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s pauseTimers", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
* @see android.webkit.WebView#resumeTimers()
public void resumeTimers() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s resumeTimers", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
* @see android.webkit.WebView#onPause()
public void onPause() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s onPause", this);
if (mIsPaused || isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
mIsPaused = true;
nativeSetIsPaused(mNativeAwContents, mIsPaused);
// Geolocation is paused/resumed via the page visibility mechanism.
* @see android.webkit.WebView#onResume()
public void onResume() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s onResume", this);
if (!mIsPaused || isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
mIsPaused = false;
nativeSetIsPaused(mNativeAwContents, mIsPaused);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#isPaused()
public boolean isPaused() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? false : mIsPaused;
* @see android.webkit.WebView#onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
return mAwViewMethods.onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#onDragEvent(DragEvent)
public boolean onDragEvent(DragEvent event) {
return mAwViewMethods.onDragEvent(event);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)
public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
return mAwViewMethods.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent)
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
return mAwViewMethods.dispatchKeyEvent(event);
* Clears the resource cache. Note that the cache is per-application, so this will clear the
* cache for all WebViews used.
* @param includeDiskFiles if false, only the RAM cache is cleared
public void clearCache(boolean includeDiskFiles) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s clearCache", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeClearCache(mNativeAwContents, includeDiskFiles);
public void killRenderProcess() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s killRenderProcess", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("killRenderProcess() shouldn't be invoked after render"
+ " process is gone or webview is destroyed");
public void documentHasImages(Message message) {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) nativeDocumentHasImages(mNativeAwContents, message);
public void saveWebArchive(
final String basename, boolean autoname, final Callback<String> callback) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s saveWebArchive=%s", this, basename);
if (!autoname) {
saveWebArchiveInternal(basename, callback);
// If auto-generating the file name, handle the name generation on a background thread
// as it will require I/O access for checking whether previous files existed.
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() {
protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
return generateArchiveAutoNamePath(getOriginalUrl(), basename);
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
saveWebArchiveInternal(result, callback);
public String getOriginalUrl() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
NavigationHistory history = mNavigationController.getNavigationHistory();
int currentIndex = history.getCurrentEntryIndex();
if (currentIndex >= 0 && currentIndex < history.getEntryCount()) {
return history.getEntryAtIndex(currentIndex).getOriginalUrl();
return null;
* @see NavigationController#getNavigationHistory()
public NavigationHistory getNavigationHistory() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? null : mNavigationController.getNavigationHistory();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#getTitle()
public String getTitle() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? null : mWebContents.getTitle();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#clearHistory()
public void clearHistory() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s clearHistory", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mNavigationController.clearHistory();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#getCertificate()
public SslCertificate getCertificate() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? null
: SslUtil.getCertificateFromDerBytes(nativeGetCertificate(mNativeAwContents));
* @see android.webkit.WebView#clearSslPreferences()
public void clearSslPreferences() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s clearSslPreferences", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mNavigationController.clearSslPreferences();
* Method to return all hit test values relevant to public WebView API.
* Note that this expose more data than needed for WebView.getHitTestResult.
* Unsafely returning reference to mutable internal object to avoid excessive
* garbage allocation on repeated calls.
public HitTestData getLastHitTestResult() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s getLastHitTestResult", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
return mPossiblyStaleHitTestData;
* @see android.webkit.WebView#requestFocusNodeHref()
public void requestFocusNodeHref(Message msg) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s requestFocusNodeHref", this);
if (msg == null || isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
Bundle data = msg.getData();
// In order to maintain compatibility with the old WebView's implementation,
// the absolute (full) url is passed in the |url| field, not only the href attribute.
// Note: HitTestData could be cleaned up at this point. See
data.putString("url", mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.href);
data.putString("title", mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.anchorText);
data.putString("src", mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.imgSrc);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#requestImageRef()
public void requestImageRef(Message msg) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s requestImageRef", this);
if (msg == null || isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
Bundle data = msg.getData();
data.putString("url", mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.imgSrc);
public float getPageScaleFactor() {
return mPageScaleFactor;
private float getDeviceScaleFactor() {
return mWindowAndroid.getWindowAndroid().getDisplay().getDipScale();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#getScale()
* Please note that the scale returned is the page scale multiplied by
* the screen density factor. See CTS WebViewTest.testSetInitialScale.
public float getScale() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return 1;
return mPageScaleFactor * getDeviceScaleFactor();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#flingScroll(int, int)
public void flingScroll(int velocityX, int velocityY) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s flingScroll", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
mContentViewCore.flingViewport(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), -velocityX, -velocityY, false);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#pageUp(boolean)
public boolean pageUp(boolean top) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s pageUp", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return false;
return mScrollOffsetManager.pageUp(top);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#pageDown(boolean)
public boolean pageDown(boolean bottom) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s pageDown", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return false;
return mScrollOffsetManager.pageDown(bottom);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#canZoomIn()
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean canZoomIn() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return false;
final float zoomInExtent = mMaxPageScaleFactor - mPageScaleFactor;
return zoomInExtent > ZOOM_CONTROLS_EPSILON;
* @see android.webkit.WebView#canZoomOut()
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean canZoomOut() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return false;
final float zoomOutExtent = mPageScaleFactor - mMinPageScaleFactor;
return zoomOutExtent > ZOOM_CONTROLS_EPSILON;
* @see android.webkit.WebView#zoomIn()
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean zoomIn() {
if (!canZoomIn()) {
return false;
return true;
* @see android.webkit.WebView#zoomOut()
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public boolean zoomOut() {
if (!canZoomOut()) {
return false;
return true;
* @see android.webkit.WebView#zoomBy()
// This method uses the term 'zoom' for legacy reasons, but relates
// to what chrome calls the 'page scale factor'.
public void zoomBy(float delta) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
if (delta < 0.01f || delta > 100.0f) {
throw new IllegalStateException("zoom delta value outside [0.01, 100] range.");
nativeZoomBy(mNativeAwContents, delta);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#invokeZoomPicker()
public void invokeZoomPicker() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s invokeZoomPicker", this);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) mZoomControls.invokeZoomPicker();
* @see android.webkit.WebView#preauthorizePermission(Uri, long)
public void preauthorizePermission(Uri origin, long resources) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
nativePreauthorizePermission(mNativeAwContents, origin.toString(), resources);
* @see ContentViewCore.evaluateJavaScript(String, JavaScriptCallback)
public void evaluateJavaScript(String script, final Callback<String> callback) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s evaluateJavascript=%s", this, script);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
JavaScriptCallback jsCallback = null;
if (callback != null) {
jsCallback = jsonResult -> {
// Post the application callback back to the current thread to ensure the
// application callback is executed without any native code on the stack. This
// so that any exception thrown by the application callback won't have to be
// propagated through a native call stack. -> callback.onResult(jsonResult));
mWebContents.evaluateJavaScript(script, jsCallback);
public void evaluateJavaScriptForTests(String script, final Callback<String> callback) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s evaluateJavascriptForTests=%s", this, script);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
JavaScriptCallback jsCallback = null;
if (callback != null) {
jsCallback = jsonResult -> callback.onResult(jsonResult);
mWebContents.evaluateJavaScriptForTests(script, jsCallback);
public void postMessageToFrame(
String frameName, String message, String targetOrigin, MessagePort[] sentPorts) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
mWebContents.postMessageToFrame(frameName, message, null, targetOrigin, sentPorts);
* Creates a message channel and returns the ports for each end of the channel.
public AppWebMessagePort[] createMessageChannel() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s createMessageChannel", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return null;
return AppWebMessagePort.createPair();
public boolean hasAccessedInitialDocument() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return false;
return mWebContents.hasAccessedInitialDocument();
public void onProvideVirtualStructure(ViewStructure structure) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
if (!mWebContentsObserver.didEverCommitNavigation()) {
// TODO(sgurun) write a test case for this condition crbug/605251
// for webview, the platform already calculates the scroll (as it is a view) in
// ViewStructure tree. Do not offset for it in the snapshop x,y position calculations.
mContentViewCore.onProvideVirtualStructure(structure, true);
public void onProvideAutoFillVirtualStructure(ViewStructure structure, int flags) {
if (mAutofillProvider != null) {
mAutofillProvider.onProvideAutoFillVirtualStructure(structure, flags);
public void autofill(final SparseArray<AutofillValue> values) {
if (mAutofillProvider != null) {
public boolean isSelectActionModeAllowed(int actionModeItem) {
return (mSettings.getDisabledActionModeMenuItems() & actionModeItem) != actionModeItem;
// View and ViewGroup method implementations
* Calls android.view.View#startActivityForResult. A RuntimeException will
* be thrown by Android framework if startActivityForResult is called with
* a non-Activity context.
void startActivityForResult(Intent intent, int requestCode) {
// Even in fullscreen mode, startActivityForResult will still use the
// initial internal access delegate because it has access to
// the hidden API View#startActivityForResult.
.super_startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
void startProcessTextIntent(Intent intent) {
// on Android M, WebView is not able to replace the text with the processed text.
// So set the readonly flag for M.
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_PROCESS_TEXT_READONLY, true);
if (WindowAndroid.activityFromContext(mContext) == null) {
startActivityForResult(intent, PROCESS_TEXT_REQUEST_CODE);
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
if (requestCode == PROCESS_TEXT_REQUEST_CODE) {
.onReceivedProcessTextResult(resultCode, data);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Received activity result for an unknown request code %d", requestCode);
* @see android.webkit.View#onTouchEvent()
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return mAwViewMethods.onTouchEvent(event);
* @see android.view.View#onHoverEvent()
public boolean onHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return mAwViewMethods.onHoverEvent(event);
* @see android.view.View#onGenericMotionEvent()
public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN) ? false :
* @see android.view.View#onConfigurationChanged()
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
* @see android.view.View#onAttachedToWindow()
public void onAttachedToWindow() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s onAttachedToWindow", this);
mTemporarilyDetached = false;
* @see android.view.View#onDetachedFromWindow()
public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s onDetachedFromWindow", this);
* @see android.view.View#onWindowFocusChanged()
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
* @see android.view.View#onFocusChanged()
public void onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
if (!mTemporarilyDetached) {
mAwViewMethods.onFocusChanged(focused, direction, previouslyFocusedRect);
* @see android.view.View#onStartTemporaryDetach()
public void onStartTemporaryDetach() {
mTemporarilyDetached = true;
* @see android.view.View#onFinishTemporaryDetach()
public void onFinishTemporaryDetach() {
mTemporarilyDetached = false;
* @see android.view.View#onSizeChanged()
public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int ow, int oh) {
mAwViewMethods.onSizeChanged(w, h, ow, oh);
* @see android.view.View#onVisibilityChanged()
public void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) {
mAwViewMethods.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility);
* @see android.view.View#onWindowVisibilityChanged()
public void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {
private void setViewVisibilityInternal(boolean visible) {
mIsViewVisible = visible;
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
nativeSetViewVisibility(mNativeAwContents, mIsViewVisible);
private void setWindowVisibilityInternal(boolean visible) {
mInvalidateRootViewOnNextDraw |= Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP
&& visible && !mIsWindowVisible;
mIsWindowVisible = visible;
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
nativeSetWindowVisibility(mNativeAwContents, mIsWindowVisible);
private void postUpdateContentViewCoreVisibility() {
if (mIsUpdateVisibilityTaskPending) return;
// When WebView is attached to a visible window, WebView will be
// attached to a window whose visibility is initially invisible, then
// the window visibility will be updated to true. This means CVC
// visibility will be set to false then true immediately, in the same
// function call of View#dispatchAttachedToWindow. DetachedFromWindow
// is a similar case, where window visibility changes before AwContents
// is detached from window.
// To prevent this flip of CVC visibility, post the task to update CVC
// visibility during attach, detach and window visibility change.
mIsUpdateVisibilityTaskPending = true;;
private void updateContentViewCoreVisibility() {
mIsUpdateVisibilityTaskPending = false;
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
boolean contentViewCoreVisible = nativeIsVisible(mNativeAwContents);
if (contentViewCoreVisible && !mIsContentViewCoreVisible) {
} else if (!contentViewCoreVisible && mIsContentViewCoreVisible) {
mIsContentViewCoreVisible = contentViewCoreVisible;
* Returns true if the page is visible according to DOM page visibility API.
* See
* This method is only called by tests and will return the supposed CVC
* visibility without waiting a pending mUpdateVisibilityRunnable to run.
public boolean isPageVisible() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return mIsContentViewCoreVisible;
return nativeIsVisible(mNativeAwContents);
* Key for opaque state in bundle. Note this is only public for tests.
* Save the state of this AwContents into provided Bundle.
* @return False if saving state failed.
public boolean saveState(Bundle outState) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s saveState", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) || outState == null) return false;
byte[] state = nativeGetOpaqueState(mNativeAwContents);
if (state == null) return false;
outState.putByteArray(SAVE_RESTORE_STATE_KEY, state);
return true;
* Restore the state of this AwContents into provided Bundle.
* @param inState Must be a bundle returned by saveState.
* @return False if restoring state failed.
public boolean restoreState(Bundle inState) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s restoreState", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) || inState == null) return false;
byte[] state = inState.getByteArray(SAVE_RESTORE_STATE_KEY);
if (state == null) return false;
boolean result = nativeRestoreFromOpaqueState(mNativeAwContents, state);
// The onUpdateTitle callback normally happens when a page is loaded,
// but is optimized out in the restoreState case because the title is
// already restored. See WebContentsImpl::UpdateTitleForEntry. So we
// call the callback explicitly here.
if (result) mContentsClient.onReceivedTitle(mWebContents.getTitle());
return result;
* @see JavascriptInjector#addPossiblyUnsafeInterface(Object, String, Class)
@SuppressLint("NewApi") // JavascriptInterface requires API level 17.
public void addJavascriptInterface(Object object, String name) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s addJavascriptInterface=%s", this, name);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
Class<? extends Annotation> requiredAnnotation = null;
if (mAppTargetSdkVersion >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) {
requiredAnnotation = JavascriptInterface.class;
getJavascriptInjector().addPossiblyUnsafeInterface(object, name, requiredAnnotation);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#removeJavascriptInterface(String)
public void removeJavascriptInterface(String interfaceName) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s removeInterface=%s", this, interfaceName);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
* If native accessibility (not script injection) is enabled, and if this is
* running on JellyBean or later, returns an AccessibilityNodeProvider that
* implements native accessibility for this view. Returns null otherwise.
* @return The AccessibilityNodeProvider, if available, or null otherwise.
public AccessibilityNodeProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider() {
return mAwViewMethods.getAccessibilityNodeProvider();
public boolean supportsAccessibilityAction(int action) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? false
: mContentViewCore.supportsAccessibilityAction(action);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#performAccessibilityAction(int, Bundle)
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int action, Bundle arguments) {
return mAwViewMethods.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments);
* @see android.webkit.WebView#clearFormData()
public void hideAutofillPopup() {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s hideAutofillPopup", this);
if (mAwAutofillClient != null) {
public void setNetworkAvailable(boolean networkUp) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s setNetworkAvailable=%s", this, networkUp);
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
// For backward compatibility when an app uses this API disable the
// Network Information API to prevent inconsistencies,
// see
nativeSetJsOnlineProperty(mNativeAwContents, networkUp);
* Inserts a {@link VisualStateCallback}.
* The {@link VisualStateCallback} will be inserted in Blink and will be invoked when the
* contents of the DOM tree at the moment that the callback was inserted (or later) are drawn
* into the screen. In other words, the following events need to happen before the callback is
* invoked:
* 1. The DOM tree is committed becoming the pending tree - see ThreadProxy::BeginMainFrame
* 2. The pending tree is activated becoming the active tree
* 3. A frame swap happens that draws the active tree into the screen
* @param requestId an id that will be returned from the callback invocation to allow
* callers to match requests with callbacks.
* @param callback the callback to be inserted
* @throw IllegalStateException if this method is invoked after {@link #destroy()} has been
* called.
public void insertVisualStateCallback(long requestId, VisualStateCallback callback) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s insertVisualStateCallback", this);
if (isDestroyed(NO_WARN)) throw new IllegalStateException(
"insertVisualStateCallback cannot be called after the WebView has been destroyed");
nativeInsertVisualStateCallback(mNativeAwContents, requestId, callback);
public boolean isPopupWindow() {
return mIsPopupWindow;
private void updateChildProcessImportance() {
int effectiveImportance = ChildProcessImportance.IMPORTANT;
if (mRendererPriorityWaivedWhenNotVisible && !mIsContentViewCoreVisible) {
effectiveImportance = ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL;
} else {
switch (mRendererPriority) {
case RendererPriority.INITIAL:
case RendererPriority.HIGH:
effectiveImportance = ChildProcessImportance.IMPORTANT;
case RendererPriority.LOW:
effectiveImportance = ChildProcessImportance.MODERATE;
case RendererPriority.WAIVED:
effectiveImportance = ChildProcessImportance.NORMAL;
assert false;
public int getRendererRequestedPriority() {
return mRendererPriority;
public boolean getRendererPriorityWaivedWhenNotVisible() {
return mRendererPriorityWaivedWhenNotVisible;
public void setRendererPriorityPolicy(
@RendererPriority int rendererRequestedPriority, boolean waivedWhenNotVisible) {
mRendererPriority = rendererRequestedPriority;
mRendererPriorityWaivedWhenNotVisible = waivedWhenNotVisible;
public void setTextClassifier(TextClassifier textClassifier) {
assert mWebContents != null;
public TextClassifier getTextClassifier() {
assert mWebContents != null;
return SelectionPopupController.fromWebContents(mWebContents).getTextClassifier();
// Methods called from native via JNI
private static void onDocumentHasImagesResponse(boolean result, Message message) {
message.arg1 = result ? 1 : 0;
private void onReceivedTouchIconUrl(String url, boolean precomposed) {
mContentsClient.onReceivedTouchIconUrl(url, precomposed);
private void onReceivedIcon(Bitmap bitmap) {
mFavicon = bitmap;
private long onCreateTouchHandle() {
PopupTouchHandleDrawable drawable =
PopupTouchHandleDrawable.create(mTouchHandleDrawables, mContentViewCore);
return drawable.getNativeDrawable();
/** Callback for generateMHTML. */
private static void generateMHTMLCallback(String path, long size, Callback<String> callback) {
if (callback == null) return;
callback.onResult(size < 0 ? null : path);
private void onReceivedHttpAuthRequest(AwHttpAuthHandler handler, String host, String realm) {
mContentsClient.onReceivedHttpAuthRequest(handler, host, realm);
public AwGeolocationPermissions getGeolocationPermissions() {
return mBrowserContext.getGeolocationPermissions();
public void invokeGeolocationCallback(boolean value, String requestingFrame) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
nativeInvokeGeolocationCallback(mNativeAwContents, value, requestingFrame);
private void onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt(String origin) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
AwGeolocationPermissions permissions = mBrowserContext.getGeolocationPermissions();
// Reject if geoloaction is disabled, or the origin has a retained deny
if (!mSettings.getGeolocationEnabled()) {
nativeInvokeGeolocationCallback(mNativeAwContents, false, origin);
// Allow if the origin has a retained allow
if (permissions.hasOrigin(origin)) {
nativeInvokeGeolocationCallback(mNativeAwContents, permissions.isOriginAllowed(origin),
origin, new AwGeolocationCallback(origin, this));
private void onGeolocationPermissionsHidePrompt() {
private void onPermissionRequest(AwPermissionRequest awPermissionRequest) {
private void onPermissionRequestCanceled(AwPermissionRequest awPermissionRequest) {
public void onFindResultReceived(int activeMatchOrdinal, int numberOfMatches,
boolean isDoneCounting) {
mContentsClient.onFindResultReceived(activeMatchOrdinal, numberOfMatches, isDoneCounting);
public void onNewPicture() {
// Don't call capturePicture() here but instead defer it until the posted task runs within
// the callback helper, to avoid doubling back into the renderer compositor in the middle
// of the notification it is sending up to here.
* Invokes the given {@link VisualStateCallback}.
* @param callback the callback to be invoked
* @param requestId the id passed to {@link AwContents#insertVisualStateCallback}
* @param result true if the callback should succeed and false otherwise
public void invokeVisualStateCallback(
final VisualStateCallback callback, final long requestId) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
// Posting avoids invoking the callback inside invoking_composite_
// (see and crbug/452530). -> callback.onComplete(requestId));
// Called as a result of nativeUpdateLastHitTestData.
private void updateHitTestData(
int type, String extra, String href, String anchorText, String imgSrc) {
mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.hitTestResultType = type;
mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.hitTestResultExtraData = extra;
mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.href = href;
mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.anchorText = anchorText;
mPossiblyStaleHitTestData.imgSrc = imgSrc;
private void postInvalidateOnAnimation() {
if (!mWindowAndroid.getWindowAndroid().isInsideVSync()) {
} else {
private int[] getLocationOnScreen() {
int[] result = new int[2];
return result;
private void onWebLayoutPageScaleFactorChanged(float webLayoutPageScaleFactor) {
// This change notification comes from the renderer thread, not from the cc/ impl thread.
private void onWebLayoutContentsSizeChanged(int widthCss, int heightCss) {
// This change notification comes from the renderer thread, not from the cc/ impl thread.
mLayoutSizer.onContentSizeChanged(widthCss, heightCss);
private void scrollContainerViewTo(int xPx, int yPx) {
// Both xPx and yPx are in physical pixel scale.
mScrollOffsetManager.scrollContainerViewTo(xPx, yPx);
private void updateScrollState(int maxContainerViewScrollOffsetX,
int maxContainerViewScrollOffsetY, int contentWidthDip, int contentHeightDip,
float pageScaleFactor, float minPageScaleFactor, float maxPageScaleFactor) {
mContentWidthDip = contentWidthDip;
mContentHeightDip = contentHeightDip;
setPageScaleFactorAndLimits(pageScaleFactor, minPageScaleFactor, maxPageScaleFactor);
private void setAwAutofillClient(AwAutofillClient client) {
mAwAutofillClient = client;
private void didOverscroll(int deltaX, int deltaY, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
mScrollOffsetManager.overScrollBy(deltaX, deltaY);
if (mOverScrollGlow == null) return;
mOverScrollGlow.setOverScrollDeltas(deltaX, deltaY);
final int oldX = mContainerView.getScrollX();
final int oldY = mContainerView.getScrollY();
final int x = oldX + deltaX;
final int y = oldY + deltaY;
final int scrollRangeX = mScrollOffsetManager.computeMaximumHorizontalScrollOffset();
final int scrollRangeY = mScrollOffsetManager.computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset();
// absorbGlow() will release the glow if it is not finished.
mOverScrollGlow.absorbGlow(x, y, oldX, oldY, scrollRangeX, scrollRangeY,
(float) Math.hypot(velocityX, velocityY));
if (mOverScrollGlow.isAnimating()) {
* Determine if at least one edge of the WebView extends over the edge of the window.
private boolean extendsOutOfWindow() {
int loc[] = new int[2];
int x = loc[0];
int y = loc[1];
int rootX = loc[0];
int rootY = loc[1];
// Get the position of the current view, relative to its root view
int relativeX = x - rootX;
int relativeY = y - rootY;
if (relativeX < 0 || relativeY < 0
|| relativeX + mContainerView.getWidth() > mContainerView.getRootView().getWidth()
|| relativeY + mContainerView.getHeight()
> mContainerView.getRootView().getHeight()) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine if it's reasonable to show any sort of interstitial. If the WebView is not visible,
* the user may not be able to interact with the UI.
* @return true if the WebView is visible
protected boolean canShowInterstitial() {
return mIsAttachedToWindow && mIsViewVisible;
private int getErrorUiType() {
if (extendsOutOfWindow()) {
return ErrorUiType.QUIET_GIANT;
} else if (canShowBigInterstitial()) {
return ErrorUiType.LOUD;
} else {
return ErrorUiType.QUIET_SMALL;
* Determine if it's suitable to show the interstitial for browsers and main UIs. If the WebView
* is close to full-screen, we assume the app is using it as the main UI, so we show the same
* interstitial Chrome uses. Otherwise, we assume the WebView is part of a larger composed page,
* and will show a different interstitial.
* @return true if the WebView should display the large interstitial
protected boolean canShowBigInterstitial() {
double percentOfScreenHeight =
(double) mContainerView.getHeight() / mContainerView.getRootView().getHeight();
// Make a guess as to whether the WebView is the predominant part of the UI
return mContainerView.getWidth() == mContainerView.getRootView().getWidth()
public void evaluateJavaScriptOnInterstitialForTesting(
String script, final Callback<String> callback) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s evaluateJavaScriptOnInterstitialForTesting=%s", this, script);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
JavaScriptCallback jsCallback = null;
if (callback != null) {
jsCallback = jsonResult -> callback.onResult(jsonResult);
nativeEvaluateJavaScriptOnInterstitialForTesting(mNativeAwContents, script, jsCallback);
private static void onEvaluateJavaScriptResultForTesting(
String jsonResult, JavaScriptCallback callback) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void setPageScaleFactorAndLimits(
float pageScaleFactor, float minPageScaleFactor, float maxPageScaleFactor) {
if (mPageScaleFactor == pageScaleFactor
&& mMinPageScaleFactor == minPageScaleFactor
&& mMaxPageScaleFactor == maxPageScaleFactor) {
mMinPageScaleFactor = minPageScaleFactor;
mMaxPageScaleFactor = maxPageScaleFactor;
if (mPageScaleFactor != pageScaleFactor) {
float oldPageScaleFactor = mPageScaleFactor;
mPageScaleFactor = pageScaleFactor;
float dipScale = getDeviceScaleFactor();
oldPageScaleFactor * dipScale, mPageScaleFactor * dipScale);
private void saveWebArchiveInternal(String path, final Callback<String> callback) {
if (path == null || isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
if (callback == null) return;
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThread(() -> callback.onResult(null));
} else {
nativeGenerateMHTML(mNativeAwContents, path, callback);
* Try to generate a pathname for saving an MHTML archive. This roughly follows WebView's
* autoname logic.
private static String generateArchiveAutoNamePath(String originalUrl, String baseName) {
String name = null;
if (originalUrl != null && !originalUrl.isEmpty()) {
try {
String path = new URL(originalUrl).getPath();
int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash > 0) {
name = path.substring(lastSlash + 1);
} else {
name = path;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// If it fails parsing the URL, we'll just rely on the default name below.
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) name = "index";
String testName = baseName + name + WEB_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION;
if (!new File(testName).exists()) return testName;
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
testName = baseName + name + "-" + i + WEB_ARCHIVE_EXTENSION;
if (!new File(testName).exists()) return testName;
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to auto generate archive name for path: %s", baseName);
return null;
public void extractSmartClipData(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) {
mWebContents.requestSmartClipExtract(x, y, width, height);
public void setSmartClipResultHandler(final Handler resultHandler) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)) return;
protected void insertVisualStateCallbackIfNotDestroyed(
long requestId, VisualStateCallback callback) {
if (TRACE) Log.i(TAG, "%s insertVisualStateCallbackIfNotDestroyed", this);
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
nativeInsertVisualStateCallback(mNativeAwContents, requestId, callback);
public static boolean isDpadEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
switch (event.getKeyCode()) {
case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP:
return true;
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the AwViewMethods implementation that does real work. The AwViewMethodsImpl is
// hooked up to the WebView in embedded mode and to the FullScreenView in fullscreen mode,
// but not to both at the same time.
private class AwViewMethodsImpl implements AwViewMethods {
private int mLayerType = View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE;
private ComponentCallbacks2 mComponentCallbacks;
// Only valid within software onDraw().
private final Rect mClipBoundsTemporary = new Rect();
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
// For hardware draws, the clip at onDraw time could be different
// from the clip during DrawGL.
if (!canvas.isHardwareAccelerated() && !canvas.getClipBounds(mClipBoundsTemporary)) {
int scrollX = mContainerView.getScrollX();
int scrollY = mContainerView.getScrollY();
Rect globalVisibleRect = getGlobalVisibleRect();
// Workaround for bug in libhwui on N that does not swap if inserting functor is the
// only operation in a canvas. See
if (mPaintForNWorkaround == null) {
mPaintForNWorkaround = new Paint();
// Note a completely transparent color will get optimized out. So draw almost
// transparent black, but then scale alpha down to effectively 0.
mPaintForNWorkaround.setColor(Color.argb(1, 0, 0, 0));
ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();
colorMatrix.setScale(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.1f);
mPaintForNWorkaround.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(colorMatrix));
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 1, 1, mPaintForNWorkaround);
boolean did_draw = nativeOnDraw(mNativeAwContents, canvas,
canvas.isHardwareAccelerated(), scrollX, scrollY, globalVisibleRect.left,, globalVisibleRect.right, globalVisibleRect.bottom,
if (did_draw && canvas.isHardwareAccelerated()
&& !ForceAuxiliaryBitmapRendering.sResult) {
did_draw = mCurrentFunctor.requestDrawGL(canvas);
if (did_draw) {
int scrollXDiff = mContainerView.getScrollX() - scrollX;
int scrollYDiff = mContainerView.getScrollY() - scrollY;
canvas.translate(-scrollXDiff, -scrollYDiff);
} else {
if (mOverScrollGlow != null && mOverScrollGlow.drawEdgeGlows(canvas,
mScrollOffsetManager.computeMaximumVerticalScrollOffset())) {
if (mInvalidateRootViewOnNextDraw) {
mInvalidateRootViewOnNextDraw = false;
public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
mLayoutSizer.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
public void requestFocus() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
if (!mContainerView.isInTouchMode() && mSettings.shouldFocusFirstNode()) {
public void setLayerType(int layerType, Paint paint) {
mLayerType = layerType;
private void updateHardwareAcceleratedFeaturesToggle() {
mIsAttachedToWindow && mContainerView.isHardwareAccelerated()
&& (mLayerType == View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE
|| mLayerType == View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE));
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo outAttrs) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)
? null
: ImeAdapter.fromWebContents(mWebContents).onCreateInputConnection(outAttrs);
public boolean onDragEvent(DragEvent event) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)
? false
: mWebContents.getEventForwarder().onDragEvent(event, mContainerView);
public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN) ? false
: mContentViewCore.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return false;
if (isDpadEvent(event)) {
// Following check is dup'ed from |ContentViewCore.dispatchKeyEvent| to avoid
// embedder-specific customization, which is necessary only for WebView.
if (GamepadList.dispatchKeyEvent(event)) return true;
// This check reflects Chrome's behavior and is a workaround for http://b/7697782.
if (mContentsClient.hasWebViewClient()
&& mContentsClient.shouldOverrideKeyEvent(event)) {
return mInternalAccessAdapter.super_dispatchKeyEvent(event);
return mContentViewCore.dispatchKeyEvent(event);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return false;
if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
boolean rv = mWebContents.getEventForwarder().onTouchEvent(event);
if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
// Note this will trigger IPC back to browser even if nothing is
// hit.
float dipScale = getDeviceScaleFactor();
event.getX() / dipScale, event.getY() / dipScale,
Math.max(event.getTouchMajor(), event.getTouchMinor()) / dipScale);
if (mOverScrollGlow != null) {
if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
} else if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
|| event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
return rv;
public boolean onHoverEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)
? false
: mWebContents.getEventForwarder().onHoverEvent(event);
public boolean onGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN) ? false
: mContentViewCore.onGenericMotionEvent(event);
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
if (!isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) {
public void onAttachedToWindow() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
if (mIsAttachedToWindow) {
Log.w(TAG, "onAttachedToWindow called when already attached. Ignoring");
mIsAttachedToWindow = true;
nativeOnAttachedToWindow(mNativeAwContents, mContainerView.getWidth(),
if (mComponentCallbacks != null) return;
mComponentCallbacks = new AwComponentCallbacks();
public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
if (!mIsAttachedToWindow) {
Log.w(TAG, "onDetachedFromWindow called when already detached. Ignoring");
mIsAttachedToWindow = false;
if (mComponentCallbacks != null) {
mComponentCallbacks = null;
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
mWindowFocused = hasWindowFocus;
public void onFocusChanged(boolean focused, int direction, Rect previouslyFocusedRect) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
mContainerViewFocused = focused;
mContentViewCore.onFocusChanged(focused, false /* hideKeyboardOnBlur */);
public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int ow, int oh) {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
mScrollOffsetManager.setContainerViewSize(w, h);
// The AwLayoutSizer needs to go first so that if we're in
// fixedLayoutSize mode the update
// to enter fixedLayoutSize mode is sent before the first resize
// update.
mLayoutSizer.onSizeChanged(w, h, ow, oh);
nativeOnSizeChanged(mNativeAwContents, w, h, ow, oh);
public void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) {
boolean viewVisible = mContainerView.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
if (mIsViewVisible == viewVisible) return;
public void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) {
boolean windowVisible = visibility == View.VISIBLE;
if (mIsWindowVisible == windowVisible) return;
public void onContainerViewScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
// A side-effect of View.onScrollChanged is that the scroll accessibility event being
// sent by the base class implementation. This is completely hidden from the base
// classes and cannot be prevented, which is why we need the code below.
mScrollOffsetManager.onContainerViewScrollChanged(l, t);
public void onContainerViewOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, boolean clampedX,
boolean clampedY) {
int oldX = mContainerView.getScrollX();
int oldY = mContainerView.getScrollY();
mScrollOffsetManager.onContainerViewOverScrolled(scrollX, scrollY, clampedX, clampedY);
if (mOverScrollGlow != null) {
mOverScrollGlow.pullGlow(mContainerView.getScrollX(), mContainerView.getScrollY(),
oldX, oldY,
public int computeHorizontalScrollRange() {
return mScrollOffsetManager.computeHorizontalScrollRange();
public int computeHorizontalScrollOffset() {
return mScrollOffsetManager.computeHorizontalScrollOffset();
public int computeVerticalScrollRange() {
return mScrollOffsetManager.computeVerticalScrollRange();
public int computeVerticalScrollOffset() {
return mScrollOffsetManager.computeVerticalScrollOffset();
public int computeVerticalScrollExtent() {
return mScrollOffsetManager.computeVerticalScrollExtent();
public void computeScroll() {
if (isDestroyedOrNoOperation(NO_WARN)) return;
nativeOnComputeScroll(mNativeAwContents, AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis());
public AccessibilityNodeProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider() {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN) ? null
: mContentViewCore.getAccessibilityNodeProvider();
public boolean performAccessibilityAction(final int action, final Bundle arguments) {
return isDestroyedOrNoOperation(WARN)
? false
: mContentViewCore.performAccessibilityAction(action, arguments);
// Return true if the GeolocationPermissionAPI should be used.
private boolean useLegacyGeolocationPermissionAPI() {
// Always return true since we are not ready to swap the geolocation yet.
// TODO: If we decide not to migrate the geolocation, there are some unreachable
// code need to remove.
return true;
// Native methods
private static native long nativeInit(AwBrowserContext browserContext);
private static native void nativeDestroy(long nativeAwContents);
private static native boolean nativeHasRequiredHardwareExtensions();
private static native void nativeSetAwDrawSWFunctionTable(long functionTablePointer);
private static native void nativeSetAwDrawGLFunctionTable(long functionTablePointer);
private static native int nativeGetNativeInstanceCount();
private static native void nativeSetShouldDownloadFavicons();
private static native void nativeUpdateDefaultLocale(String locale, String localeList);
private native void nativeEvaluateJavaScriptOnInterstitialForTesting(
long nativeAwContents, String script, JavaScriptCallback jsCallback);
private native void nativeSetJavaPeers(long nativeAwContents, AwContents awContents,
AwWebContentsDelegate webViewWebContentsDelegate,
AwContentsClientBridge contentsClientBridge, AwContentsIoThreadClient ioThreadClient,
InterceptNavigationDelegate navigationInterceptionDelegate,
AutofillProvider autofillProvider);
private native WebContents nativeGetWebContents(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeSetAwGLFunctor(long nativeAwContents, long nativeAwGLFunctor);
private native void nativeDocumentHasImages(long nativeAwContents, Message message);
private native void nativeGenerateMHTML(
long nativeAwContents, String path, Callback<String> callback);
private native void nativeAddVisitedLinks(long nativeAwContents, String[] visitedLinks);
private native void nativeZoomBy(long nativeAwContents, float delta);
private native void nativeOnComputeScroll(
long nativeAwContents, long currentAnimationTimeMillis);
private native boolean nativeOnDraw(long nativeAwContents, Canvas canvas,
boolean isHardwareAccelerated, int scrollX, int scrollY, int visibleLeft,
int visibleTop, int visibleRight, int visibleBottom,
boolean forceAuxiliaryBitmapRendering);
private native void nativeFindAllAsync(long nativeAwContents, String searchString);
private native void nativeFindNext(long nativeAwContents, boolean forward);
private native void nativeClearMatches(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeClearCache(long nativeAwContents, boolean includeDiskFiles);
private native void nativeKillRenderProcess(long nativeAwContents);
private native byte[] nativeGetCertificate(long nativeAwContents);
// Coordinates in desity independent pixels.
private native void nativeRequestNewHitTestDataAt(long nativeAwContents, float x, float y,
float touchMajor);
private native void nativeUpdateLastHitTestData(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeOnSizeChanged(long nativeAwContents, int w, int h, int ow, int oh);
private native void nativeScrollTo(long nativeAwContents, int x, int y);
private native void nativeSmoothScroll(
long nativeAwContents, int targetX, int targetY, long durationMs);
private native void nativeSetViewVisibility(long nativeAwContents, boolean visible);
private native void nativeSetWindowVisibility(long nativeAwContents, boolean visible);
private native void nativeSetIsPaused(long nativeAwContents, boolean paused);
private native void nativeOnAttachedToWindow(long nativeAwContents, int w, int h);
private native void nativeOnDetachedFromWindow(long nativeAwContents);
private native boolean nativeIsVisible(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeSetDipScale(long nativeAwContents, float dipScale);
// Returns null if save state fails.
private native byte[] nativeGetOpaqueState(long nativeAwContents);
// Returns false if restore state fails.
private native boolean nativeRestoreFromOpaqueState(long nativeAwContents, byte[] state);
private native long nativeReleasePopupAwContents(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeFocusFirstNode(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeSetBackgroundColor(long nativeAwContents, int color);
private native long nativeCapturePicture(long nativeAwContents, int width, int height);
private native void nativeEnableOnNewPicture(long nativeAwContents, boolean enabled);
private native void nativeInsertVisualStateCallback(
long nativeAwContents, long requestId, VisualStateCallback callback);
private native void nativeClearView(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeSetExtraHeadersForUrl(long nativeAwContents,
String url, String extraHeaders);
private native void nativeInvokeGeolocationCallback(
long nativeAwContents, boolean value, String requestingFrame);
private native int nativeGetEffectivePriority(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeSetJsOnlineProperty(long nativeAwContents, boolean networkUp);
private native void nativeTrimMemory(long nativeAwContents, int level, boolean visible);
private native void nativeCreatePdfExporter(long nativeAwContents, AwPdfExporter awPdfExporter);
private native void nativePreauthorizePermission(long nativeAwContents, String origin,
long resources);
private native void nativeGrantFileSchemeAccesstoChildProcess(long nativeAwContents);
private native void nativeResumeLoadingCreatedPopupWebContents(long nativeAwContents);