blob: 85b8e621742734f65fa9baf5d0f499269308ad23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/general_loss_algorithm.h"
#include "net/quic/congestion_control/rtt_stats.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_bug_tracker.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_flags.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
namespace net {
namespace {
// The minimum delay before a packet will be considered lost,
// regardless of SRTT. Half of the minimum TLP, since the loss algorithm only
// triggers when a nack has been receieved for the packet.
static const size_t kMinLossDelayMs = 5;
// Default fraction of an RTT the algorithm waits before determining a packet is
// lost due to early retransmission by time based loss detection.
static const int kDefaultLossDelayFraction = 4;
// Default fraction of an RTT when doing adaptive loss detection.
static const int kDefaultAdaptiveLossDelayFraction = 16;
} // namespace
: loss_type_(kNack),
reordering_fraction_(kDefaultLossDelayFraction) {}
GeneralLossAlgorithm::GeneralLossAlgorithm(LossDetectionType loss_type)
: loss_type_(loss_type),
reordering_fraction_(loss_type == kAdaptiveTime
? kDefaultAdaptiveLossDelayFraction
: kDefaultLossDelayFraction) {}
LossDetectionType GeneralLossAlgorithm::GetLossDetectionType() const {
return loss_type_;
void GeneralLossAlgorithm::SetLossDetectionType(LossDetectionType loss_type) {
loss_type_ = loss_type;
if (loss_type_ == kAdaptiveTime) {
reordering_fraction_ = kDefaultAdaptiveLossDelayFraction;
// Uses nack counts to decide when packets are lost.
void GeneralLossAlgorithm::DetectLosses(
const QuicUnackedPacketMap& unacked_packets,
QuicTime time,
const RttStats& rtt_stats,
QuicPacketNumber largest_newly_acked,
SendAlgorithmInterface::CongestionVector* packets_lost) {
QuicPacketNumber largest_observed = unacked_packets.largest_observed();
if (FLAGS_quic_loss_recovery_use_largest_acked) {
largest_observed = largest_newly_acked;
loss_detection_timeout_ = QuicTime::Zero();
QuicTime::Delta max_rtt = QuicTime::Delta::Max(
FLAGS_quic_adaptive_loss_recovery ? rtt_stats.previous_srtt()
: rtt_stats.smoothed_rtt(),
QuicTime::Delta loss_delay =
max_rtt.Multiply(1 + 1.0f / reordering_fraction_));
QuicPacketNumber packet_number = unacked_packets.GetLeastUnacked();
for (QuicUnackedPacketMap::const_iterator it = unacked_packets.begin();
it != unacked_packets.end() && packet_number <= largest_observed;
++it, ++packet_number) {
if (!it->in_flight) {
if (loss_type_ == kNack) {
// FACK based loss detection.
if (largest_observed - packet_number >=
kNumberOfNacksBeforeRetransmission) {
packets_lost->push_back(std::make_pair(packet_number, it->bytes_sent));
// Only early retransmit(RFC5827) when the last packet gets acked and
// there are retransmittable packets in flight.
// This also implements a timer-protected variant of FACK.
if ((!it->retransmittable_frames.empty() &&
unacked_packets.largest_sent_packet() == largest_observed) ||
(loss_type_ == kTime || loss_type_ == kAdaptiveTime)) {
QuicTime when_lost = it->sent_time.Add(loss_delay);
if (time < when_lost) {
loss_detection_timeout_ = when_lost;
packets_lost->push_back(std::make_pair(packet_number, it->bytes_sent));
// NACK-based loss detection allows for a max reordering window of 1 RTT.
if (it->sent_time.Add(rtt_stats.smoothed_rtt()) <
unacked_packets.GetTransmissionInfo(largest_observed).sent_time) {
packets_lost->push_back(std::make_pair(packet_number, it->bytes_sent));
QuicTime GeneralLossAlgorithm::GetLossTimeout() const {
return loss_detection_timeout_;
void GeneralLossAlgorithm::SpuriousRetransmitDetected(
const QuicUnackedPacketMap& unacked_packets,
QuicTime time,
const RttStats& rtt_stats,
QuicPacketNumber spurious_retransmission) {
if (loss_type_ != kAdaptiveTime || reordering_fraction_ == 1) {
if (spurious_retransmission <= largest_sent_on_spurious_retransmit_) {
largest_sent_on_spurious_retransmit_ = unacked_packets.largest_sent_packet();
// Calculate the extra time needed so this wouldn't have been declared lost.
// Extra time needed is based on how long it's been since the spurious
// retransmission was sent, because the SRTT and latest RTT may have changed.
QuicTime::Delta extra_time_needed = time.Subtract(
// Increase the reordering fraction until enough time would be allowed.
QuicTime::Delta max_rtt =
QuicTime::Delta::Max(rtt_stats.previous_srtt(), rtt_stats.latest_rtt());
QuicTime::Delta proposed_extra_time(QuicTime::Delta::Zero());
do {
proposed_extra_time = max_rtt.Multiply(1.0f / reordering_fraction_);
reordering_fraction_ >>= 1;
} while (proposed_extra_time < extra_time_needed && reordering_fraction_ > 1);
} // namespace net