blob: 5011c739736432a0827b8f7eda954cb5e9b20a41 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Functions to merge multiple JavaScript coverage files into one"""
import logging
import json
import os
import sys
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s',
def _parse_json_file(path):
"""Opens file and parses data into JSON
path (str): The path to a JSON file to parse.
with open(path, 'r') as json_file:
return json.load(json_file)
def _peek_last(stack):
"""Returns the top element of stack or None"""
return stack[-1] if stack else None
def _convert_to_disjoint_segments(ranges):
"""Converts a list of v8 CoverageRanges into a list of disjoint segments.
A v8 CoverageRange is a JSON object that describes the start and end
character offsets for a block of instrumented JavaScript code:
CoverageRange is defined by the ranges field from a v8 FunctionCoverage:
To compute the list of disjoint segments, we sort (must be a stable sort)
the |ranges| list in ascending order by their startOffset. This
has the effect of bringing CoverageRange groups closer together. Each
group of CoverageRange's has a recursive relationship such that:
- The first range in the group defines the character offsets for the
function we are capturing coverage for
- Children of this range identify unexcuted code unless they are
also parents, in which case they continue the recursive relationship
To give an example, consider the following arrow function:
exports.test = arg => { return arg ? 'y' : 'n' }
An invocation of test(true) would produce the following |ranges|
{ "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 48, "count": 1 }, // Range 1
{ "startOffset": 15, "endOffset": 48, "count": 1 }, // Range 2
{ "startOffset": 41, "endOffset": 46, "count": 0 }, // Range 3
Range 1 identifies the entire script.
Range 2 identifies the function from the arg parameter through
to the closing brace
Range 3 identifies that the code from offset [41, 46) was
not executed.
If we were to make the function calls, e.g. test(true); test(true);
this would produce the following |ranges|
{ "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 48, "count": 1 }, // Range 1
{ "startOffset": 15, "endOffset": 48, "count": 2 }, // Range 2
{ "startOffset": 41, "endOffset": 46, "count": 0 }, // Range 3
All the offsets are maintained, however the count on Range
2 has increased while the count on Range 1 is unchanged. This
shows another implicit assumption such that the inner most parent
range count identifies the total invocation count.
TODO(benreich): Write up more extensive documentation.
ranges (list): A list of v8 CoverageRange that have been
merged from multiple FunctionCoverage. The order in which they
appear in the original v8 coverage output must be maintained.
A list of dictionaries where each entry is defined as:
count: Number of invocations of this range
end: Exclusive character offset for the end of this range
stack = []
segments = []
def _append(end, count):
"""Append a new range segment to |segments|.
If the top range on |segments| has the same ending as |end|
return early, otherwise extend the segment if the same count
end (number): The end character offset for the range
count (number): The invocation count for the range
last = _peek_last(segments)
if last is not None:
if last['end'] == end:
if last['count'] == count:
last['end'] = end
if end == 0:
segments.append({'end': end, 'count': count})
# Stable sort the range segments.
ranges.sort(key=lambda entry: entry['startOffset'])
for entry in ranges:
top = _peek_last(stack)
while top and top['endOffset'] <= entry['startOffset']:
_append(top['endOffset'], top['count'])
top = _peek_last(stack)
top_count = 0 if not top else top['count']
_append(entry['startOffset'], top_count)
while stack:
top = stack.pop()
_append(top['endOffset'], top['count'])
return segments
def _merge_segments(segments_a, segments_b):
"""Merges 2 lists of disjoint segments into one
Take in two lists that have been output by _convert_to_disjoint_segments
and merge them into a single list. Any segments that are
overlapping sum their invocation counts. If the overlap
is partial, split the ranges into contiguous segments and
assign the invocation counts appropriately.
segments_a (list): A list of disjoint segments.
segments_b (list): A list of disjoint segments.
A list of disjoint segments.
segments = []
i = 0
j = 0
while i < len(segments_a) and j < len(segments_b):
a = segments_a[i]
b = segments_b[j]
count = a.get('count', 0) + b.get('count', 0)
end = min(a['end'], b['end'])
last = _peek_last(segments)
# Get the segment from the top of the stack and
# extend the segment if the invocation counts match
# otherwise push a new range segment onto the stack.
if last is None or last['count'] != count:
segments.append({'end': end, 'count': count})
last['end'] = end
if a['end'] <= b['end']:
i += 1
if a['end'] >= b['end']:
j += 1
while i < len(segments_a):
i += 1
while j < len(segments_b):
j += 1
return segments
def _get_coverage_paths(input_dir):
"""Gets all JSON files in the input directory.
input_dir (str): The path to recursively search for
JSON files.
A list of absolute file paths.
paths = []
for dir_path, _sub_dirs, file_names in os.walk(input_dir):
os.path.join(dir_path, fn) for fn in file_names
if fn.endswith('.cov.json')
return paths
def merge_coverage_files(coverage_dir, output_path):
"""Merge all coverages in the coverage dir into a single file.
coverage_dir (str): Path to all the raw JavaScript coverage files.
output_path (str): Path to the location to output merged coverage.
coverage_by_path = {}
json_files = _get_coverage_paths(coverage_dir)
if not json_files:'No JavaScript coverage files found in %s', coverage_dir)
for file_path in json_files:
coverage_data = _parse_json_file(file_path)
if 'result' not in coverage_data:
raise RuntimeError('%r does not have a result field' %
for script_coverage in coverage_data['result']:
script_url = script_coverage['url']
# Ignore files with paths that have not been rewritten.
# Files can rewrite paths by appending a //# sourceURL=
# comment.
if not script_url.startswith('//'):
previous_coverage = coverage_by_path.get(script_url, [])
ranges = []
for function_coverage in script_coverage['functions']:
for range_coverage in function_coverage['ranges']:
disjoint_segments = _convert_to_disjoint_segments(ranges)
merged_segments = _merge_segments(previous_coverage,
coverage_by_path[script_url] = merged_segments
with open(output_path, 'w') as merged_coverage_file:
return merged_coverage_file.write(json.dumps(coverage_by_path))