blob: a792731f0fc2ff25068982aa51bb00ca0cb3f564 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/selection_model.h"
#include <ostream>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
namespace gfx {
: selection_(0),
caret_affinity_(CURSOR_BACKWARD) {}
SelectionModel::SelectionModel(size_t position, LogicalCursorDirection affinity)
: selection_(position),
caret_affinity_(affinity) {}
SelectionModel::SelectionModel(const Range& selection,
LogicalCursorDirection affinity)
: selection_(selection),
caret_affinity_(affinity) {}
SelectionModel::SelectionModel(const std::vector<Range>& selections,
LogicalCursorDirection affinity)
: selection_(selections[0]), caret_affinity_(affinity) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < selections.size(); ++i)
SelectionModel::SelectionModel(const SelectionModel& selection_model) = default;
SelectionModel::~SelectionModel() = default;
void SelectionModel::AddSecondarySelection(const Range& selection) {
for (auto s : GetAllSelections())
std::vector<Range> SelectionModel::GetAllSelections() const {
std::vector<Range> selections = {selection()};
selections.insert(selections.end(), secondary_selections_.begin(),
return selections;
bool SelectionModel::operator==(const SelectionModel& sel) const {
return selection() == sel.selection() &&
caret_affinity() == sel.caret_affinity() &&
secondary_selections() == sel.secondary_selections();
std::string SelectionModel::ToString() const {
std::string str = "{";
if (selection().is_empty())
base::StringAppendF(&str, "%" PRIuS, caret_pos());
str += selection().ToString();
const bool backward = caret_affinity() == CURSOR_BACKWARD;
str += (backward ? ",BACKWARD" : ",FORWARD");
for (auto selection : secondary_selections()) {
str += ",";
if (selection.is_empty())
base::StringAppendF(&str, "%" PRIu32, selection.end());
str += selection.ToString();
return str + "}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SelectionModel& model) {
out << model.ToString();
return out;
} // namespace gfx