| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "chromeos/chromeos_switches.h" |
| |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" |
| |
| namespace chromeos { |
| namespace switches { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| // The memory pressure thresholds selection which is used to decide whether and |
| // when a memory pressure event needs to get fired. |
| const char kMemoryPressureExperimentName[] = "ChromeOSMemoryPressureHandling"; |
| const char kMemoryPressureHandlingOff[] = "memory-pressure-off"; |
| |
| // Controls CrOS GaiaId migration for tests ("" is default). |
| const char kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration[] = "test-cros-gaia-id-migration"; |
| |
| // Value for kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration indicating that migration is started (i.e. |
| // all stored user keys will be converted to GaiaId) |
| const char kTestCrosGaiaIdMigrationStarted[] = "started"; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // Please keep the order of these switches synchronized with the header file |
| // (i.e. in alphabetical order). |
| |
| const char kAggressiveCacheDiscardThreshold[] = "aggressive-cache-discard"; |
| |
| const char kAggressiveTabDiscardThreshold[] = "aggressive-tab-discard"; |
| |
| const char kAggressiveThreshold[] = "aggressive"; |
| |
| // If this flag is set, enable data roaming in the cellular network by default |
| // upon system start if it's an unmanaged device. This flag is used by Rialto |
| // device to obtain device policy during OOBE since the Rialto device has no |
| // display and and only connects over cell. |
| const char kAllowDataRoamingByDefault[] = "allow-data-roaming-by-default"; |
| |
| // If this flag is passed, failed policy fetches will not cause profile |
| // initialization to fail. This is useful for tests because it means that |
| // tests don't have to mock out the policy infrastructure. |
| const char kAllowFailedPolicyFetchForTest[] = |
| "allow-failed-policy-fetch-for-test"; |
| |
| // Allows remote attestation (RA) in dev mode for testing purpose. Usually RA |
| // is disabled in dev mode because it will always fail. However, there are cases |
| // in testing where we do want to go through the permission flow even in dev |
| // mode. This can be enabled by this flag. |
| const char kAllowRAInDevMode[] = "allow-ra-in-dev-mode"; |
| |
| // Path for app's OEM manifest file. |
| const char kAppOemManifestFile[] = "app-mode-oem-manifest"; |
| |
| // Signals the availability of the ARC instance on this device. |
| const char kArcAvailable[] = "arc-available"; |
| |
| // Screenshot testing: specifies the directoru where artifacts will be stored. |
| const char kArtifactsDir[] = "artifacts-dir"; |
| |
| // When wallpaper boot animation is not disabled this switch |
| // is used to override OOBE/sign in WebUI init type. |
| // Possible values: parallel|postpone. Default: parallel. |
| const char kAshWebUIInit[] = "ash-webui-init"; |
| |
| // Default large wallpaper to use for kids accounts (as path to trusted, |
| // non-user-writable JPEG file). |
| const char kChildWallpaperLarge[] = "child-wallpaper-large"; |
| |
| // Default small wallpaper to use for kids accounts (as path to trusted, |
| // non-user-writable JPEG file). |
| const char kChildWallpaperSmall[] = "child-wallpaper-small"; |
| |
| const char kConservativeThreshold[] = "conservative"; |
| |
| // Forces CrOS region value. |
| const char kCrosRegion[] = "cros-region"; |
| |
| // Control regions data load ("" is default). |
| const char kCrosRegionsMode[] = "cros-regions-mode"; |
| |
| // "Override" value for kCrosRegionsMode (region's data is read first). |
| const char kCrosRegionsModeOverride[] = "override"; |
| |
| // "Hide" value for kCrosRegionsMode (VPD values are hidden). |
| const char kCrosRegionsModeHide[] = "hide"; |
| |
| // Optional value for Data Saver prompt on cellular networks. |
| const char kDataSaverPromptDemoMode[] = "demo"; |
| |
| // Forces the stub implementation of dbus clients. |
| const char kDbusStub[] = "dbus-stub"; |
| |
| // Indicates that the wallpaper images specified by |
| // kAshDefaultWallpaper{Large,Small} are OEM-specific (i.e. they are not |
| // downloadable from Google). |
| const char kDefaultWallpaperIsOem[] = "default-wallpaper-is-oem"; |
| |
| // Default large wallpaper to use (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG |
| // file). |
| const char kDefaultWallpaperLarge[] = "default-wallpaper-large"; |
| |
| // Default small wallpaper to use (as path to trusted, non-user-writable JPEG |
| // file). |
| const char kDefaultWallpaperSmall[] = "default-wallpaper-small"; |
| |
| // Time in seconds before a machine at OOBE is considered derelict. |
| const char kDerelictDetectionTimeout[] = "derelict-detection-timeout"; |
| |
| // Time in seconds before a derelict machines starts demo mode. |
| const char kDerelictIdleTimeout[] = "derelict-idle-timeout"; |
| |
| // Disables android user data wipe on opt out. |
| const char kDisableArcDataWipe[] = "disable-arc-data-wipe"; |
| |
| // Disables ARC Opt-in verification process and ARC is enabled by default. |
| const char kDisableArcOptInVerification[] = "disable-arc-opt-in-verification"; |
| |
| // Disables wallpaper boot animation (except of OOBE case). |
| const char kDisableBootAnimation[] = "disable-boot-animation"; |
| |
| // Disables bypass proxy for captive portal authorization. |
| const char kDisableCaptivePortalBypassProxy[] = |
| "disable-captive-portal-bypass-proxy"; |
| |
| // Disables cloud backup feature. |
| const char kDisableCloudImport[] = "disable-cloud-import"; |
| |
| // Disables Data Saver prompt on cellular networks. |
| const char kDisableDataSaverPrompt[] = "disable-datasaver-prompt"; |
| |
| // Disables the Chrome OS demo. |
| const char kDisableDemoMode[] = "disable-demo-mode"; |
| |
| // If this switch is set, the device cannot be remotely disabled by its owner. |
| const char kDisableDeviceDisabling[] = "disable-device-disabling"; |
| |
| // Disables notification when device is in end of life status. |
| const char kDisableEolNotification[] = "disable-eol-notification"; |
| |
| // Disables quick view in Files app. |
| const char kDisableFilesQuickView[] = "disable-files-quick-view"; |
| |
| // Disables GAIA services such as enrollment and OAuth session restore. Used by |
| // 'fake' telemetry login. |
| const char kDisableGaiaServices[] = "disable-gaia-services"; |
| |
| // Disables HID-detection OOBE screen. |
| const char kDisableHIDDetectionOnOOBE[] = "disable-hid-detection-on-oobe"; |
| |
| // Avoid doing expensive animations upon login. |
| const char kDisableLoginAnimations[] = "disable-login-animations"; |
| |
| // Disables mtp write support. |
| const char kDisableMtpWriteSupport[] = "disable-mtp-write-support"; |
| |
| // Disables the multiple display layout UI. |
| const char kDisableMultiDisplayLayout[] = "disable-multi-display-layout"; |
| |
| // Disables notifications about captive portals in session. |
| const char kDisableNetworkPortalNotification[] = |
| "disable-network-portal-notification"; |
| |
| // Disables new channel switcher UI. |
| const char kDisableNewChannelSwitcherUI[] = "disable-new-channel-switcher-ui"; |
| |
| // Disables new Kiosk UI when kiosk apps are represented as user pods. |
| const char kDisableNewKioskUI[] = "disable-new-kiosk-ui"; |
| |
| // Disables the new Korean IME in chrome://settings/languages. |
| const char kDisableNewKoreanIme[] = "disable-new-korean-ime"; |
| |
| // Disables the new File System Provider API based ZIP unpacker. |
| const char kDisableNewZIPUnpacker[] = "disable-new-zip-unpacker"; |
| |
| // Disables Office Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides component app so handlers |
| // won't be registered, making it possible to install another version for |
| // testing. |
| const char kDisableOfficeEditingComponentApp[] = |
| "disable-office-editing-component-extension"; |
| |
| // Disables suggestions while typing on a physical keyboard. |
| const char kDisablePhysicalKeyboardAutocorrect[] = |
| "disable-physical-keyboard-autocorrect"; |
| |
| // Disables rollback option on reset screen. |
| const char kDisableRollbackOption[] = "disable-rollback-option"; |
| |
| // Disables SystemTimezoneAutomaticDetection policy. |
| const char kDisableSystemTimezoneAutomaticDetectionPolicy[] = |
| "disable-system-timezone-automatic-detection"; |
| |
| // Disables volume adjust sound. |
| const char kDisableVolumeAdjustSound[] = "disable-volume-adjust-sound"; |
| |
| // Disables wake on wifi features. |
| const char kDisableWakeOnWifi[] = "disable-wake-on-wifi"; |
| |
| // EAFE path to use for Easy bootstrapping. |
| const char kEafePath[] = "eafe-path"; |
| |
| // EAFE URL to use for Easy bootstrapping. |
| const char kEafeUrl[] = "eafe-url"; |
| |
| // Enables AD functionality. |
| const char kEnableAd[] = "enable-ad"; |
| |
| // Enables starting the ARC instance upon session start. |
| const char kEnableArc[] = "enable-arc"; |
| |
| // Enables ARC OptIn flow in OOBE. |
| const char kEnableArcOOBEOptIn[] = "enable-arc-oobe-optin"; |
| |
| // Enables Data Saver prompt on cellular networks. |
| const char kEnableDataSaverPrompt[] = "enable-datasaver-prompt"; |
| |
| // Shows additional checkboxes in Settings to enable Chrome OS accessibility |
| // features that haven't launched yet. |
| const char kEnableExperimentalAccessibilityFeatures[] = |
| "enable-experimental-accessibility-features"; |
| |
| // Enables sharing assets for installed default apps. |
| const char kEnableExtensionAssetsSharing[] = "enable-extension-assets-sharing"; |
| |
| // Enables details panel in Files app. |
| const char kEnableFilesDetailsPanel[] = "enable-files-details-panel"; |
| |
| // Enables quick view in Files app. |
| const char kEnableFilesQuickView[] = "enable-files-quick-view"; |
| |
| // Enables animated transitions during first-run tutorial. |
| const char kEnableFirstRunUITransitions[] = "enable-first-run-ui-transitions"; |
| |
| // Enables Kiosk mode for Chrome OS. Note this switch refers to retail mode |
| // rather than the kiosk app mode. |
| const char kEnableKioskMode[] = "enable-kiosk-mode"; |
| |
| // Enables material design OOBE UI. |
| const char kEnableMdOobe[] = "enable-md-oobe"; |
| |
| // Enables notifications about captive portals in session. |
| const char kEnableNetworkPortalNotification[] = |
| "enable-network-portal-notification"; |
| |
| // Enables suggestions while typing on a physical keyboard. |
| const char kEnablePhysicalKeyboardAutocorrect[] = |
| "enable-physical-keyboard-autocorrect"; |
| |
| // Enables request of tablet site (via user agent override). |
| const char kEnableRequestTabletSite[] = "enable-request-tablet-site"; |
| |
| // Enables using screenshots in tests and seets mode. |
| const char kEnableScreenshotTestingWithMode[] = |
| "enable-screenshot-testing-with-mode"; |
| |
| // Enables touchpad three-finger-click as middle button. |
| const char kEnableTouchpadThreeFingerClick[] = |
| "enable-touchpad-three-finger-click"; |
| |
| // Enables the chromecast support for video player app. |
| const char kEnableVideoPlayerChromecastSupport[] = |
| "enable-video-player-chromecast-support"; |
| |
| // Disables ARC for managed accounts. |
| const char kEnterpriseDisableArc[] = "enterprise-disable-arc"; |
| |
| // Whether to enable forced enterprise re-enrollment. |
| const char kEnterpriseEnableForcedReEnrollment[] = |
| "enterprise-enable-forced-re-enrollment"; |
| |
| // Enables the zero-touch enterprise enrollment flow. |
| const char kEnterpriseEnableZeroTouchEnrollment[] = |
| "enterprise-enable-zero-touch-enrollment"; |
| |
| // Power of the power-of-2 initial modulus that will be used by the |
| // auto-enrollment client. E.g. "4" means the modulus will be 2^4 = 16. |
| const char kEnterpriseEnrollmentInitialModulus[] = |
| "enterprise-enrollment-initial-modulus"; |
| |
| // Power of the power-of-2 maximum modulus that will be used by the |
| // auto-enrollment client. |
| const char kEnterpriseEnrollmentModulusLimit[] = |
| "enterprise-enrollment-modulus-limit"; |
| |
| // Passed to Chrome the first time that it's run after the system boots. |
| // Not passed on restart after sign out. |
| const char kFirstExecAfterBoot[] = "first-exec-after-boot"; |
| |
| // Forces first-run UI to be shown for every login. |
| const char kForceFirstRunUI[] = "force-first-run-ui"; |
| |
| // Usually in browser tests the usual login manager bringup is skipped so that |
| // tests can change how it's brought up. This flag disables that. |
| const char kForceLoginManagerInTests[] = "force-login-manager-in-tests"; |
| |
| // Screenshot testing: specifies the directory where the golden screenshots are |
| // stored. |
| const char kGoldenScreenshotsDir[] = "golden-screenshots-dir"; |
| |
| // Indicates that the browser is in "browse without sign-in" (Guest session) |
| // mode. Should completely disable extensions, sync and bookmarks. |
| const char kGuestSession[] = "bwsi"; |
| |
| // Large wallpaper to use in guest mode (as path to trusted, non-user-writable |
| // JPEG file). |
| const char kGuestWallpaperLarge[] = "guest-wallpaper-large"; |
| |
| // Small wallpaper to use in guest mode (as path to trusted, non-user-writable |
| // JPEG file). |
| const char kGuestWallpaperSmall[] = "guest-wallpaper-small"; |
| |
| // Force enables the Happiness Tracking System for the device. This ignores |
| // user profile check and time limits and shows the notification every time |
| // for any type of user. Should be used only for testing. |
| const char kForceHappinessTrackingSystem[] = "force-happiness-tracking-system"; |
| |
| // If true, the Chromebook has a keyboard with a diamond key. |
| const char kHasChromeOSDiamondKey[] = "has-chromeos-diamond-key"; |
| |
| // Defines user homedir. This defaults to primary user homedir. |
| const char kHomedir[] = "homedir"; |
| |
| // With this switch, start remora OOBE with the pairing screen. |
| const char kHostPairingOobe[] = "host-pairing-oobe"; |
| |
| // If true, profile selection in UserManager will always return active user's |
| // profile. |
| // TODO(nkostlyev): http://crbug.com/364604 - Get rid of this switch after we |
| // turn on multi-profile feature on ChromeOS. |
| const char kIgnoreUserProfileMappingForTests[] = |
| "ignore-user-profile-mapping-for-tests"; |
| |
| // Enables Chrome-as-a-login-manager behavior. |
| const char kLoginManager[] = "login-manager"; |
| |
| // Specifies the profile to use once a chromeos user is logged in. |
| // This parameter is ignored if user goes through login screen since user_id |
| // hash defines which profile directory to use. |
| // In case of browser restart within active session this parameter is used |
| // to pass user_id hash for primary user. |
| const char kLoginProfile[] = "login-profile"; |
| |
| // Specifies the user which is already logged in. |
| const char kLoginUser[] = "login-user"; |
| |
| // The memory pressure threshold selection which is used to decide whether and |
| // when a memory pressure event needs to get fired. |
| const char kMemoryPressureThresholds[] = "memory-pressure-thresholds"; |
| |
| // Enables natural scroll by default. |
| const char kNaturalScrollDefault[] = "enable-natural-scroll-default"; |
| |
| // An optional comma-separated list of IDs of apps that can be used to take |
| // notes. If unset, a hardcoded list is used instead. |
| const char kNoteTakingAppIds[] = "note-taking-app-ids"; |
| |
| // Indicates that if we should start bootstrapping Master OOBE. |
| const char kOobeBootstrappingMaster[] = "oobe-bootstrapping-master"; |
| |
| // Indicates that a guest session has been started before OOBE completion. |
| const char kOobeGuestSession[] = "oobe-guest-session"; |
| |
| // Skips all other OOBE pages after user login. |
| const char kOobeSkipPostLogin[] = "oobe-skip-postlogin"; |
| |
| // Interval at which we check for total time on OOBE. |
| const char kOobeTimerInterval[] = "oobe-timer-interval"; |
| |
| // Specifies power stub behavior: |
| // 'cycle=2' - Cycles power states every 2 seconds. |
| // See FakeDBusThreadManager::ParsePowerCommandLineSwitch for full details. |
| const char kPowerStub[] = "power-stub"; |
| |
| // Overrides network stub behavior. By default, ethernet, wifi and vpn are |
| // enabled, and transitions occur instantaneously. Multiple options can be |
| // comma separated (no spaces). Note: all options are in the format 'foo=x'. |
| // Values are case sensitive and based on Shill names in service_constants.h. |
| // See FakeShillManagerClient::SetInitialNetworkState for implementation. |
| // Examples: |
| // 'clear=1' - Clears all default configurations |
| // 'wifi=on' - A wifi network is initially connected ('1' also works) |
| // 'wifi=off' - Wifi networks are all initially disconnected ('0' also works) |
| // 'wifi=disabled' - Wifi is initially disabled |
| // 'wifi=none' - Wifi is unavailable |
| // 'wifi=portal' - Wifi connection will be in Portal state |
| // 'cellular=1' - Cellular is initially connected |
| // 'cellular=LTE' - Cellular is initially connected, technology is LTE |
| // 'interactive=3' - Interactive mode, connect/scan/etc requests take 3 secs |
| const char kShillStub[] = "shill-stub"; |
| |
| // Sends test messages on first call to RequestUpdate (stub only). |
| const char kSmsTestMessages[] = "sms-test-messages"; |
| |
| // Indicates that a stub implementation of CrosSettings that stores settings in |
| // memory without signing should be used, treating current user as the owner. |
| // This also modifies OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS::HandlesSetting such that no |
| // settings are handled by OwnerSettingsServiceChromeOS. |
| // This option is for testing the chromeos build of chrome on the desktop only. |
| const char kStubCrosSettings[] = "stub-cros-settings"; |
| |
| // Indicates that the system is running in dev mode. The dev mode probing is |
| // done by session manager. |
| const char kSystemDevMode[] = "system-developer-mode"; |
| |
| // Enables testing for auto update UI. |
| const char kTestAutoUpdateUI[] = "test-auto-update-ui"; |
| |
| // Determines which Google Privacy CA to use for attestation. |
| const char kAttestationServer[] = "attestation-server"; |
| |
| // Enables wake on wifi packet feature, which wakes the device on the receipt |
| // of network packets from whitelisted sources. |
| const char kWakeOnWifiPacket[] = "wake-on-wifi-packet"; |
| |
| bool WakeOnWifiEnabled() { |
| return !base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(kDisableWakeOnWifi); |
| } |
| |
| bool MemoryPressureHandlingEnabled() { |
| if (base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(kMemoryPressureExperimentName) == |
| kMemoryPressureHandlingOff) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| base::chromeos::MemoryPressureMonitor::MemoryPressureThresholds |
| GetMemoryPressureThresholds() { |
| using MemoryPressureMonitor = base::chromeos::MemoryPressureMonitor; |
| |
| if (!base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( |
| kMemoryPressureThresholds)) { |
| const std::string group_name = |
| base::FieldTrialList::FindFullName(kMemoryPressureExperimentName); |
| if (group_name == kConservativeThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_CONSERVATIVE; |
| if (group_name == kAggressiveCacheDiscardThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_AGGRESSIVE_CACHE_DISCARD; |
| if (group_name == kAggressiveTabDiscardThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_AGGRESSIVE_TAB_DISCARD; |
| if (group_name == kAggressiveThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_AGGRESSIVE; |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; |
| } |
| |
| const std::string option = |
| base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->GetSwitchValueASCII( |
| kMemoryPressureThresholds); |
| if (option == kConservativeThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_CONSERVATIVE; |
| if (option == kAggressiveCacheDiscardThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_AGGRESSIVE_CACHE_DISCARD; |
| if (option == kAggressiveTabDiscardThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_AGGRESSIVE_TAB_DISCARD; |
| if (option == kAggressiveThreshold) |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_AGGRESSIVE; |
| |
| return MemoryPressureMonitor::THRESHOLD_DEFAULT; |
| } |
| |
| bool IsGaiaIdMigrationStarted() { |
| base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); |
| if (!command_line->HasSwitch(kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration)) |
| return false; |
| |
| return command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(kTestCrosGaiaIdMigration) == |
| kTestCrosGaiaIdMigrationStarted; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace switches |
| } // namespace chromeos |