blob: 420638058e31dad757d70219c6cd95c05b69f167 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// See
#include <stdint.h>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/url_loader.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace mojo {
class AssociatedGroup;
} // namespace mojo
namespace net {
struct RedirectInfo;
namespace content {
class RequestPeer;
class ResourceDispatcherDelegate;
class ResourceRequestBodyImpl;
class ResourceSchedulingFilter;
struct ResourceResponseInfo;
struct RequestInfo;
struct ResourceRequest;
struct ResourceRequestCompletionStatus;
struct ResourceResponseHead;
class SharedMemoryReceivedDataFactory;
struct SiteIsolationResponseMetaData;
struct SyncLoadResponse;
namespace mojom {
class URLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace mojom
// This class serves as a communication interface to the ResourceDispatcherHost
// in the browser process. It can be used from any child process.
// Virtual methods are for tests.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ResourceDispatcher : public IPC::Listener {
IPC::Sender* sender,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner);
~ResourceDispatcher() override;
// IPC::Listener implementation.
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
// Call this method to load the resource synchronously (i.e., in one shot).
// This is an alternative to the StartAsync method. Be warned that this method
// will block the calling thread until the resource is fully downloaded or an
// error occurs. It could block the calling thread for a long time, so only
// use this if you really need it! There is also no way for the caller to
// interrupt this method. Errors are reported via the status field of the
// response parameter.
// |routing_id| is used to associated the bridge with a frame's network
// context.
virtual void StartSync(std::unique_ptr<ResourceRequest> request,
int routing_id,
SyncLoadResponse* response,
blink::WebURLRequest::LoadingIPCType ipc_type,
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory);
// Call this method to initiate the request. If this method succeeds, then
// the peer's methods will be called asynchronously to report various events.
// Returns the request id. |url_loader_factory| must be non-null if and only
// if |ipc_type| is LoadingIPCType::Mojo.
// |routing_id| is used to associated the bridge with a frame's network
// context.
// You can pass an optional argument |loading_task_runner| to specify task
// queue to execute loading tasks on.
virtual int StartAsync(
std::unique_ptr<ResourceRequest> request,
int routing_id,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> loading_task_runner,
const GURL& frame_origin,
std::unique_ptr<RequestPeer> peer,
blink::WebURLRequest::LoadingIPCType ipc_type,
mojom::URLLoaderFactory* url_loader_factory,
mojo::AssociatedGroup* associated_group);
// Removes a request from the |pending_requests_| list, returning true if the
// request was found and removed.
bool RemovePendingRequest(int request_id);
// Cancels a request in the |pending_requests_| list. The request will be
// removed from the dispatcher as well.
virtual void Cancel(int request_id);
// Toggles the is_deferred attribute for the specified request.
virtual void SetDefersLoading(int request_id, bool value);
// Indicates the priority of the specified request changed.
void DidChangePriority(int request_id,
net::RequestPriority new_priority,
int intra_priority_value);
void set_message_sender(IPC::Sender* sender) {
message_sender_ = sender;
// This does not take ownership of the delegate. It is expected that the
// delegate have a longer lifetime than the ResourceDispatcher.
void set_delegate(ResourceDispatcherDelegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
// Remembers IO thread timestamp for next resource message.
void set_io_timestamp(base::TimeTicks io_timestamp) {
io_timestamp_ = io_timestamp;
void SetMainThreadTaskRunner(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner) {
main_thread_task_runner_ = main_thread_task_runner;
void SetResourceSchedulingFilter(
scoped_refptr<ResourceSchedulingFilter> resource_scheduling_filter);
base::WeakPtr<ResourceDispatcher> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
friend class URLResponseBodyConsumer;
friend class ResourceDispatcherTest;
typedef std::deque<IPC::Message*> MessageQueue;
struct PendingRequestInfo {
PendingRequestInfo(std::unique_ptr<RequestPeer> peer,
ResourceType resource_type,
int origin_pid,
const GURL& frame_origin,
const GURL& request_url,
bool download_to_file);
std::unique_ptr<RequestPeer> peer;
ResourceType resource_type;
// The PID of the original process which issued this request. This gets
// non-zero only for a request proxied by another renderer, particularly
// requests from plugins.
int origin_pid;
MessageQueue deferred_message_queue;
bool is_deferred = false;
// Original requested url.
GURL url;
// The security origin of the frame that initiates this request.
GURL frame_origin;
// The url of the latest response even in case of redirection.
GURL response_url;
bool download_to_file;
std::unique_ptr<IPC::Message> pending_redirect_message;
base::TimeTicks request_start;
base::TimeTicks response_start;
base::TimeTicks completion_time;
linked_ptr<base::SharedMemory> buffer;
scoped_refptr<SharedMemoryReceivedDataFactory> received_data_factory;
std::unique_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData> site_isolation_metadata;
int buffer_size;
// For mojo loading.
mojom::URLLoaderAssociatedPtr url_loader;
std::unique_ptr<mojom::URLLoaderClient> url_loader_client;
using PendingRequestMap = std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<PendingRequestInfo>>;
// Helper to lookup the info based on the request_id.
// May return NULL if the request as been canceled from the client side.
PendingRequestInfo* GetPendingRequestInfo(int request_id);
// Follows redirect, if any, for the given request.
void FollowPendingRedirect(int request_id, PendingRequestInfo* request_info);
// Message response handlers, called by the message handler for this process.
void OnUploadProgress(int request_id, int64_t position, int64_t size);
void OnReceivedResponse(int request_id, const ResourceResponseHead&);
void OnReceivedCachedMetadata(int request_id, const std::vector<char>& data);
void OnReceivedRedirect(int request_id,
const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
const ResourceResponseHead& response_head);
void OnSetDataBuffer(int request_id,
base::SharedMemoryHandle shm_handle,
int shm_size,
base::ProcessId renderer_pid);
void OnReceivedInlinedDataChunk(int request_id,
const std::vector<char>& data,
int encoded_data_length);
void OnReceivedData(int request_id,
int data_offset,
int data_length,
int encoded_data_length);
void OnDownloadedData(int request_id, int data_len, int encoded_data_length);
void OnRequestComplete(
int request_id,
const ResourceRequestCompletionStatus& request_complete_data);
// Dispatch the message to one of the message response handlers.
void DispatchMessage(const IPC::Message& message);
// Dispatch any deferred messages for the given request, provided it is not
// again in the deferred state. This method may mutate |pending_requests_|.
void FlushDeferredMessages(int request_id);
void ToResourceResponseInfo(const PendingRequestInfo& request_info,
const ResourceResponseHead& browser_info,
ResourceResponseInfo* renderer_info) const;
base::TimeTicks ToRendererCompletionTime(
const PendingRequestInfo& request_info,
const base::TimeTicks& browser_completion_time) const;
// Returns timestamp provided by IO thread. If no timestamp is supplied,
// then current time is returned. Saved timestamp is reset, so following
// invocations will return current time until set_io_timestamp is called.
base::TimeTicks ConsumeIOTimestamp();
// Returns true if the message passed in is a resource related message.
static bool IsResourceDispatcherMessage(const IPC::Message& message);
// ViewHostMsg_Resource_DataReceived is not POD, it has a shared memory
// handle in it that we should cleanup it up nicely. This method accepts any
// message and determine whether the message is
// ViewHostMsg_Resource_DataReceived and clean up the shared memory handle.
static void ReleaseResourcesInDataMessage(const IPC::Message& message);
// Iterate through a message queue and clean up the messages by calling
// ReleaseResourcesInDataMessage and removing them from the queue. Intended
// for use on deferred message queues that are no longer needed.
static void ReleaseResourcesInMessageQueue(MessageQueue* queue);
std::unique_ptr<ResourceRequest> CreateRequest(
const RequestInfo& request_info,
ResourceRequestBodyImpl* request_body,
GURL* frame_origin);
IPC::Sender* message_sender_;
// All pending requests issued to the host
PendingRequestMap pending_requests_;
ResourceDispatcherDelegate* delegate_;
// IO thread timestamp for ongoing IPC message.
base::TimeTicks io_timestamp_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_thread_task_runner_;
scoped_refptr<ResourceSchedulingFilter> resource_scheduling_filter_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ResourceDispatcher> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content