blob: 36173193335bbeaf15f26968b7b5b460c6ef7af7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/cross_site_document_classifier.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
struct ResourceResponseInfo;
// SiteIsolationStatsGatherer monitors responses to gather various UMA stats to
// see the compatibility impact of actual deployment of the policy. The UMA stat
// categories SiteIsolationStatsGatherer gathers are as follows:
// SiteIsolation.AllResponses : # of all network responses.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.DataLength : the length of the first packet of a response.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.MimeType (enum):
// # of responses from other sites, tagged with a document mime type.
// 0:HTML, 1:XML, 2:JSON, 3:Plain, 4:Others
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked :
// blocked # of cross-site document responses grouped by sniffed MIME type.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked.RenderableStatusCode2 :
// # of responses with renderable status code,
// out of SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked.NonRenderableStatusCode :
// # of responses with non-renderable status code,
// out of SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].NoSniffBlocked.RenderableStatusCode2 :
// # of responses failed to be sniffed for its MIME type, but blocked by
// "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" header, and with renderable status code
// out of SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].NoSniffBlocked.NonRenderableStatusCode :
// # of responses failed to be sniffed for its MIME type, but blocked by
// "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" header, and with non-renderable status
// code out of SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].Blocked.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].NotBlocked :
// # of responses, but not blocked due to failure of mime sniffing.
// SiteIsolation.XSD.[%MIMETYPE].NotBlocked.MaybeJS :
// # of responses that are plausibly sniffed to be JavaScript.
struct SiteIsolationResponseMetaData {
std::string frame_origin;
GURL response_url;
ResourceType resource_type;
CrossSiteDocumentMimeType canonical_mime_type;
int http_status_code;
bool no_sniff;
class CONTENT_EXPORT SiteIsolationStatsGatherer {
// Set activation flag for the UMA data collection for this renderer process.
static void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
// Returns any bookkeeping data about the HTTP header information for the
// request identified by |request_id|. Any data returned should then be
// passed to OnReceivedFirstChunk() with the first data chunk.
static std::unique_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData> OnReceivedResponse(
const GURL& frame_origin,
const GURL& response_url,
ResourceType resource_type,
int origin_pid,
const ResourceResponseInfo& info);
// Examines the first chunk of network data in case response_url is registered
// as a cross-site document by OnReceivedResponse(). This records various
// kinds of UMA data stats. This function is called only if the length of
// received data is non-zero.
static bool OnReceivedFirstChunk(
const std::unique_ptr<SiteIsolationResponseMetaData>& resp_data,
const char* payload,
int length);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SiteIsolationStatsGathererTest, SniffForJS);
SiteIsolationStatsGatherer(); // Not instantiable.
// Imprecise JS sniffing; only appropriate for collecting UMA stat.
static bool SniffForJS(base::StringPiece data);
} // namespace content