blob: 7bba6a911e60cf80d1230b029f58203ca45143d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/id_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/accessibility_mode_enums.h"
#include "content/common/associated_interface_registry_impl.h"
#include "content/common/download/mhtml_save_status.h"
#include "content/common/frame.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/frame_message_enums.h"
#include "content/common/host_zoom.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/renderer.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/common/console_message_level.h"
#include "content/public/common/javascript_message_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/referrer.h"
#include "content/public/common/stop_find_action.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame.h"
#include "content/renderer/frame_blame_context.h"
#include "content/renderer/mojo/blink_interface_provider_impl.h"
#include "content/renderer/renderer_webcookiejar_impl.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_platform_file.h"
#include "media/blink/webmediaplayer_delegate.h"
#include "media/blink/webmediaplayer_params.h"
#include "media/mojo/interfaces/remoting.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "ppapi/features/features.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/connector.mojom.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/interfaces/interface_provider.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebEffectiveConnectionType.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebFocusType.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebLoadingBehaviorFlag.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMediaPlayer.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebPageVisibilityState.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebAXObject.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDataSource.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrameClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrameLoadType.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrameSerializerClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebHistoryCommitType.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebMeaningfulLayout.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebScriptExecutionCallback.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "content/renderer/pepper/plugin_power_saver_helper.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "content/renderer/media/android/renderer_media_player_manager.h"
struct FrameMsg_PostMessage_Params;
struct FrameMsg_SerializeAsMHTML_Params;
struct FrameMsg_TextTrackSettings_Params;
namespace blink {
class InterfaceRegistry;
class WebContentDecryptionModule;
class WebPresentationClient;
class WebPushClient;
class WebSecurityOrigin;
enum class WebCachePolicy;
struct WebCompositionUnderline;
struct WebContextMenuData;
struct WebCursorInfo;
struct WebFindOptions;
} // namespace blink
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Range;
namespace media {
class CdmFactory;
class DecoderFactory;
class MediaPermission;
class RemotingRendererController;
class RemotingSinkObserver;
class RendererWebMediaPlayerDelegate;
class SurfaceManager;
class UrlIndex;
class WebEncryptedMediaClientImpl;
} // namespace media
namespace service_manager {
class InterfaceRegistry;
class InterfaceProvider;
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
class AssociatedInterfaceProviderImpl;
class BlinkInterfaceRegistryImpl;
class ChildFrameCompositingHelper;
class CompositorDependencies;
class DevToolsAgent;
class DocumentState;
class ExternalPopupMenu;
class HistoryEntry;
class ManifestManager;
class MediaInterfaceProvider;
class MediaStreamDispatcher;
class MediaStreamRendererFactory;
class MediaPermissionDispatcher;
class NavigationState;
class PepperPluginInstanceImpl;
class PresentationDispatcher;
class PushMessagingDispatcher;
class RenderAccessibilityImpl;
class RendererMediaPlayerManager;
class RendererMediaSessionManager;
class RendererPpapiHost;
class RenderFrameObserver;
class RenderViewImpl;
class RenderWidget;
class RenderWidgetFullscreenPepper;
class ResourceRequestBodyImpl;
class ScreenOrientationDispatcher;
class UserMediaClientImpl;
struct CommonNavigationParams;
struct CustomContextMenuContext;
struct FileChooserFileInfo;
struct FileChooserParams;
struct FrameOwnerProperties;
struct FrameReplicationState;
struct NavigationParams;
struct RequestNavigationParams;
struct ResourceResponseHead;
struct ScreenInfo;
struct StartNavigationParams;
struct StreamOverrideParameters;
namespace {
class CreateFrameWidgetParams;
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderFrameImpl
: public RenderFrame,
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public blink::WebFrameClient),
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public blink::WebFrameSerializerClient) {
// Creates a new RenderFrame as the main frame of |render_view|.
static RenderFrameImpl* CreateMainFrame(
RenderViewImpl* render_view,
int32_t routing_id,
int32_t widget_routing_id,
bool hidden,
const ScreenInfo& screen_info,
CompositorDependencies* compositor_deps,
blink::WebFrame* opener);
// Creates a new RenderFrame with |routing_id|. If |proxy_routing_id| is
// MSG_ROUTING_NONE, it creates the Blink WebLocalFrame and inserts it into
// the frame tree after the frame identified by
// |previous_sibling_routing_id|, or as the first child if
// |previous_sibling_routing_id| is MSG_ROUTING_NONE. Otherwise, the frame is
// semi-orphaned until it commits, at which point it replaces the proxy
// identified by |proxy_routing_id|. The frame's opener is set to the frame
// identified by |opener_routing_id|. The frame is created as a child of the
// RenderFrame identified by |parent_routing_id| or as the top-level frame if
// the latter is MSG_ROUTING_NONE. Note: This is called only when
// RenderFrame is being created in response to IPC message from the browser
// process. All other frame creation is driven through Blink and Create.
static void CreateFrame(int routing_id,
int proxy_routing_id,
int opener_routing_id,
int parent_routing_id,
int previous_sibling_routing_id,
const FrameReplicationState& replicated_state,
CompositorDependencies* compositor_deps,
const mojom::CreateFrameWidgetParams& params,
const FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties);
// Returns the RenderFrameImpl for the given routing ID.
static RenderFrameImpl* FromRoutingID(int routing_id);
// Just like RenderFrame::FromWebFrame but returns the implementation.
static RenderFrameImpl* FromWebFrame(blink::WebFrame* web_frame);
// Used by content_layouttest_support to hook into the creation of
// RenderFrameImpls.
struct CreateParams {
CreateParams(RenderViewImpl* render_view, int32_t routing_id)
: render_view(render_view), routing_id(routing_id) {}
~CreateParams() {}
RenderViewImpl* render_view;
int32_t routing_id;
using CreateRenderFrameImplFunction =
RenderFrameImpl* (*)(const CreateParams&);
static void InstallCreateHook(
CreateRenderFrameImplFunction create_render_frame_impl);
// Looks up and returns the WebFrame corresponding to a given opener frame
// routing ID.
static blink::WebFrame* ResolveOpener(int opener_frame_routing_id);
// Overwrites the given URL to use an HTML5 embed if possible.
blink::WebURL overrideFlashEmbedWithHTML(const blink::WebURL& url) override;
~RenderFrameImpl() override;
// Called by RenderWidget when meaningful layout has happened.
// See RenderFrameObserver::DidMeaningfulLayout declaration for details.
void DidMeaningfulLayout(blink::WebMeaningfulLayout layout_type);
// Out-of-process child frames receive a signal from RenderWidgetCompositor
// when a compositor frame has committed.
void DidCommitCompositorFrame();
// Draw commands have been issued by RenderWidgetCompositor.
void DidCommitAndDrawCompositorFrame();
// TODO(jam): this is a temporary getter until all the code is transitioned
// to using RenderFrame instead of RenderView.
RenderViewImpl* render_view() { return render_view_; }
const blink::WebHistoryItem& current_history_item() {
return current_history_item_;
RendererWebCookieJarImpl* cookie_jar() { return &cookie_jar_; }
// Returns the RenderWidget associated with this frame.
RenderWidget* GetRenderWidget();
DevToolsAgent* devtools_agent() { return devtools_agent_; }
// This method must be called after the frame has been added to the frame
// tree. It creates all objects that depend on the frame being at its proper
// spot.
void Initialize();
// Notifications from RenderWidget.
void WasHidden();
void WasShown();
void WidgetWillClose();
// Start/Stop loading notifications.
// TODO(nasko): Those are page-level methods at this time and come from
// WebViewClient. We should move them to be WebFrameClient calls and put
// logic in the browser side to balance starts/stops.
// |to_different_document| will be true unless the load is a fragment
// navigation, or triggered by history.pushState/replaceState.
void didStartLoading(bool to_different_document) override;
void didStopLoading() override;
void didChangeLoadProgress(double load_progress) override;
AccessibilityMode accessibility_mode() {
return accessibility_mode_;
RenderAccessibilityImpl* render_accessibility() {
return render_accessibility_;
void HandleWebAccessibilityEvent(const blink::WebAXObject& obj,
blink::WebAXEvent event);
// The focused node changed to |node|. If focus was lost from this frame,
// |node| will be null.
void FocusedNodeChanged(const blink::WebNode& node);
// TODO(dmazzoni): the only reason this is here is to plumb it through to
// RenderAccessibilityImpl. It should use the RenderFrameObserver method, once
// blink has a separate accessibility tree per frame.
void FocusedNodeChangedForAccessibility(const blink::WebNode& node);
// Called when this frame's widget is focused.
void RenderWidgetSetFocus(bool enable);
// Called when the widget receives a mouse event.
void RenderWidgetWillHandleMouseEvent();
// Get/set the plugin which will be used to handle document find requests.
void set_plugin_find_handler(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* plugin) {
plugin_find_handler_ = plugin;
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* plugin_find_handler() {
return plugin_find_handler_;
// Notification that a PPAPI plugin has been created.
void PepperPluginCreated(RendererPpapiHost* host);
// Notifies that |instance| has changed the cursor.
// This will update the cursor appearance if it is currently over the plugin
// instance.
void PepperDidChangeCursor(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance,
const blink::WebCursorInfo& cursor);
// Notifies that |instance| has received a mouse event.
void PepperDidReceiveMouseEvent(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
// Informs the render view that a PPAPI plugin has changed text input status.
void PepperTextInputTypeChanged(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
void PepperCaretPositionChanged(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
// Cancels current composition.
void PepperCancelComposition(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
// Informs the render view that a PPAPI plugin has changed selection.
void PepperSelectionChanged(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
// Creates a fullscreen container for a pepper plugin instance.
RenderWidgetFullscreenPepper* CreatePepperFullscreenContainer(
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* plugin);
bool IsPepperAcceptingCompositionEvents() const;
// Notification that the given plugin has crashed.
void PluginCrashed(const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
base::ProcessId plugin_pid);
// Simulates IME events for testing purpose.
void SimulateImeSetComposition(
const base::string16& text,
const std::vector<blink::WebCompositionUnderline>& underlines,
int selection_start,
int selection_end);
void SimulateImeCommitText(const base::string16& text,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range);
void SimulateImeFinishComposingText(bool keep_selection);
// TODO(jam): remove these once the IPC handler moves from RenderView to
// RenderFrame.
void OnImeSetComposition(
const base::string16& text,
const std::vector<blink::WebCompositionUnderline>& underlines,
int selection_start,
int selection_end);
void OnImeCommitText(const base::string16& text,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range,
int relative_cursor_pos);
void OnImeFinishComposingText(bool keep_selection);
// May return NULL in some cases, especially if userMediaClient() returns
// NULL.
MediaStreamDispatcher* GetMediaStreamDispatcher();
void ScriptedPrint(bool user_initiated);
void DidHideExternalPopupMenu();
// IPC::Sender
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// IPC::Listener
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
void OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest(
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle) override;
// RenderFrame implementation:
RenderView* GetRenderView() override;
RenderAccessibility* GetRenderAccessibility() override;
int GetRoutingID() override;
blink::WebLocalFrame* GetWebFrame() override;
WebPreferences& GetWebkitPreferences() override;
int ShowContextMenu(ContextMenuClient* client,
const ContextMenuParams& params) override;
void CancelContextMenu(int request_id) override;
blink::WebPlugin* CreatePlugin(
blink::WebFrame* frame,
const WebPluginInfo& info,
const blink::WebPluginParams& params,
std::unique_ptr<PluginInstanceThrottler> throttler) override;
void LoadURLExternally(const blink::WebURLRequest& request,
blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy) override;
void ExecuteJavaScript(const base::string16& javascript) override;
bool IsMainFrame() override;
bool IsHidden() override;
service_manager::InterfaceRegistry* GetInterfaceRegistry() override;
service_manager::InterfaceProvider* GetRemoteInterfaces() override;
AssociatedInterfaceRegistry* GetAssociatedInterfaceRegistry() override;
AssociatedInterfaceProvider* GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces() override;
void RegisterPeripheralPlugin(
const url::Origin& content_origin,
const base::Closure& unthrottle_callback) override;
RenderFrame::PeripheralContentStatus GetPeripheralContentStatus(
const url::Origin& main_frame_origin,
const url::Origin& content_origin,
const gfx::Size& unobscured_size,
RecordPeripheralDecision record_decision) const override;
void WhitelistContentOrigin(const url::Origin& content_origin) override;
void DidStartLoading() override;
void DidStopLoading() override;
bool IsFTPDirectoryListing() override;
void AttachGuest(int element_instance_id) override;
void DetachGuest(int element_instance_id) override;
void SetSelectedText(const base::string16& selection_text,
size_t offset,
const gfx::Range& range) override;
void EnsureMojoBuiltinsAreAvailable(v8::Isolate* isolate,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context) override;
void AddMessageToConsole(ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message) override;
bool IsUsingLoFi() const override;
bool IsPasting() const override;
blink::WebPageVisibilityState GetVisibilityState() const override;
bool IsBrowserSideNavigationPending() override;
// mojom::Frame implementation:
void GetInterfaceProvider(
service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProviderRequest request) override;
// mojom::HostZoom implementation:
void SetHostZoomLevel(const GURL& url, double zoom_level) override;
// blink::WebFrameClient implementation:
blink::WebPlugin* createPlugin(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebPluginParams& params) override;
blink::WebMediaPlayer* createMediaPlayer(
const blink::WebMediaPlayerSource& source,
blink::WebMediaPlayerClient* client,
blink::WebMediaPlayerEncryptedMediaClient* encrypted_client,
blink::WebContentDecryptionModule* initial_cdm,
const blink::WebString& sink_id) override;
blink::WebApplicationCacheHost* createApplicationCacheHost(
blink::WebApplicationCacheHostClient* client) override;
createWorkerContentSettingsClientProxy() override;
blink::WebExternalPopupMenu* createExternalPopupMenu(
const blink::WebPopupMenuInfo& popup_menu_info,
blink::WebExternalPopupMenuClient* popup_menu_client) override;
blink::WebCookieJar* cookieJar() override;
blink::BlameContext* frameBlameContext() override;
blink::WebServiceWorkerProvider* createServiceWorkerProvider() override;
void didAccessInitialDocument() override;
blink::WebLocalFrame* createChildFrame(
blink::WebLocalFrame* parent,
blink::WebTreeScopeType scope,
const blink::WebString& name,
const blink::WebString& unique_name,
blink::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags,
const blink::WebFrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties) override;
void didChangeOpener(blink::WebFrame* frame) override;
void frameDetached(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame, DetachType type) override;
void frameFocused() override;
void willCommitProvisionalLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didChangeName(const blink::WebString& name,
const blink::WebString& unique_name) override;
void didEnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(
blink::WebInsecureRequestPolicy policy) override;
void didUpdateToUniqueOrigin(
bool is_potentially_trustworthy_unique_origin) override;
void didChangeSandboxFlags(blink::WebFrame* child_frame,
blink::WebSandboxFlags flags) override;
void didSetFeaturePolicyHeader(const blink::WebString& header_value) override;
void didAddContentSecurityPolicy(
const blink::WebString& header_value,
blink::WebContentSecurityPolicyType type,
blink::WebContentSecurityPolicySource source) override;
void didChangeFrameOwnerProperties(
blink::WebFrame* child_frame,
const blink::WebFrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties) override;
void didMatchCSS(
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebVector<blink::WebString>& newly_matching_selectors,
const blink::WebVector<blink::WebString>& stopped_matching_selectors)
bool shouldReportDetailedMessageForSource(
const blink::WebString& source) override;
void didAddMessageToConsole(const blink::WebConsoleMessage& message,
const blink::WebString& source_name,
unsigned source_line,
const blink::WebString& stack_trace) override;
void loadURLExternally(const blink::WebURLRequest& request,
blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy,
const blink::WebString& suggested_name,
bool should_replace_current_entry) override;
void loadErrorPage(int reason) override;
blink::WebNavigationPolicy decidePolicyForNavigation(
const NavigationPolicyInfo& info) override;
blink::WebHistoryItem historyItemForNewChildFrame() override;
void willSendSubmitEvent(const blink::WebFormElement& form) override;
void willSubmitForm(const blink::WebFormElement& form) override;
void didCreateDataSource(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
blink::WebDataSource* datasource) override;
void didStartProvisionalLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didFailProvisionalLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebURLError& error,
blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type) override;
void didCommitProvisionalLoad(
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebHistoryItem& item,
blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type) override;
void didCreateNewDocument(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didClearWindowObject(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didCreateDocumentElement(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void runScriptsAtDocumentElementAvailable(
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didReceiveTitle(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebString& title,
blink::WebTextDirection direction) override;
void didChangeIcon(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
blink::WebIconURL::Type icon_type) override;
void didFinishDocumentLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void runScriptsAtDocumentReady(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
bool document_is_empty) override;
void didHandleOnloadEvents(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didFailLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebURLError& error,
blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type) override;
void didFinishLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void didNavigateWithinPage(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
const blink::WebHistoryItem& item,
blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type,
bool content_initiated) override;
void didUpdateCurrentHistoryItem() override;
void didChangeThemeColor() override;
void dispatchLoad() override;
blink::WebEffectiveConnectionType getEffectiveConnectionType() override;
void didChangeSelection(bool is_empty_selection) override;
bool handleCurrentKeyboardEvent() override;
blink::WebColorChooser* createColorChooser(
blink::WebColorChooserClient* client,
const blink::WebColor& initial_color,
const blink::WebVector<blink::WebColorSuggestion>& suggestions) override;
void runModalAlertDialog(const blink::WebString& message) override;
bool runModalConfirmDialog(const blink::WebString& message) override;
bool runModalPromptDialog(const blink::WebString& message,
const blink::WebString& default_value,
blink::WebString* actual_value) override;
bool runModalBeforeUnloadDialog(bool is_reload) override;
bool runFileChooser(
const blink::WebFileChooserParams& params,
blink::WebFileChooserCompletion* chooser_completion) override;
void showContextMenu(const blink::WebContextMenuData& data) override;
void saveImageFromDataURL(const blink::WebString& data_url) override;
void willSendRequest(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
blink::WebURLRequest& request) override;
void didReceiveResponse(const blink::WebURLResponse& response) override;
void didLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(
const blink::WebURLRequest& request,
const blink::WebURLResponse& response) override;
void didDisplayInsecureContent() override;
void didRunInsecureContent(const blink::WebSecurityOrigin& origin,
const blink::WebURL& target) override;
void didDisplayContentWithCertificateErrors(
const blink::WebURL& url) override;
void didRunContentWithCertificateErrors(const blink::WebURL& url) override;
void didChangePerformanceTiming() override;
void didObserveLoadingBehavior(
blink::WebLoadingBehaviorFlag behavior) override;
void didCreateScriptContext(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
int extension_group,
int world_id) override;
void willReleaseScriptContext(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
v8::Local<v8::Context> context,
int world_id) override;
void didChangeScrollOffset(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void willInsertBody(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) override;
void reportFindInPageMatchCount(int request_id,
int count,
bool final_update) override;
void reportFindInPageSelection(int request_id,
int active_match_ordinal,
const blink::WebRect& sel) override;
void requestStorageQuota(blink::WebStorageQuotaType type,
unsigned long long requested_size,
blink::WebStorageQuotaCallbacks callbacks) override;
blink::WebPushClient* pushClient() override;
blink::WebPresentationClient* presentationClient() override;
void willStartUsingPeerConnectionHandler(
blink::WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler* handler) override;
blink::WebUserMediaClient* userMediaClient() override;
blink::WebEncryptedMediaClient* encryptedMediaClient() override;
blink::WebString userAgentOverride() override;
blink::WebString doNotTrackValue() override;
bool allowWebGL(bool default_value) override;
blink::WebScreenOrientationClient* webScreenOrientationClient() override;
bool isControlledByServiceWorker(blink::WebDataSource& data_source) override;
int64_t serviceWorkerID(blink::WebDataSource& data_source) override;
void postAccessibilityEvent(const blink::WebAXObject& obj,
blink::WebAXEvent event) override;
void handleAccessibilityFindInPageResult(
int identifier,
int match_index,
const blink::WebAXObject& start_object,
int start_offset,
const blink::WebAXObject& end_object,
int end_offset) override;
void didChangeManifest() override;
void enterFullscreen() override;
void exitFullscreen() override;
void registerProtocolHandler(const blink::WebString& scheme,
const blink::WebURL& url,
const blink::WebString& title) override;
void unregisterProtocolHandler(const blink::WebString& scheme,
const blink::WebURL& url) override;
blink::WebBluetooth* bluetooth() override;
void checkIfAudioSinkExistsAndIsAuthorized(
const blink::WebString& sink_id,
const blink::WebSecurityOrigin& security_origin,
blink::WebSetSinkIdCallbacks* web_callbacks) override;
blink::InterfaceProvider* interfaceProvider() override;
blink::InterfaceRegistry* interfaceRegistry() override;
blink::WebPageVisibilityState visibilityState() const override;
// WebFrameSerializerClient implementation:
void didSerializeDataForFrame(
const blink::WebCString& data,
blink::WebFrameSerializerClient::FrameSerializationStatus status)
// Binds to the FrameHost in the browser.
void Bind(mojom::FrameRequest frame, mojom::FrameHostPtr frame_host);
ManifestManager* manifest_manager();
// TODO(creis): Remove when the only caller, the HistoryController, is no
// more.
void SetPendingNavigationParams(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationParams> navigation_params);
media::MediaPermission* GetMediaPermission();
// Sends the current frame's navigation state to the browser.
void SendUpdateState();
// Creates a MojoBindingsController if Mojo bindings have been enabled for
// this frame. For WebUI, this allows the page to communicate with the browser
// process; for layout tests, this allows the test to mock out services at
// the Mojo IPC layer.
void MaybeEnableMojoBindings();
// Adds the given file chooser request to the file_chooser_completion_ queue
// (see that var for more) and requests the chooser be displayed if there are
// no other waiting items in the queue.
// Returns true if the chooser was successfully scheduled. False means we
// didn't schedule anything.
bool ScheduleFileChooser(const FileChooserParams& params,
blink::WebFileChooserCompletion* completion);
// Plugin-related functions --------------------------------------------------
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* focused_pepper_plugin() {
return focused_pepper_plugin_;
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* pepper_last_mouse_event_target() {
return pepper_last_mouse_event_target_;
void set_pepper_last_mouse_event_target(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* plugin) {
pepper_last_mouse_event_target_ = plugin;
// Indicates that the given instance has been created.
void PepperInstanceCreated(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
// Indicates that the given instance is being destroyed. This is called from
// the destructor, so it's important that the instance is not dereferenced
// from this call.
void PepperInstanceDeleted(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
// Notification that the given plugin is focused or unfocused.
void PepperFocusChanged(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance, bool focused);
void PepperStartsPlayback(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
void PepperStopsPlayback(PepperPluginInstanceImpl* instance);
void OnSetPepperVolume(int32_t pp_instance, double volume);
explicit RenderFrameImpl(const CreateParams& params);
friend class RenderFrameImplTest;
friend class RenderFrameObserver;
friend class RenderAccessibilityImplTest;
friend class TestRenderFrame;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExternalPopupMenuDisplayNoneTest, SelectItem);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExternalPopupMenuRemoveTest, RemoveOnChange);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExternalPopupMenuTest, NormalCase);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ExternalPopupMenuTest, ShowPopupThenNavigate);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderFrameImplTest, ZoomLimit);
// A wrapper class used as the callback for JavaScript executed
// in an isolated world.
class JavaScriptIsolatedWorldRequest
: public blink::WebScriptExecutionCallback {
int id,
bool notify_result,
int routing_id,
base::WeakPtr<RenderFrameImpl> render_frame_impl);
void completed(
const blink::WebVector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& result) override;
~JavaScriptIsolatedWorldRequest() override;
int id_;
bool notify_result_;
int routing_id_;
base::WeakPtr<RenderFrameImpl> render_frame_impl_;
typedef std::map<GURL, double> HostZoomLevels;
// Creates a new RenderFrame. |render_view| is the RenderView object that this
// frame belongs to.
// Callers *must* call |BindToWebFrame| immediately after creation.
static RenderFrameImpl* Create(RenderViewImpl* render_view,
int32_t routing_id);
// This is called right after creation with the WebLocalFrame for this
// RenderFrame. It must be called before Initialize.
void BindToWebFrame(blink::WebLocalFrame* web_frame);
// Functions to add and remove observers for this object.
void AddObserver(RenderFrameObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(RenderFrameObserver* observer);
bool IsLocalRoot() const;
// Builds and sends DidCommitProvisionalLoad to the host.
void SendDidCommitProvisionalLoad(blink::WebFrame* frame,
blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type,
const blink::WebHistoryItem& item);
// IPC message handlers ------------------------------------------------------
// The documentation for these functions should be in
// content/common/*_messages.h for the message that the function is handling.
void OnNavigate(const CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
const StartNavigationParams& start_params,
const RequestNavigationParams& request_params);
void OnBeforeUnload(bool is_reload);
void OnSwapOut(int proxy_routing_id,
bool is_loading,
const FrameReplicationState& replicated_frame_state);
void OnDeleteFrame();
void OnStop();
void OnShowContextMenu(const gfx::Point& location);
void OnContextMenuClosed(const CustomContextMenuContext& custom_context);
void OnCustomContextMenuAction(const CustomContextMenuContext& custom_context,
unsigned action);
void OnUndo();
void OnRedo();
void OnCut();
void OnCopy();
void OnPaste();
void OnPasteAndMatchStyle();
void OnDelete();
void OnSelectAll();
void OnSelectRange(const gfx::Point& base, const gfx::Point& extent);
void OnAdjustSelectionByCharacterOffset(int start_adjust, int end_adjust);
void OnUnselect();
void OnMoveRangeSelectionExtent(const gfx::Point& point);
void OnReplace(const base::string16& text);
void OnReplaceMisspelling(const base::string16& text);
void OnCopyImageAt(int x, int y);
void OnSaveImageAt(int x, int y);
void OnAddMessageToConsole(ConsoleMessageLevel level,
const std::string& message);
void OnJavaScriptExecuteRequest(const base::string16& javascript,
int id,
bool notify_result);
void OnJavaScriptExecuteRequestForTests(const base::string16& javascript,
int id,
bool notify_result,
bool has_user_gesture);
void OnJavaScriptExecuteRequestInIsolatedWorld(const base::string16& jscript,
int id,
bool notify_result,
int world_id);
void OnVisualStateRequest(uint64_t key);
void OnSetEditableSelectionOffsets(int start, int end);
void OnSetCompositionFromExistingText(
int start, int end,
const std::vector<blink::WebCompositionUnderline>& underlines);
void OnExecuteNoValueEditCommand(const std::string& name);
void OnExtendSelectionAndDelete(int before, int after);
void OnDeleteSurroundingText(int before, int after);
void OnReload(bool bypass_cache);
void OnReloadLoFiImages();
void OnTextSurroundingSelectionRequest(uint32_t max_length);
void OnFocusedFormFieldDataRequest(int request_id);
void OnSetAccessibilityMode(AccessibilityMode new_mode);
void OnSnapshotAccessibilityTree(int callback_id);
void OnUpdateOpener(int opener_routing_id);
void OnDidUpdateSandboxFlags(blink::WebSandboxFlags flags);
void OnSetFrameOwnerProperties(
const FrameOwnerProperties& frame_owner_properties);
void OnAdvanceFocus(blink::WebFocusType type, int32_t source_routing_id);
void OnSetFocusedFrame();
void OnTextTrackSettingsChanged(
const FrameMsg_TextTrackSettings_Params& params);
void OnPostMessageEvent(const FrameMsg_PostMessage_Params& params);
void OnCommitNavigation(const ResourceResponseHead& response,
const GURL& stream_url,
const CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
const RequestNavigationParams& request_params);
void OnFailedNavigation(const CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
const RequestNavigationParams& request_params,
bool has_stale_copy_in_cache,
int error_code);
void OnGetSavableResourceLinks();
void OnGetSerializedHtmlWithLocalLinks(
const std::map<GURL, base::FilePath>& url_to_local_path,
const std::map<int, base::FilePath>& frame_routing_id_to_local_path);
void OnSerializeAsMHTML(const FrameMsg_SerializeAsMHTML_Params& params);
void OnFind(int request_id,
const base::string16& search_text,
const blink::WebFindOptions& options);
void OnClearActiveFindMatch();
void OnStopFinding(StopFindAction action);
void OnEnableViewSourceMode();
void OnSuppressFurtherDialogs();
void OnSetHasReceivedUserGesture();
void OnFileChooserResponse(
const std::vector<content::FileChooserFileInfo>& files);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void OnActivateNearestFindResult(int request_id, float x, float y);
void OnGetNearestFindResult(int request_id, float x, float y);
void OnFindMatchRects(int current_version);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
void OnSelectPopupMenuItem(int selected_index);
void OnSelectPopupMenuItems(bool canceled,
const std::vector<int>& selected_indices);
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
void OnCopyToFindPboard();
// Callback scheduled from OnSerializeAsMHTML for when writing serialized
// MHTML to file has been completed in the file thread.
void OnWriteMHTMLToDiskComplete(
int job_id,
std::set<std::string> serialized_resources_uri_digests,
base::TimeDelta main_thread_use_time,
MhtmlSaveStatus save_status);
// Requests that the browser process navigates to |url|. If
// |is_history_navigation_in_new_child| is true, the browser process should
// look for a matching FrameNavigationEntry in the last committed entry to use
// instead of |url|.
void OpenURL(
const GURL& url,
bool uses_post,
const scoped_refptr<ResourceRequestBodyImpl>& resource_request_body,
const std::string& extra_headers,
const Referrer& referrer,
blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child);
// Performs a navigation in the frame. This provides a unified function for
// the current code path and the browser-side navigation path (in
// development). Currently used by OnNavigate, with all *NavigationParams
// provided by the browser. |stream_params| should be null.
// PlzNavigate: used by OnCommitNavigation, with |common_params| and
// |request_params| received by the browser. |stream_params| should be non
// null and created from the information provided by the browser.
// |start_params| is not used.
void NavigateInternal(
const CommonNavigationParams& common_params,
const StartNavigationParams& start_params,
const RequestNavigationParams& request_params,
std::unique_ptr<StreamOverrideParameters> stream_params);
// Update current main frame's encoding and send it to browser window.
// Since we want to let users see the right encoding info from menu
// before finishing loading, we call the UpdateEncoding in
// a) function:DidCommitLoadForFrame. When this function is called,
// that means we have got first data. In here we try to get encoding
// of page if it has been specified in http header.
// b) function:DidReceiveTitle. When this function is called,
// that means we have got specified title. Because in most of webpages,
// title tags will follow meta tags. In here we try to get encoding of
// page if it has been specified in meta tag.
// c) function:DidFinishDocumentLoadForFrame. When this function is
// called, that means we have got whole html page. In here we should
// finally get right encoding of page.
void UpdateEncoding(blink::WebFrame* frame,
const std::string& encoding_name);
// Dispatches the current state of selection on the webpage to the browser if
// it has changed.
// TODO(varunjain): delete this method once we figure out how to keep
// selection handles in sync with the webpage.
void SyncSelectionIfRequired();
bool RunJavaScriptMessage(JavaScriptMessageType type,
const base::string16& message,
const base::string16& default_value,
const GURL& frame_url,
base::string16* result);
// Loads the appropriate error page for the specified failure into the frame.
// |entry| is only used by PlzNavigate when navigating to a history item.
void LoadNavigationErrorPage(const blink::WebURLRequest& failed_request,
const blink::WebURLError& error,
bool replace,
HistoryEntry* entry);
void HandleJavascriptExecutionResult(const base::string16& javascript,
int id,
bool notify_result,
v8::Local<v8::Value> result);
// Initializes |web_user_media_client_|. If this fails, because it wasn't
// possible to create a MediaStreamClient (e.g., WebRTC is disabled), then
// |web_user_media_client_| will remain NULL.
void InitializeUserMediaClient();
blink::WebMediaPlayer* CreateWebMediaPlayerForMediaStream(
blink::WebMediaPlayerClient* client,
const blink::WebString& sink_id,
const blink::WebSecurityOrigin& security_origin);
// Creates a factory object used for creating audio and video renderers.
std::unique_ptr<MediaStreamRendererFactory> CreateRendererFactory();
// Does preparation for the navigation to |url|.
void PrepareRenderViewForNavigation(
const GURL& url,
const RequestNavigationParams& request_params);
// PlzNavigate
// Sends a FrameHostMsg_BeginNavigation to the browser
void BeginNavigation(const NavigationPolicyInfo& info);
// Loads a data url.
void LoadDataURL(const CommonNavigationParams& params,
const RequestNavigationParams& request_params,
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
blink::WebFrameLoadType load_type,
blink::WebHistoryItem item_for_history_navigation,
blink::WebHistoryLoadType history_load_type,
bool is_client_redirect);
// Sends a proper FrameHostMsg_DidFailProvisionalLoadWithError_Params IPC for
// the failed request |request|.
void SendFailedProvisionalLoad(const blink::WebURLRequest& request,
const blink::WebURLError& error,
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame);
bool ShouldDisplayErrorPageForFailedLoad(int error_code,
const GURL& unreachable_url);
// Returns the URL being loaded by the |frame_|'s request.
GURL GetLoadingUrl() const;
// If we initiated a navigation, this function will populate |document_state|
// with the navigation information saved in OnNavigate().
void PopulateDocumentStateFromPending(DocumentState* document_state);
// Returns a new NavigationState populated with the navigation information
// saved in OnNavigate().
NavigationState* CreateNavigationStateFromPending();
// Sets the NavigationState on the DocumentState based on
// the value of |pending_navigation_params_|.
void UpdateNavigationState(DocumentState* document_state,
bool was_within_same_page,
bool content_initiated);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
blink::WebMediaPlayer* CreateAndroidWebMediaPlayer(
blink::WebMediaPlayerClient* client,
blink::WebMediaPlayerEncryptedMediaClient* encrypted_client,
const media::WebMediaPlayerParams& params);
RendererMediaPlayerManager* GetMediaPlayerManager();
RendererMediaSessionManager* GetMediaSessionManager();
bool AreSecureCodecsSupported();
#if defined(ENABLE_MOJO_MEDIA)
service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProvider* GetMediaInterfaceProvider();
media::mojom::RemoterFactory* GetRemoterFactory();
media::CdmFactory* GetCdmFactory();
media::DecoderFactory* GetDecoderFactory();
void HandlePepperImeCommit(const base::string16& text);
void RegisterMojoInterfaces();
// Connect to an interface provided by the service registry.
template <typename Interface>
void GetInterface(mojo::InterfaceRequest<Interface> request);
void OnHostZoomClientRequest(mojom::HostZoomAssociatedRequest request);
// Returns the media delegate for WebMediaPlayer usage. If
// |media_player_delegate_| is NULL, one is created.
media::RendererWebMediaPlayerDelegate* GetWebMediaPlayerDelegate();
// Called to get the WebPlugin to handle find requests in the document.
// Returns nullptr if there is no such WebPlugin.
blink::WebPlugin* GetWebPluginForFind();
// Sends a reply to the current find operation handling if it was a
// synchronous find request.
void SendFindReply(int request_id,
int match_count,
int ordinal,
const blink::WebRect& selection_rect,
bool final_status_update);
void InitializeBlameContext(RenderFrameImpl* parent_frame);
// Creates the RemotingRendererController to control whether to switch to/from
// media remoting from/to local playback.
// Stores the WebLocalFrame we are associated with. This is null from the
// constructor until BindToWebFrame is called, and it is null after
// frameDetached is called until destruction (which is asynchronous in the
// case of the main frame, but not subframes).
blink::WebLocalFrame* frame_;
// Boolean value indicating whether this RenderFrameImpl object is for the
// main frame or not. It remains accurate during destruction, even when
// |frame_| has been invalidated.
bool is_main_frame_;
// When a frame is detached in response to a message from the browser process,
// this RenderFrame should not be sending notifications back to it. This
// boolean is used to indicate this case.
bool in_browser_initiated_detach_;
// Indicates whether the frame has been inserted into the frame tree yet or
// not.
// When a frame is created by the browser process, it is for a pending
// navigation. In this case, it is not immediately attached to the frame tree
// if there is a RenderFrameProxy for the same frame. It is inserted into the
// frame tree at the time the pending navigation commits.
// Frames added by the parent document are created from the renderer process
// and are immediately inserted in the frame tree.
// TODO(dcheng): Remove this once we have FrameTreeHandle and can use the
// Blink Web* layer to check for provisional frames.
bool in_frame_tree_;
RenderViewImpl* render_view_;
int routing_id_;
// If this frame was created to replace a proxy, this will store the routing
// id of the proxy to replace at commit-time, at which time it will be
// cleared.
// TODO(creis): Remove this after switching to PlzNavigate.
int proxy_routing_id_;
// Non-null when the RenderFrame is a local root for compositing, input,
// layout, etc. A local frame is also a local root iff it does not have a
// parent that is a local frame.
scoped_refptr<RenderWidget> render_widget_;
// Temporarily holds state pertaining to a navigation that has been initiated
// until the NavigationState corresponding to the new navigation is created in
// didCreateDataSource().
std::unique_ptr<NavigationParams> pending_navigation_params_;
// Keeps track of which future subframes the browser process has history items
// for during a history navigation, as well as whether those items are for
// about:blank. The renderer process should ask the browser for history items
// when subframes with these names are created (as long as they are not
// staying at about:blank), and directly load the initial URLs for any other
// subframes.
// This state is incrementally cleared as it is used and then reset in
// didStopLoading, since it is not needed after the first load completes and
// is never used after the initial navigation.
// TODO(creis): Expand this to include any corresponding same-process
// PageStates for the whole subtree in
std::map<std::string, bool> history_subframe_unique_names_;
// Stores the current history item for this frame, so that updates to it can
// be reported to the browser process via SendUpdateState.
blink::WebHistoryItem current_history_item_;
// Current text input composition text. Empty if no composition is in
// progress.
base::string16 pepper_composition_text_;
PluginPowerSaverHelper* plugin_power_saver_helper_;
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* plugin_find_handler_;
RendererWebCookieJarImpl cookie_jar_;
// All the registered observers.
base::ObserverList<RenderFrameObserver> observers_;
scoped_refptr<ChildFrameCompositingHelper> compositing_helper_;
// External context menu requests we're waiting for. "Internal"
// (WebKit-originated) context menu events will have an ID of 0 and will not
// be in this map.
// We don't want to add internal ones since some of the "special" page
// handlers in the browser process just ignore the context menu requests so
// avoid showing context menus, and so this will cause right clicks to leak
// entries in this map. Most users of the custom context menu (e.g. Pepper
// plugins) are normally only on "regular" pages and the regular pages will
// always respond properly to the request, so we don't have to worry so
// much about leaks.
IDMap<ContextMenuClient, IDMapExternalPointer> pending_context_menus_;
// The text selection the last time DidChangeSelection got called. May contain
// additional characters before and after the selected text, for IMEs. The
// portion of this string that is the actual selected text starts at index
// |selection_range_.GetMin() - selection_text_offset_| and has length
// |selection_range_.length()|.
base::string16 selection_text_;
// The offset corresponding to the start of |selection_text_| in the document.
size_t selection_text_offset_;
// Range over the document corresponding to the actual selected text (which
// could correspond to a substring of |selection_text_|; see above).
gfx::Range selection_range_;
// Used to inform didChangeSelection() when it is called in the context
// of handling a InputMsg_SelectRange IPC.
bool handling_select_range_;
// The next group of objects all implement RenderFrameObserver, so are deleted
// along with the RenderFrame automatically. This is why we just store weak
// references.
// Destroyed via the RenderFrameObserver::OnDestruct() mechanism.
UserMediaClientImpl* web_user_media_client_;
// EncryptedMediaClient attached to this frame; lazily initialized.
// The media permission dispatcher attached to this frame.
std::unique_ptr<MediaPermissionDispatcher> media_permission_dispatcher_;
#if defined(ENABLE_MOJO_MEDIA)
// The media interface provider attached to this frame, lazily initialized.
std::unique_ptr<MediaInterfaceProvider> media_interface_provider_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Manages all media players and sessions in this render frame for
// communicating with the real media player and sessions in the
// browser process. It's okay to use raw pointers since they're both
// RenderFrameObservers.
RendererMediaPlayerManager* media_player_manager_;
RendererMediaSessionManager* media_session_manager_;
media::SurfaceManager* media_surface_manager_;
// Lazy-bound pointer to the RemoterFactory service in the browser
// process. Always use the GetRemoterFactory() accessor instead of this.
media::mojom::RemoterFactoryPtr remoter_factory_;
// An observer for the remoting sink availability that is used by
// media::RemotingCdmFactory to initialize media::RemotingSourceImpl. Created
// in the constructor of RenderFrameImpl to make sure
// media::RemotingSourceImpl be intialized with correct availability info.
// Own by media::RemotingCdmFactory after it is created.
std::unique_ptr<media::RemotingSinkObserver> remoting_sink_observer_;
// The CDM and decoder factory attached to this frame, lazily initialized.
std::unique_ptr<media::CdmFactory> cdm_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<media::DecoderFactory> decoder_factory_;
// Media resource cache, lazily initialized.
linked_ptr<media::UrlIndex> url_index_;
// The devtools agent for this frame; only created for main frame and
// local roots.
DevToolsAgent* devtools_agent_;
// The push messaging dispatcher attached to this frame, lazily initialized.
PushMessagingDispatcher* push_messaging_dispatcher_;
// The presentation dispatcher implementation attached to this frame, lazily
// initialized.
PresentationDispatcher* presentation_dispatcher_;
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::InterfaceRegistry> interface_registry_;
std::unique_ptr<service_manager::InterfaceProvider> remote_interfaces_;
std::unique_ptr<BlinkInterfaceProviderImpl> blink_interface_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<BlinkInterfaceRegistryImpl> blink_interface_registry_;
service_manager::ServiceInfo local_info_;
service_manager::ServiceInfo remote_info_;
// The Connector proxy used to connect to services.
service_manager::mojom::ConnectorPtr connector_;
// The screen orientation dispatcher attached to the frame, lazily
// initialized.
ScreenOrientationDispatcher* screen_orientation_dispatcher_;
// The Manifest Manager handles the manifest requests from the browser
// process.
ManifestManager* manifest_manager_;
// The current accessibility mode.
AccessibilityMode accessibility_mode_;
// Only valid if |accessibility_mode_| is anything other than
// AccessibilityModeOff.
RenderAccessibilityImpl* render_accessibility_;
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebBluetooth> bluetooth_;
// Manages play, pause notifications for WebMediaPlayer implementations; its
// lifetime is tied to the RenderFrame via the RenderFrameObserver interface.
media::RendererWebMediaPlayerDelegate* media_player_delegate_;
// Whether or not this RenderFrame is using Lo-Fi mode.
bool is_using_lofi_;
// Effective connection type when the document of this frame was fetched.
blink::WebEffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type_;
// Whether or not this RenderFrame is currently pasting.
bool is_pasting_;
// Whether we must stop creating nested message loops for modal dialogs. This
// is necessary because modal dialogs have a ScopedPageLoadDeferrer on the
// stack that interferes with swapping out.
bool suppress_further_dialogs_;
// The current and pending file chooser completion objects. If the queue is
// nonempty, the first item represents the currently running file chooser
// callback, and the remaining elements are the other file chooser completion
// still waiting to be run (in order).
struct PendingFileChooser;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<PendingFileChooser>> file_chooser_completions_;
// The external popup for the currently showing select popup.
std::unique_ptr<ExternalPopupMenu> external_popup_menu_;
std::unique_ptr<FrameBlameContext> blame_context_;
// Plugins -------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef std::set<PepperPluginInstanceImpl*> PepperPluginSet;
PepperPluginSet active_pepper_instances_;
// Whether or not the focus is on a PPAPI plugin
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* focused_pepper_plugin_;
// The plugin instance that received the last mouse event. It is set to NULL
// if the last mouse event went to elements other than Pepper plugins.
// |pepper_last_mouse_event_target_| is not owned by this class. We depend on
// the RenderFrameImpl to NULL it out when it destructs.
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* pepper_last_mouse_event_target_;
HostZoomLevels host_zoom_levels_;
mojo::Binding<mojom::Frame> frame_binding_;
mojo::AssociatedBinding<mojom::HostZoom> host_zoom_binding_;
mojom::FrameHostPtr frame_host_;
// Indicates whether |didAccessInitialDocument| was called.
bool has_accessed_initial_document_;
AssociatedInterfaceRegistryImpl associated_interfaces_;
// TODO(dcheng): Remove these members.
bool committed_first_load_ = false;
bool name_changed_before_first_commit_ = false;
bool browser_side_navigation_pending_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderFrameImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content