| // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #import "ios/web/navigation/crw_session_controller.h" |
| |
| #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> |
| |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/logging.h" |
| #import "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" |
| #include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" |
| #import "ios/web/navigation/crw_session_controller+private_constructors.h" |
| #include "ios/web/navigation/crw_session_entry.h" |
| #include "ios/web/navigation/navigation_item_impl.h" |
| #include "ios/web/public/referrer.h" |
| #include "ios/web/public/test/test_browser_state.h" |
| #include "ios/web/public/test/test_web_thread_bundle.h" |
| #import "net/base/mac/url_conversions.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest_mac.h" |
| #include "testing/platform_test.h" |
| |
| @interface CRWSessionController (Testing) |
| - (const GURL&)URLForSessionAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index; |
| - (const GURL&)currentURL; |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation CRWSessionController (Testing) |
| - (const GURL&)URLForSessionAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry = |
| static_cast<CRWSessionEntry*>([self.entries objectAtIndex:index]); |
| return entry.navigationItem->GetURL(); |
| } |
| |
| - (const GURL&)currentURL { |
| DCHECK([self currentEntry]); |
| return [self currentEntry].navigationItem->GetURL(); |
| } |
| @end |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| class CRWSessionControllerTest : public PlatformTest { |
| protected: |
| void SetUp() override { |
| session_controller_.reset( |
| [[CRWSessionController alloc] initWithWindowName:@"test window" |
| openerId:@"opener" |
| openedByDOM:NO |
| openerNavigationIndex:0 |
| browserState:&browser_state_]); |
| } |
| |
| web::Referrer MakeReferrer(const std::string& url) { |
| return web::Referrer(GURL(url), web::ReferrerPolicyDefault); |
| } |
| |
| web::TestWebThreadBundle thread_bundle_; |
| web::TestBrowserState browser_state_; |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionController> session_controller_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, InitWithWindowName) { |
| EXPECT_NSEQ(@"test window", [session_controller_ windowName]); |
| EXPECT_NSEQ(@"opener", [session_controller_ openerId]); |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ isOpenedByDOM]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ currentURL]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryWithCommittedEntries) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.committed.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.committed.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ currentURL]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryOverriding) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.another.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.another.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ currentURL]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryAndCommit) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryOverridingAndCommit) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.another.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.another.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryAndCommitMultiple) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.another.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.another.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:1U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryAndDiscard) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ discardNonCommittedEntries]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryAndDiscardAndAddAndCommit) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ discardNonCommittedEntries]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.another.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, AddPendingEntryAndCommitAndAddAndDiscard) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ discardNonCommittedEntries]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, |
| CommitPendingEntryWithoutPendingOrCommittedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, |
| CommitPendingEntryWithoutPendingEntryWithCommittedEntry) { |
| // Setup committed entry |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| // Commit pending entry when there is no such one |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, |
| DiscardPendingEntryWithoutPendingOrCommittedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ discardNonCommittedEntries]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, |
| DiscardPendingEntryWithoutPendingEntryWithCommittedEntry) { |
| // Setup committed entry |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| // Discard noncommitted entries when there is no such one |
| [session_controller_ discardNonCommittedEntries]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, UpdatePendingEntryWithoutPendingEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| updatePendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com")]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, UpdatePendingEntryWithPendingEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| updatePendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com")]; |
| |
| GURL("http://www.another.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ currentURL]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, |
| UpdatePendingEntryWithPendingEntryAlreadyCommited) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| updatePendingEntry:GURL("http://www.another.url.com")]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoBackWithoutCommitedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoBackWithSingleCommitedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoBackFromTheEnd) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url2.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoBackFromTheBeginning) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url2.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoBackFromTheMiddle) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url3.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url4.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(4U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url2.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url3.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:2U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url4.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:3U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:1U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoBackAndRemove) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| [session_controller_ removeEntryAtIndex:1]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| EXPECT_EQ([session_controller_ currentEntry], |
| [session_controller_ previousEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoForwardWithoutCommitedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoForwardWithSingleCommitedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:0U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoForewardFromTheEnd) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url2.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:1U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoForewardFromTheBeginning) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url2.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:1U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoForwardFromTheMiddle) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url3.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url4.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(4U, [[session_controller_ entries] count]); |
| GURL("http://www.url.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:0U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url2.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:1U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url3.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:2U]); |
| GURL("http://www.url4.com/"), |
| [session_controller_ URLForSessionAtIndex:3U]); |
| [[session_controller_ entries] objectAtIndex:2U], |
| [session_controller_ currentEntry]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CanGoBackWithoutCommitedEntry) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CanGoBackWithSingleCommitedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CanGoBackWithMultipleCommitedEntries) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url1.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_TRUE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| EXPECT_TRUE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CanGoForwardWithoutCommitedEntry) { |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CanGoForwardWithSingleCommitedEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoBack]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CanGoForwardWithMultipleCommitedEntries) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url1.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoForward]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_TRUE([session_controller_ canGoForward]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_TRUE([session_controller_ canGoForward]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| EXPECT_TRUE([session_controller_ canGoForward]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| EXPECT_FALSE([session_controller_ canGoForward]); |
| } |
| |
| // Helper to create a NavigationItem. Caller is responsible for freeing |
| // the memory. |
| web::NavigationItem* CreateNavigationItem(const std::string& url, |
| const std::string& referrer, |
| NSString* title) { |
| web::Referrer referrer_object(GURL(referrer), |
| web::ReferrerPolicyDefault); |
| web::NavigationItemImpl* navigation_item = new web::NavigationItemImpl(); |
| navigation_item->SetURL(GURL(url)); |
| navigation_item->SetReferrer(referrer_object); |
| navigation_item->SetTitle(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(title)); |
| navigation_item->SetTransitionType(ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED); |
| |
| return navigation_item; |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CreateWithEmptyNavigations) { |
| ScopedVector<web::NavigationItem> items; |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionController> controller( |
| [[CRWSessionController alloc] initWithNavigationItems:std::move(items) |
| currentIndex:0 |
| browserState:&browser_state_]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(controller.get().entries.count, 0U); |
| EXPECT_EQ(controller.get().currentNavigationIndex, -1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(controller.get().previousNavigationIndex, -1); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(controller.get().currentEntry); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, CreateWithNavList) { |
| ScopedVector<web::NavigationItem> items; |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.google.com", |
| "http://www.referrer.com", @"Google")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.yahoo.com", |
| "http://www.google.com", @"Yahoo")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.espn.com", |
| "http://www.nothing.com", @"ESPN")); |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionController> controller( |
| [[CRWSessionController alloc] initWithNavigationItems:std::move(items) |
| currentIndex:1 |
| browserState:&browser_state_]); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(controller.get().entries.count, 3U); |
| EXPECT_EQ(controller.get().currentNavigationIndex, 1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(controller.get().previousNavigationIndex, -1); |
| // Sanity check the current entry, the CRWSessionEntry unit test will ensure |
| // the entire object is created properly. |
| CRWSessionEntry* current_entry = controller.get().currentEntry; |
| EXPECT_EQ(current_entry.navigationItem->GetURL(), |
| GURL("http://www.yahoo.com")); |
| EXPECT_EQ([[controller openerId] length], 0UL); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, PreviousNavigationEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url1.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ |
| addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.url2.com") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.referer.com") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(session_controller_.get().previousNavigationIndex, 1); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(session_controller_.get().previousNavigationIndex, 2); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(session_controller_.get().previousNavigationIndex, 1); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(session_controller_.get().previousNavigationIndex, 0); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goForward]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(session_controller_.get().previousNavigationIndex, 1); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, PushNewEntry) { |
| ScopedVector<web::NavigationItem> items; |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.firstpage.com", |
| "http://www.starturl.com", @"First")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.secondpage.com", |
| "http://www.firstpage.com", @"Second")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.thirdpage.com", |
| "http://www.secondpage.com", @"Third")); |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionController> controller( |
| [[CRWSessionController alloc] initWithNavigationItems:std::move(items) |
| currentIndex:0 |
| browserState:&browser_state_]); |
| |
| GURL pushPageGurl1("http://www.firstpage.com/#push1"); |
| NSString* stateObject1 = @"{'foo': 1}"; |
| [controller pushNewEntryWithURL:pushPageGurl1 |
| stateObject:stateObject1 |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* pushedEntry = [controller currentEntry]; |
| web::NavigationItemImpl* pushedItem = pushedEntry.navigationItemImpl; |
| NSUInteger expectedCount = 2; |
| EXPECT_EQ(expectedCount, controller.get().entries.count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(pushPageGurl1, pushedEntry.navigationItem->GetURL()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(pushedItem->IsCreatedFromPushState()); |
| EXPECT_NSEQ(stateObject1, pushedItem->GetSerializedStateObject()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://www.firstpage.com/"), |
| pushedEntry.navigationItem->GetReferrer().url); |
| |
| // Add another new entry and check size and fields again. |
| GURL pushPageGurl2("http://www.firstpage.com/push2"); |
| [controller pushNewEntryWithURL:pushPageGurl2 |
| stateObject:nil |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK]; |
| pushedEntry = [controller currentEntry]; |
| pushedItem = pushedEntry.navigationItemImpl; |
| expectedCount = 3; |
| EXPECT_EQ(expectedCount, controller.get().entries.count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(pushPageGurl2, pushedEntry.navigationItem->GetURL()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(pushedItem->IsCreatedFromPushState()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(nil, pushedItem->GetSerializedStateObject()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(pushPageGurl1, pushedEntry.navigationItem->GetReferrer().url); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, IsPushStateNavigation) { |
| ScopedVector<web::NavigationItem> items; |
| items.push_back( |
| CreateNavigationItem("http://foo.com", "http://google.com", @"First")); |
| // Push state navigation. |
| items.push_back( |
| CreateNavigationItem("http://foo.com#bar", "http://foo.com", @"Second")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://google.com", |
| "http://foo.com#bar", @"Third")); |
| items.push_back( |
| CreateNavigationItem("http://foo.com", "http://google.com", @"Fourth")); |
| // Push state navigation. |
| items.push_back( |
| CreateNavigationItem("http://foo.com/bar", "http://foo.com", @"Fifth")); |
| // Push state navigation. |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://foo.com/bar#bar", |
| "http://foo.com/bar", @"Sixth")); |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionController> controller( |
| [[CRWSessionController alloc] initWithNavigationItems:std::move(items) |
| currentIndex:0 |
| browserState:&browser_state_]); |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry0 = [controller.get().entries objectAtIndex:0]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry1 = [controller.get().entries objectAtIndex:1]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry2 = [controller.get().entries objectAtIndex:2]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry3 = [controller.get().entries objectAtIndex:3]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry4 = [controller.get().entries objectAtIndex:4]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry5 = [controller.get().entries objectAtIndex:5]; |
| entry1.navigationItemImpl->SetIsCreatedFromPushState(true); |
| entry4.navigationItemImpl->SetIsCreatedFromPushState(true); |
| entry5.navigationItemImpl->SetIsCreatedFromPushState(true); |
| |
| [controller isPushStateNavigationBetweenEntry:entry0 andEntry:entry1]); |
| [controller isPushStateNavigationBetweenEntry:entry5 andEntry:entry3]); |
| [controller isPushStateNavigationBetweenEntry:entry4 andEntry:entry3]); |
| [controller isPushStateNavigationBetweenEntry:entry1 andEntry:entry2]); |
| [controller isPushStateNavigationBetweenEntry:entry0 andEntry:entry5]); |
| [controller isPushStateNavigationBetweenEntry:entry2 andEntry:entry4]); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, UpdateCurrentEntry) { |
| ScopedVector<web::NavigationItem> items; |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.firstpage.com", |
| "http://www.starturl.com", @"First")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.secondpage.com", |
| "http://www.firstpage.com", @"Second")); |
| items.push_back(CreateNavigationItem("http://www.thirdpage.com", |
| "http://www.secondpage.com", @"Third")); |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionController> controller( |
| [[CRWSessionController alloc] initWithNavigationItems:std::move(items) |
| currentIndex:0 |
| browserState:&browser_state_]); |
| |
| GURL replacePageGurl1("http://www.firstpage.com/#replace1"); |
| NSString* stateObject1 = @"{'foo': 1}"; |
| |
| // Replace current entry and check the size of history and fields of the |
| // modified entry. |
| [controller updateCurrentEntryWithURL:replacePageGurl1 |
| stateObject:stateObject1]; |
| CRWSessionEntry* replacedEntry = [controller currentEntry]; |
| web::NavigationItemImpl* replacedItem = replacedEntry.navigationItemImpl; |
| NSUInteger expectedCount = 3; |
| EXPECT_EQ(expectedCount, controller.get().entries.count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(replacePageGurl1, replacedEntry.navigationItem->GetURL()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(replacedItem->IsCreatedFromPushState()); |
| EXPECT_NSEQ(stateObject1, replacedItem->GetSerializedStateObject()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://www.starturl.com/"), |
| replacedEntry.navigationItem->GetReferrer().url); |
| |
| // Replace current entry and check size and fields again. |
| GURL replacePageGurl2("http://www.firstpage.com/#replace2"); |
| [controller.get() updateCurrentEntryWithURL:replacePageGurl2 stateObject:nil]; |
| replacedEntry = [controller currentEntry]; |
| replacedItem = replacedEntry.navigationItemImpl; |
| EXPECT_EQ(expectedCount, controller.get().entries.count); |
| EXPECT_EQ(replacePageGurl2, replacedEntry.navigationItem->GetURL()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(replacedItem->IsCreatedFromPushState()); |
| EXPECT_NSEQ(nil, replacedItem->GetSerializedStateObject()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(GURL("http://www.starturl.com/"), |
| replacedEntry.navigationItem->GetReferrer().url); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, TestBackwardForwardEntries) { |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/0") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/a") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/1") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/b") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/redirect") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/r") |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/2") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/c") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(3, session_controller_.get().currentNavigationIndex); |
| NSArray* backEntries = [session_controller_ backwardEntries]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [backEntries count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ forwardEntries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.example.com/1", |
| [[backEntries objectAtIndex:0] navigationItem]->GetURL().spec()); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ backwardEntries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1U, [[session_controller_ forwardEntries] count]); |
| |
| [session_controller_ goBack]; |
| NSArray* forwardEntries = [session_controller_ forwardEntries]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(0U, [[session_controller_ backwardEntries] count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2U, [forwardEntries count]); |
| EXPECT_EQ("http://www.example.com/2", |
| [[forwardEntries objectAtIndex:1] navigationItem]->GetURL().spec()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CRWSessionControllerTest, GoToEntry) { |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/0") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/a") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/1") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/b") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/redirect") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/r") |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| [session_controller_ addPendingEntry:GURL("http://www.example.com/2") |
| referrer:MakeReferrer("http://www.example.com/c") |
| transition:ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK |
| rendererInitiated:NO]; |
| [session_controller_ commitPendingEntry]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(3, session_controller_.get().currentNavigationIndex); |
| |
| CRWSessionEntry* entry1 = [session_controller_.get().entries objectAtIndex:1]; |
| [session_controller_ goToEntry:entry1]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, session_controller_.get().currentNavigationIndex); |
| |
| // Remove an entry and attempt to go it. Ensure it outlives the removal. |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWSessionEntry> entry3( |
| [[session_controller_.get().entries objectAtIndex:3] retain]); |
| [session_controller_ removeEntryAtIndex:3]; |
| [session_controller_ goToEntry:entry3]; |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, session_controller_.get().currentNavigationIndex); |
| } |
| |
| } // anonymous namespace |