blob: 7e3aae4ef6cc4f2b818fbc745204f47aca236ffb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "storage/browser/quota/quota_features.h"
namespace storage {
namespace features {
const base::Feature kQuotaExpandPoolSize{"QuotaExpandPoolSize",
constexpr base::FeatureParam<double> kExperimentalPoolSizeRatio{
&kQuotaExpandPoolSize, "PoolSizeRatio", 0.8};
constexpr base::FeatureParam<double> kPerHostRatio{&kQuotaExpandPoolSize,
"PerHostRatio", 0.75};
// StaticHostQuota enables a simpler per-host quota model, where the quota is
// only based on disk capacity (partition size). When the flag is disabled, the
// quota computation takes into account free disk space, in addition to the
// disk's total capacity.
const base::Feature kStaticHostQuota{"StaticHostQuota",
// QuotaUnlimitedPoolSize removes limitations around disk space consumption with
// respect to client-side storage web platform APIs. When enabled, quota will
// set no limit on how much space a single origin can consume, as well as
// removing limits on how much disk space the temporary pool can consume.
const base::Feature kQuotaUnlimitedPoolSize{"QuotaUnlimitedPoolSize",
// IncognitoDynamicQuota enables dynamic assignment of quota to incognito mode
// based on the physical memory size and removes the fixed upper cap for it.
const base::Feature kIncognitoDynamicQuota{"IncognitoDynamicQuota",
// Dynamic quota for incognito mode would be set by a random fraction of
// physical memory, between |IncognitoQuotaRatioLowerBound| and
// |IncognitoQuotaRatioUpperBound|.
constexpr base::FeatureParam<double> kIncognitoQuotaRatioLowerBound{
&kIncognitoDynamicQuota, "IncognitoQuotaRatioLowerBound", 0.1};
constexpr base::FeatureParam<double> kIncognitoQuotaRatioUpperBound{
&kIncognitoDynamicQuota, "IncognitoQuotaRatioUpperBound", 0.2};
} // namespace features
} // namespace storage