blob: d762a0ea94d7d1e4cb9141607c6079d5d5c67b28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace chromecast {
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecNone = 0b000000;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecAc3 = 0b000001;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecDts = 0b000010;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecDtsHd = 0b000100;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecEac3 = 0b001000;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecPcmSurround = 0b010000;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecMpegHAudio = 0b100000;
constexpr int kBitstreamAudioCodecAll = 0b111111;
std::string BitstreamAudioCodecsToString(int codecs);
} // namespace chromecast